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Originally posted by Nehru:
Mits, YUh mean Sadar, right? Cause I understand Sadarin to be Female Driver.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Mits, Cheddi ever wipe he batty wid Baama Grass??? yippie yippie

He father was a driver / sadarin... most likely dem had ovaltine can fuh dip water and wash. Big Grin

You right! Smile
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Jagdeo should be given an award for cleaning up the freedom fighters and taming the PNC bandits. ahahhaha

Hasn't news yet reached you that the so called bandits were members of the Roger Khan gang? Jagdeo made sure Khan get catch and locked up, and that Roger's gang members get silenced somehow.
And you say Jagdeo aint SMART. SHAME on you now.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Jagdeo should be given an award for cleaning up the freedom fighters and taming the PNC bandits. ahahhaha

Hasn't news yet reached you that the so called bandits were members of the Roger Khan gang? Jagdeo made sure Khan get catch and locked up, and that Roger's gang members get silenced somehow.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Hasn't news yet reached you that the so called bandits were members of the Roger Khan gang? Jagdeo made sure Khan get catch and locked up, and that Roger's gang members get silenced somehow.

All the more reason for him to get an award, he got a two for one with Khan. Get him to do the dirty work then send him off to jail. Just plain brilliant. hahahaha

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