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Former Member

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo has made an appeal to the diaspora in the United States to help Guyana protect its democracy and the separation of powers locally.

He has since made a made a direct appeal to the International Center for Democracy (ICD) – on Friday evening at the Russo on the Bay, Cross Bay Boulevard, and Howard Beach, New York where he was invited as guest Speaker.

The former Guyanese President was at the time speaking at the launch of the International Centre for Democracy, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) which is seeking to promote and implement programs, sustain and strengthen freedom and democracy, empower vulnerable groups to effectively participate in national and regional development, end hunger and poverty, and establish social justice as non-negotiable national goals and obligations.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the gathering on Friday evening at the Russon on the Bay, Cross Bay Boulevard, and Howard Beach, New York


Speaking to the large gathering of members of the diaspora, the former President appealed for supporters to lobby leaders in the diaspora to guard and safeguard democracy in Guyana.
“We have a lot of leaders in the United States… Please use your influence to lobby them to protect democracy in Guyana and in other countries,” according to the Former President.

He told those in the diaspora, “I want to ask all to help us in Guyana to build democracy and protect the separation of power… Get involved.”

The former President, addressing the launching, used the occasion to also remind of the need for “far-reaching constitutional changes.”
According to the former President, “The Ethnic Relations Commission is not functioning.”

He has also accused the newly formed Social Cohesion Ministry of being used in a partisan manner, “and dividing our people.”
Jagdeo was adamant this Government is only focusing on oil to be the solution for Guyana. But he said, “Oil can be a blessing or a curse… Oil can cause runaway price increase for the poor.” Jagdeo added, “There is no fairness anymore.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I do recall that consorting with those PPP types got John Sampson tossed in jail. I suggest that those black politicians proceed with care and not hang their mouths out for soup. 

Roxanne also is based in an area with a decent Afro Guyanese population so needs to be aware that these pictures will be used to imply that she is a PPP supporter, and this might not make her look good.

Last edited by Former Member

Roxanne is a friend of the Indo-Guyanese community.  She is not a racist like you.  Funny how you were cussing Jagdeo that he runs a coolie party and now that he has widened his support base you have something new and negative to say.  This thread is not about racism.  But those who have nothing good to say will swing into race territory.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Roxanne is a friend of the Indo-Guyanese community.  .

I think she likes those dollars that she got but she might join Sampson in jail if she isn't careful.

Her responsibility is to her constituency in Brooklyn and being used by a known racist like Jagdeo, so that he can pretend that he has black support is not a good use of her time.

What you should be focusing on is why the majority of the blacks in the room are black politicians based in the USA who shouldn't be involved in Guyanese politics.  I bet if they were at a PNC fundraiser you would have lots to say.

Last edited by Former Member

And given that Jagdeo uses his trips to NYC to foment racial anxiety its quite appropriate to bring up race as race is all that Jagdeo is about now that the PPP is openly ROAR II.

We do recall a trip to Queens when he screamed that "we gun tek back Guyana for us", defining "us" to mean the rural Indian PPP base. Even his former colleague Ramkarran had to speak on this.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who are you to tell her how to use her time?  She is her own boss and doesn't stoop to those who are hell bent on being divisive.

Yes she can use her own time, be cited as a PPP supporter when those in her district who care about Guyana loathe them. And she can play footsie with the same people who landed John Sampson in jail. He went hunting for campaign contributions as are all of those US based black politicians who should NOT be involved in the politics of another country.

caribny posted:

I do recall that consorting with those PPP types got John Sampson tossed in jail. I suggest that those black politicians proceed with care and not hang their mouths out for soup. 

Roxanne also is based in an area with a decent Afro Guyanese population so needs to be aware that these pictures will be used to imply that she is a PPP supporter, and this might not make her look good.



Bibi Haniffa posted:

Economist Sase Singh with Jagdeo.



Sasenarine Singh a Finance Expert, not an Economist


Dear Editor,
My academic credentials are as follows:
1.  A Degree in Accountancy;
2.  A Masters in Finance;
3.  A Certified Chartered Accountant;
4.  An Executive MBA Diploma
I have never offered to the Press that I was an Economist and thus I would like if you can correct this with immediate effect.
I prefer to be labeled as a Finance Expert.
Sasenarine Singh


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who are you to tell her how to use her time?  She is her own boss and doesn't stoop to those who are hell bent on being divisive.

Jagdeo is the one who is always being divisive.



After reviewing a broadcast of the speech made by former President Bharrat Jagdeo at Port Mourant

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

last month, the Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says the remarks he made were racially divisive.
The MMU, on Tuesday made public its first report on the media’s coverage of the election campaign where it addressed the public outcry over Jagdeo’s delivery at a Memorial Ceremony held for former President and founder-leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
Noting that Jagdeo’s delivery at the Corentyne, Berbice memorial site on March 8, last, had been broadcast on national television, National Communications Network (NCN), the MMU said that this opened the way for it to address the matter.
The report on the March 1 to March 31 period, focused on part of Jagdeo’s speech which it noted stirred significant negative public reactions.
The controversial part of the speech it focused on reads “…but they consistently, they shout about racism of the PPP, but they practise racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro- Guyanese villages and beat some drums at 6 o’clock in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up, go out and vote, throw out the coolie people. That’s the kind of language they use. Anybody from our party who uses that sort of language, we will kick them out. This is our approach.”
The MMU said that this was sourced from NCN TV which broadcast Jagdeo’s entire speech the following day.
After reviewing the remarks made, the Unit took the position that it was obvious that Jagdeo was using a racial mobilization incident that allegedly occurred during the 2011 elections to make the point that racism will not be tolerated by his political party, the PPP/C.
For the record, the MMU said that Jagdeo’s speech was the first time such details were ever publicly disclosed by anyone from the ruling PPP/C, the opposition political parties, local civil society, international elections observers, or the media.
The body noted that on the face of it, this is salutary. “However, what was palpably disconcerting about the remarks made is where they were uttered, the occasion on which they were stated, and the immediate receptors of the message.”
The MMU is of the view that it would be counter intuitive to view Dr. Jagdeo’s comments in isolation from the environment in which they were uttered.
“At close up, he was speaking in a known PPP/C stronghold, before a predominantly East Indian audience, and, to boot, in a highly-charged political and ethnic environment,” it said.
“Taking into consideration the historically and politically influenced divisions that persists up to now between Africans and East Indians in this country, and which are usually more pronounced during elections periods, the Unit came to the conclusion that the anecdotal illustration used by Dr. Jagdeo to make his point about racism, boomeranged disastrously, since it came over as a calculated exploitation, for political purposes, of the known fears and insecurities of one section of the population – East Indians.”
The Unit added that it is within the foregoing context, that it concluded that the remarks made by Jagdeo “were racially divisive and should have been edited by all sections of the media that broadcast or printed the remarks verbatim.
The media was reminded that the airing/publication of the comments as is, was a breach of Section B (1) of the Media Code of Conduct (MCC), which among other things state, that the media should “…refrain from publishing or broadcasting any matter with the potential for, or likelihood of promoting or inciting hatred of any kind (including ethnic and political hatred)…”
The unit said that it observed that two television stations aired Jagdeo’s speech in full, while one newspaper and some online news sites carried only the excerpted part.
It noted that many media houses from both the state and private media shied away from reproducing the full speech or the contentious part thereof.
“The actions of these media houses should not go unmentioned, hence,` we unhesitatingly take a quality time out to commend them for their nous and adherence, in this instance, to the MCC,” the body ended.

Last edited by Mitwah
Django posted:

 Launch of the International Centre for Democracy, a non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Prince,any info who are the members of the NGO ??

Are you fishing for info for your friend Soulja Boy

alena06 posted:
Django posted:

 Launch of the International Centre for Democracy, a non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Prince,any info who are the members of the NGO ??

Are you fishing for info for your friend Soulja Boy

Nah just curious,something is fishy about this NGO.

click onlink to meet the team

and here to donate

The website template is from Weebly

used it one time for my  business website.

Last edited by Django

With the large  number of photographs allowed with cell phones and digital cameras, pictures should be taken in groups of three images of the same scene. With at least one copy might not be blurred and  good to use, then  deleting the rest.

It looks like Irfaan Ali borrow dat jacket from me lil buddy on Liberty, Ram-say-wak. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Roxanne is a friend of the Indo-Guyanese community.  She is not a racist like you.  Funny how you were cussing Jagdeo that he runs a coolie party and now that he has widened his support base you have something new and negative to say.  This thread is not about racism.  But those who have nothing good to say will swing into race territory.  

What do you mean Roxanne is a friend of the Indo- Guyanese community. Roxanne is part of the Indo-Guyanese community.

alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Irfaan Ali with US Senator Roxanne Persaud.


This pic will give the Brooklyn crew a heart attack

You think so.  Roxanne might get the heart attack when some one tells them that she is a PPP supporter.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Vrinda Jagan with Colin Moore, long time PPP supporter since the 1950s.


Bibi he isn't a PPP supporter now.  Thank Jagdeo for that.

Carib - you are a lying racist.  Here is Colin and Bharrat last Friday night. 



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  • 19665626_1943593085919291_621535161287658427_n[1]
Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Vrinda Jagan with Colin Moore, long time PPP supporter since the 1950s.


Bibi he isn't a PPP supporter now.  Thank Jagdeo for that.

Carib - you are a lying racist.  Here is Colin and Bharrat last Friday night. 


Bibi Obama and Trump hugged. Does this make Obama a Trump supporter?

Collin Moore is a man who has a deep interest in Guyana and so will go to any function involving that nation. He was also deeply involved with Granger when he visited a few weeks ago.

Now discuss why he is the only black man in the picture, aside from a few black politicians who are there to hunt down campaign contributions.  One would think that this was the Punjabi Association with Collin as the honored guest. All that is missing are the Sikhs.

Please don't tell me that you think that Nick Perry, a Jamaican, cares one fig about the PPP or even about Guyana as a whole.  I  bet he left with several thousand for his campaign coffers in exchange for helping Jagdeo pretend that blacks showed up to his event.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

These are the only Punjabi people who were there.


So you found two more. Good girl. Why the room wasn't at least 25% consisting of GUYANESE blacks becomes of interest given that I cannot recall the last day that I have heard anyone say nice things about APNU.


Django posted:
alena06 posted:
Django posted:

 Launch of the International Centre for Democracy, a non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Prince,any info who are the members of the NGO ??

Are you fishing for info for your friend Soulja Boy

Nah just curious,something is fishy about this NGO.

click onlink to meet the team

and here to donate

The website template is from Weebly

used it one time for my  business website.

Maybe I am doing something wrong but I couldn't find anything on members. I did see a lot of pictures though with some people I recognize.


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