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August 1, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters


Published in Kaieteur News August 1st, 2012.



Dear Editor,

Recently, I was asked to evaluate President Ramotar’s eight months in office and I would like to respond by stating that I attached myself to the PPP/Civic in the last elections with the proviso, made clear to the public and to Mr. Ramotar, that I was following the principles of my father, President Cheddi, when he invented the term “critical support” during some of his years in opposition. I supported the presidential bid of Ramotar expecting certain principles to be upheld, which he agreed to, even in public; however, I have reserved the right to criticize wrong policies which will lead to conflicts, like in Linden.

Concerning local elections, which Mr.Ramotar promised, there is no visible preparation and a year is almost up. The imposition of Interim Management Committees in different areas of our country is a clear violation of what was promised, and will lead to conflict and chaos in the end.

There is absolutely no compromise on my part on the issue of local elections. President Cheddi made sure that local elections were held on his watch, whereas Mr. Jagdeo obviously had no interest in local elections, and that is why the country will face serious political difficulties. Local elections are the bulwark of any democracy, and to delay those elections is a slap in the face of the Guyanese people – we deserve better. Mr. Ramotar should proceed to disband IMCs and have local elections; let’s have our God-given right.

Concerning the status of the Civic component of the PPP/Civic and as a candidate who is not allowed into the PPP party (I have been refused PPP membership; I wonder why – maybe the PPP supporters should ask why), I was made to understand by Mr..Ramotar that President  Cheddi’s  wish of a strong Civic would  be realized after the 2011 elections – instead there is virtually no Civic.

I have constantly written Mr. Ramotar concerning this issue and to this day, have never received a response from him; no meeting, no consultations, no contact with anyone from the virtual “Civic”. Mr. Sam Hinds was given the mandate by my father to develop and strengthen the Civic but to this day, he has done nothing to carry out that great man’s dream.

I feel that since Mr. Ralph Ramkarran has resigned from the PPP, then he should head the Civic component, and I’m sure he would carry out President Cheddi’s wishes to strengthen and expand the Civic component – a real necessity, since the PPP has been unable to win a clear victory in the last elections. Furthermore, Mr. Ramkarran should be made Prime Minister, to strengthen his position and carry out President Cheddi’s mandate. As I said before, Mr. Hinds’ handling of the Linden debacle and his mishandling of the mining sector warrants his removal from the PM’s office, not to mention his over-extended tenure as PM and his complete failure to help the people of Linden over the 20 years as PM.  Mr.Ramotar should do as President Cheddi wished and dreamt of.

Where are the radio licences for freedom of the press that Ramotar promised?  Where are the tax and customs reforms which Jagdeo failed to do and are long overdue? When will our only city be given a needed facelift and a cleaner environment? When will all these expensive ministries be cut from Jagdeo’s reckless 24 ministries? When will our villages be given the real support they need to survive and prosper? Are we really fighting corruption in a sustained way or are we protecting “comrades” when it’s jail time coming?

The supporters of the PPP need to ask these questions now as we sink into conflict while Mr.Ramotar seems incapable of far-reaching reform in our dear country.


President Ramotar should remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi:”Blind is not he who has lost his eyes but he who hides his shortcomings. He, who searches the branch and forgets the root, searches in vain. Man’s capacity for self-deception is amazing. When God is our Guide we need worry about nothing. He, who is shamed into acting correctly, is not acting correctly at all. He, who wants to please all, will please none. A wrong ceases to be a wrong only if it is righted. To think good thoughts is one thing; to act upon them is another. The fear of the gun disappears when it has been fired”.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where are the radio licences for freedom of the press that Ramotar promised?  Where are the tax and customs reforms which Jagdeo failed to do and are long overdue? When will our only city be given a needed facelift and a cleaner environment? When will all these expensive ministries be cut from Jagdeo’s reckless 24 ministries? When will our villages be given the real support they need to survive and prosper? Are we really fighting corruption in a sustained way or are we protecting “comrades” when it’s jail time coming?

President Cheddi is dead. Both Joey and his sister trying to hang on to the coat tail and fame and create a Jagan dynasty. They should realize they are not important anymore to Guyanese. The Burnham descendants had more fame than them, but you don't hear a squeak from them. Time for Joey to suck it up and go join the PNC or AFC if he is politically inclined. It's better to be an embarrassment to them than clinging on to a dead past. The man think he is royalty.
Originally Posted by TI:
President Cheddi is dead. Both Joey and his sister trying to hang on to the coat tail and fame and create a Jagan dynasty. They should realize they are not important anymore to Guyanese. The Burnham descendants had more fame than them, but you don't hear a squeak from them. Time for Joey to suck it up and go join the PNC or AFC if he is politically inclined. It's better to be an embarrassment to them than clinging on to a dead past. The man think he is royalty.

I do agree with you about Joey.


But face facts Joey is raising some pertinent points. Not callong local Gov't elections and having IMC's is like being in Russia.

Joey is indeed a soup drinker. He is hoping his son take over the PPP and continue the dynasty. With all these issues he is raising, he should have stepped over to the AFC and bring over his followers if he is serious.

The PPP was never an organization belonging to the Jagans. It was and always will be the peoples party.


They will all die, but the party will be there forever in the future.


The grass root should run all dem out of Freedom House.

Originally Posted by TI:
Joey is indeed a soup drinker. He is hoping his son take over the PPP and continue the dynasty. With all these issues he is raising, he should have stepped over to the AFC and bring over his followers if he is serious.


His 10 followers ?


Recently, I was asked to evaluate President Ramotar’s eight months in office and I would like to respond by stating that I attached myself to the PPP/Civic in the last elections with the proviso, made clear to the public and to Mr. Ramotar, that I was following the principles of my father, President Cheddi, when he invented the term “critical support” during some of his years in opposition. I supported the presidential bid of Ramotar expecting certain principles to be upheld, which he agreed to, even in public; however, I have reserved the right to criticize wrong policies which will lead to conflicts, like in Linden.

Under the PNC"critical support" was another word for "sell out". Cheddi did not care for the grassroots in the PPP. He went out of his way to sell out his supporters by offering Joey's Godfather LFS Burnham critical support.

Joey should leave the PPP and start pulling out "Daag teeth"


The people of Linden want to hear Chutney music and they are unable to do so since the broadcast frequency of radio stations on the Coast does not reach that far. Therefore, Lindeners been asking the gov't for years to give permission for a radio station to operate in the area. The PPP gov't have thus far denied this request.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The people of Linden want to hear Chutney music and they are unable to do so since the broadcast frequency of radio stations on the Coast does not reach that far. Therefore, Lindeners been asking the gov't for years to give permission for a radio station to operate in the area. The PPP gov't have thus far denied this request.

Blackman agony as sport . . . hmmmm


abe pan tap

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Shut your mouth Dondada.  He will give you critical support by pulling out all of them stink rotten teeth out of your mouth.  You too stupid to understand the doctor's letter.

My teeth are as white and strong as pearl. Joey is Cheddi's devil. I have more respect for Nadira.


Joey has to be consistent or no one will take him seriously.  He is a good speaker and he has some good ideas.  But one minute he is against the government then the next minute he is for the government then the next minute he is against the government again then the next minute he is for the government again.  Joey have to be consistent like Nadira. We may not agree with everything that she says but she is consistent.  That speaks for integrity because we know where she stands on issues.


That is a bunch of complete nonsense. You should have taken the time to read the letter before mouthing nonsense here. Dr.Joey clearly said in the letter  "I supported the presidential bid of Ramotar expecting certain principles to be upheld, which he agreed to, even in public"


So for you to say that Dr.Joey is a flip flop is just a complete bunch of nonsense from you. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Joey has raised points that the administration needs to take seriously. He campaigned for the PPP party and Ramotar would do well to listen to some of Joey's comments. 

You must be a truly naive guy.  The PPP only holds national elections because they have to.  There have been no local govt elections sinc 1994 (ALMOST TWENTY YEARS!!!!) and it appears as if none are to be held in the near future.  The PPP knows why.

If Joey was a PPP man of any substance, why would he resort to writing letters in the press to be heard, instead of raising it internally? I suspect he is merely regarded as the PPP court jester and ignored by the party.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Joey has raised points that the administration needs to take seriously. He campaigned for the PPP party and Ramotar would do well to listen to some of Joey's comments. 

You must be a truly naive guy.  The PPP only holds national elections because they have to.  There have been no local govt elections sinc 1994 (ALMOST TWENTY YEARS!!!!) and it appears as if none are to be held in the near future.  The PPP knows why.

The PPP holds national elections because they have to? What nonsense it that? So the USA does the same doesn't it? Guyana is a democracy and elections are held as prescribed by the Constitution. And they are free and fair.

Originally Posted by TI:
If Joey was a PPP man of any substance, why would he resort to writing letters in the press to be heard, instead of raising it internally? I suspect he is merely regarded as the PPP court jester and ignored by the party.

Dude, the muslim way is not to speak of a brothers ills in public but in the Prelacyor whatever you guys call your sanctioning body in the mosque. However, this is political opinion. It is with respect to the polis ie the people. It is for public ventilation especially since there was a quid pro quo on these issues between joey and Ramotar.


If this Chap Joey had only woken up in 2011 and joined the AFC, the PPP would have been out of power.



All it takes in plurality.  One does not need 50% to get into power.


According to the PPP internal poll - the PPP is at 40%, AFC at 29% and PNC at 28%.


The AFC just got to gain 6% of the PPP support and Guyana will be different forever TO CONTINUE THE CHEDDI JAGAN DREAMS.


1. Lean, clean and mean;


2.  Grow more food;


3. Export more, import less;


4.  End squander-mania;


5.  Reduce the economic divide between the rich and the poor.


If Cheddi could have gotten wind of Donald son getting $3 million a month from the ICT Project being currently paid by the National Frequency Management Unit headed by one Valmiki Singh.


The Gail who getting $1 million a month from OP currently paid from the Contingency Fund illegally.



I want to see what the APNU will do next week, when they got to vote of legalising the illegal charges on the CONTINGENCY Funds to pay Gail.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Joey had an opportunity to stand with the decent people like Moses during the last elections instead he put his mouth where the soup is now today he ain't get no soup.

Jagan's "critical support" of the PNC accelerated the demise of the nation and the further enslavement of it's Indian masses.


Hear Cheddi;


the state must always protect the poor.



Hear Cheddi again;


If we want to get out of poverty, we must not put all our eggs in one basket.


But Jagdeo put all the eggs in Bubby Ramroop basket.



Hear Cheddi Again;


we must consume what we produce.


yet the jagdeoites stifling the diary industry because their best buddy at Geddes Grant that is connected to Anand Parasad from Stand Cinema and NTN - GOT TO IMPORT THE STUFF.



 "the state must always protect the poor"



"I supported the presidential bid of Ramotar expecting certain principles to be upheld, which he agreed to, even in public"





That is the greatness of Dr Cheddi Jagan and Dr Joey Jagan they always care about poor people of Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad

Joey is yet to become a serious politician. The respect he gets comes from his parents' selfless struggle for the poor and disadvantaged. Lets hope he plays a positive role in helping Guyana and not be just a bystander waiting for an opportunity to weigh in on every contentious issue.

Billy Ram Balgobin

the problem with joey is,he make himself a foot ball,the ppp keep kicking him at will.if he make a stand he can still turn the indians away from the ppp.MOSES did it in berbice,with ralph and joey in the AFC the ppp will be in more trouble.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Hear Cheddi;


the state must always protect the poor.



Hear Cheddi again;


If we want to get out of poverty, we must not put all our eggs in one basket.


But Jagdeo put all the eggs in Bubby Ramroop basket.



Hear Cheddi Again;


we must consume what we produce.


yet the jagdeoites stifling the diary industry because their best buddy at Geddes Grant that is connected to Anand Parasad from Stand Cinema and NTN - GOT TO IMPORT THE STUFF.

Unfortunately, it is exactly what he left, a nation in poverty and hordes of canecutters scraping a meager living out of the fields. Shows, it takes more than words and intentions to deliver results.


President Ramoutar will not call a snap election which will probably strengthen his position by winning a majority.  The longer he waits the harder it will be for him to achieve his goal of winning a majority.

Despite the infighting and bickering within the AFC, thta party is getting stronger.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

President Ramoutar will not call a snap election which will probably strengthen his position by winning a majority.  The longer he waits the harder it will be for him to achieve his goal of winning a majority.

Despite the infighting and bickering within the AFC, thta party is getting stronger.

Uncle Rama did you hear about the three polls including the one PPP did? PPP = 40%; PNC = 30%; AFC = 30%? The thing could go down to a three way split. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

President Ramoutar will not call a snap election which will probably strengthen his position by winning a majority.  The longer he waits the harder it will be for him to achieve his goal of winning a majority.

Despite the infighting and bickering within the AFC, thta party is getting stronger.

Uncle Rama did you hear about the three polls including the one PPP did? PPP = 40%; PNC = 30%; AFC = 30%? The thing could go down to a three way split. 

You need to get real TK, I think even you know it's wishful thinking.   In Guyana seh seh don't translate to votes, you know that very well.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

President Ramoutar will not call a snap election which will probably strengthen his position by winning a majority.  The longer he waits the harder it will be for him to achieve his goal of winning a majority.

Despite the infighting and bickering within the AFC, thta party is getting stronger.

Uncle Rama did you hear about the three polls including the one PPP did? PPP = 40%; PNC = 30%; AFC = 30%? The thing could go down to a three way split. 

You need to get real TK, I think even you know it's wishful thinking.   In Guyana seh seh don't translate to votes, you know that very well.

Very solid point Baseman.  Guyanese voters are know to be very clever in their response to pollster especially that KWAK Pollster Visnu Bisram who still in the closet.


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