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August 11, 2012 | By Kaieteur News | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Mr. Editor,

In reference to the letter by Rose et al. in KN a few days ago, there are some who might say that “Joey” just recently supported the PPP in the last elections and now, only eight months later, he now criticizes this Ramotar government; there are others who might say that “Joey” didn’t get position or money and that is why he is critical. I want the public to understand that when I campaigned with the PPP in 2011, I made it crystal clear that I was offering the PPP “critical support”, an invention of my father when he was in opposition to the PNC rule. I was denied  membership in the PPP and told that I was in the Civic component, which I found out quickly, was a farce because PM Sam Hinds never carried out the mandate given by President Cheddi. But Mr. Ramotar promised that after the elections he would convene and strengthen the Civic- to this day he has never even tried to accomplish this, even after I wrote him on many occasions – not even an acknowledgement of my letters which covered many pertinent topics, such as corruption, the art of compromise and accommodation with the opposition, etc. I am willing to release all my correspondence with Ramotar to the general public at anytime.

I have never, at any time, asked the PPP for position, power or monetary largesse – I operate at a different level than those who run the PPP today and my father always told me to look at the other side of the coin when one is making decisions in life and that is why I do not regret supporting the PPP – because there’s no Civic after Hinds’ betrayal of my father’s wishes – as I saw firsthand how they operate from the ground up and how they think. I met good people in the PPP who still long for my father’s presence but they have to pick his cudgel up and change the outlook of this great party that Jagan built and Jagdeo pulled down, with the assistance of the Robert Persauds.


Mr. Editor, the campaign which was headed by Robert Persaud was a disaster with his concentration on “hip-gyration politics”, wastage of money, having Jagdeo act like a toothless pitbull, talking “stupidness” most of the time and Ramotar’s failures to keep the grass roots organization intact while doing nothing much to solve local concerns nationwide – and then Persaud is rewarded with a Ministry he can never run, especially when one looks at his dismal record at Agriculture. This man is so full of ambition to be President of Guyana when he is way out of his abilities especially in the new ministry Ramotar (Jagdeo) specially created for him –

no wonder the miners have called for his removal. I can assure everyone that the day the PPP endorses Robert Persaud for the presidential spot is the day Guyana is finished as a nation.

But what bothers me about the PPP is the absence of Jagan’s fire in the belly to speak up; like the Ramkarran situation where no one from the PPP voices an opinion of support for the idea that Ramkarran, since he departed the PPP, should be made Prime Minister and given, besides Hinds’ overall responsibilities in Government, direct responsibility to head and organize a strong Civic component to satisfy the express wishes of Jagan. So, Editor, I apologize to Rose et al. for my positions in the past, but with no regrets because I follow the political principles of Mahatma Gandhi and I quote his words:

“I would like to say to the diligent reader of my writings and political positions and to others who are interested in them that I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent in my search after truth. I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things. Old as I am in age, I have no feeling that I have ceased to grow inwardly or that growth will stop at the dissolution of the flesh. What I am concerned with is my readiness to obey the call of truth, my God, from moment to moment, and therefore, when anybody finds any inconsistency between any two writings or political position of mine, if he still has faith in my sanity, he would do well to choose the latter of the two on the same subject.”

Mr. Editor, the goodness, humility and progressive nature of President Cheddi’s PPP is no longer with us as these factors are now supplanted by the current leaders with ”onto thyself”, “an eye for an eye” and “winner take all”, a policy dictated by former President Jagdeo and followed by Mr. Ramotar.

I have told Mr. Ramotar repeatedly that he’d have to practice the political art of compromise and reason with the opposition but my words fell on deaf ears and that is why Mr. Ramotar should heed the words of the Mahatma: ”Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. We shut the doors of reason when we refuse to listen to our opponents or, having listened, make fun of them. If intolerance becomes a habit, we run the risk of missing the truth. Whilst with the limits that nature has put upon our understanding, we must act fearlessly according to the light vouchsafed to us, we must always keep an open mind and be ever ready to find that what we believed to be truth was, after all, untruth. This openness of mind strengthens the truth in us and removes the cross from it if there is any.”

Regardless of the character assassination of President Cheddi by the Freddie Kissoons of Guyana, Jagan still remains the Matahma of Guyana and just as the Congress Party which Gandhi built fell apart by corruption, nepotism and greed, the same will happen to the PPP as it sheds the great principles which Jagan operated under for all of his political career.


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Regardless of the character assassination of President Cheddi by the Freddie Kissoons of Guyana, Jagan still remains the Matahma of Guyana and just as the Congress Party which Gandhi built fell apart by corruption, nepotism and greed, the same will happen to the PPP as it sheds the great principles which Jagan operated under for all of his political career'


This i totally agree with Dr Jagan. The next 4 years will be evaluated to see if President will be business as usual or he will take stepts to deal with the diseases mentioned by Dr Jagan. The BALL is in your Court Mr President!


JOEY: "Mr. Editor, the campaign which was headed by Robert Persaud was a disaster with his concentration on “hip-gyration politics”, wastage of money, having Jagdeo act like a toothless pitbull, talking “stupidness” most of the time and Ramotar’s failures to keep the grass roots organization intact while doing nothing much to solve local concerns nationwide – and then Persaud is rewarded with a Ministry he can never run, especially when one looks at his dismal record at Agriculture. This man is so full of ambition to be President of Guyana when he is way out of his abilities especially in the new ministry Ramotar (Jagdeo) specially created for him –"




Completely agree with that. The greatest gift the PPP gives to the opposition is Jagdeo. If he continues his back office control the PPP is history.  

Originally Posted by Prashad:
August 11, 2012 | By Kaieteur News | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Mr. Editor,

In reference to the letter by Rose et al. in KN a few days ago, there are some who might say that “Joey” just recently supported the PPP in the last elections and now, only eight months later, he now criticizes this Ramotar government; there are others who might say that “Joey” didn’t get position or money and that is why he is critical. I want the public to understand that when I campaigned with the PPP in 2011, I made it crystal clear that I was offering the PPP “critical support”, an invention of my father when he was in opposition to the PNC rule. I was denied  membership in the PPP and told that I was in the Civic component, which I found out quickly, was a farce because PM Sam Hinds never carried out the mandate given by President Cheddi. But Mr. Ramotar promised that after the elections he would convene and strengthen the Civic- to this day he has never even tried to accomplish this, even after I wrote him on many occasions – not even an acknowledgement of my letters which covered many pertinent topics, such as corruption, the art of compromise and accommodation with the opposition, etc. I am willing to release all my correspondence with Ramotar to the general public at anytime.

I have never, at any time, asked the PPP for position, power or monetary largesse – I operate at a different level than those who run the PPP today and my father always told me to look at the other side of the coin when one is making decisions in life and that is why I do not regret supporting the PPP – because there’s no Civic after Hinds’ betrayal of my father’s wishes – as I saw firsthand how they operate from the ground up and how they think. I met good people in the PPP who still long for my father’s presence but they have to pick his cudgel up and change the outlook of this great party that Jagan built and Jagdeo pulled down, with the assistance of the Robert Persauds.


Mr. Editor, the campaign which was headed by Robert Persaud was a disaster with his concentration on “hip-gyration politics”, wastage of money, having Jagdeo act like a toothless pitbull, talking “stupidness” most of the time and Ramotar’s failures to keep the grass roots organization intact while doing nothing much to solve local concerns nationwide – and then Persaud is rewarded with a Ministry he can never run, especially when one looks at his dismal record at Agriculture. This man is so full of ambition to be President of Guyana when he is way out of his abilities especially in the new ministry Ramotar (Jagdeo) specially created for him –

no wonder the miners have called for his removal. I can assure everyone that the day the PPP endorses Robert Persaud for the presidential spot is the day Guyana is finished as a nation.

But what bothers me about the PPP is the absence of Jagan’s fire in the belly to speak up; like the Ramkarran situation where no one from the PPP voices an opinion of support for the idea that Ramkarran, since he departed the PPP, should be made Prime Minister and given, besides Hinds’ overall responsibilities in Government, direct responsibility to head and organize a strong Civic component to satisfy the express wishes of Jagan. So, Editor, I apologize to Rose et al. for my positions in the past, but with no regrets because I follow the political principles of Mahatma Gandhi and I quote his words:

“I would like to say to the diligent reader of my writings and political positions and to others who are interested in them that I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent in my search after truth. I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things. Old as I am in age, I have no feeling that I have ceased to grow inwardly or that growth will stop at the dissolution of the flesh. What I am concerned with is my readiness to obey the call of truth, my God, from moment to moment, and therefore, when anybody finds any inconsistency between any two writings or political position of mine, if he still has faith in my sanity, he would do well to choose the latter of the two on the same subject.”

Mr. Editor, the goodness, humility and progressive nature of President Cheddi’s PPP is no longer with us as these factors are now supplanted by the current leaders with ”onto thyself”, “an eye for an eye” and “winner take all”, a policy dictated by former President Jagdeo and followed by Mr. Ramotar.

I have told Mr. Ramotar repeatedly that he’d have to practice the political art of compromise and reason with the opposition but my words fell on deaf ears and that is why Mr. Ramotar should heed the words of the Mahatma: ”Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. We shut the doors of reason when we refuse to listen to our opponents or, having listened, make fun of them. If intolerance becomes a habit, we run the risk of missing the truth. Whilst with the limits that nature has put upon our understanding, we must act fearlessly according to the light vouchsafed to us, we must always keep an open mind and be ever ready to find that what we believed to be truth was, after all, untruth. This openness of mind strengthens the truth in us and removes the cross from it if there is any.”

Regardless of the character assassination of President Cheddi by the Freddie Kissoons of Guyana, Jagan still remains the Matahma of Guyana and just as the Congress Party which Gandhi built fell apart by corruption, nepotism and greed, the same will happen to the PPP as it sheds the great principles which Jagan operated under for all of his political career.


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

Sorry for bringing this up but I just had to bring back Joey letter.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
August 11, 2012 | By Kaieteur News | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Mr. Editor,

In reference to the letter by Rose et al. in KN a few days ago, there are some who might say that “Joey” just recently supported the PPP in the last elections and now, only eight months later, he now criticizes this Ramotar government; there are others who might say that “Joey” didn’t get position or money and that is why he is critical. I want the public to understand that when I campaigned with the PPP in 2011, I made it crystal clear that I was offering the PPP “critical support”, an invention of my father when he was in opposition to the PNC rule. I was denied  membership in the PPP and told that I was in the Civic component, which I found out quickly, was a farce because PM Sam Hinds never carried out the mandate given by President Cheddi. But Mr. Ramotar promised that after the elections he would convene and strengthen the Civic- to this day he has never even tried to accomplish this, even after I wrote him on many occasions – not even an acknowledgement of my letters which covered many pertinent topics, such as corruption, the art of compromise and accommodation with the opposition, etc. I am willing to release all my correspondence with Ramotar to the general public at anytime.

I have never, at any time, asked the PPP for position, power or monetary largesse – I operate at a different level than those who run the PPP today and my father always told me to look at the other side of the coin when one is making decisions in life and that is why I do not regret supporting the PPP – because there’s no Civic after Hinds’ betrayal of my father’s wishes – as I saw firsthand how they operate from the ground up and how they think. I met good people in the PPP who still long for my father’s presence but they have to pick his cudgel up and change the outlook of this great party that Jagan built and Jagdeo pulled down, with the assistance of the Robert Persauds.


Mr. Editor, the campaign which was headed by Robert Persaud was a disaster with his concentration on “hip-gyration politics”, wastage of money, having Jagdeo act like a toothless pitbull, talking “stupidness” most of the time and Ramotar’s failures to keep the grass roots organization intact while doing nothing much to solve local concerns nationwide – and then Persaud is rewarded with a Ministry he can never run, especially when one looks at his dismal record at Agriculture. This man is so full of ambition to be President of Guyana when he is way out of his abilities especially in the new ministry Ramotar (Jagdeo) specially created for him –

no wonder the miners have called for his removal. I can assure everyone that the day the PPP endorses Robert Persaud for the presidential spot is the day Guyana is finished as a nation.

But what bothers me about the PPP is the absence of Jagan’s fire in the belly to speak up; like the Ramkarran situation where no one from the PPP voices an opinion of support for the idea that Ramkarran, since he departed the PPP, should be made Prime Minister and given, besides Hinds’ overall responsibilities in Government, direct responsibility to head and organize a strong Civic component to satisfy the express wishes of Jagan. So, Editor, I apologize to Rose et al. for my positions in the past, but with no regrets because I follow the political principles of Mahatma Gandhi and I quote his words:

“I would like to say to the diligent reader of my writings and political positions and to others who are interested in them that I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent in my search after truth. I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things. Old as I am in age, I have no feeling that I have ceased to grow inwardly or that growth will stop at the dissolution of the flesh. What I am concerned with is my readiness to obey the call of truth, my God, from moment to moment, and therefore, when anybody finds any inconsistency between any two writings or political position of mine, if he still has faith in my sanity, he would do well to choose the latter of the two on the same subject.”

Mr. Editor, the goodness, humility and progressive nature of President Cheddi’s PPP is no longer with us as these factors are now supplanted by the current leaders with ”onto thyself”, “an eye for an eye” and “winner take all”, a policy dictated by former President Jagdeo and followed by Mr. Ramotar.

I have told Mr. Ramotar repeatedly that he’d have to practice the political art of compromise and reason with the opposition but my words fell on deaf ears and that is why Mr. Ramotar should heed the words of the Mahatma: ”Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. We shut the doors of reason when we refuse to listen to our opponents or, having listened, make fun of them. If intolerance becomes a habit, we run the risk of missing the truth. Whilst with the limits that nature has put upon our understanding, we must act fearlessly according to the light vouchsafed to us, we must always keep an open mind and be ever ready to find that what we believed to be truth was, after all, untruth. This openness of mind strengthens the truth in us and removes the cross from it if there is any.”

Regardless of the character assassination of President Cheddi by the Freddie Kissoons of Guyana, Jagan still remains the Matahma of Guyana and just as the Congress Party which Gandhi built fell apart by corruption, nepotism and greed, the same will happen to the PPP as it sheds the great principles which Jagan operated under for all of his political career.


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

Sorry for bringing this up but I just had to bring back Joey letter.

No need to apologize, Kish. You did the right thing here.

Joey's letter is relevant to the current situation.

The necessity for compromise and accommodation with the political opposition, Donald's breach of promise, Robert Persaud's specially created ministry which is accountable for the gold industry's present fiasco, the impotence and fraud of the Civic, etc.

I also like his Gandhi quote which shows that nothing is wrong with changing one's views and appearing inconsistent. The same point I made to you in another thread.

I will save this letter that Joey wrote and measure upcoming PPP actions against its content.




I have told Mr. Ramotar repeatedly that he’d have to practice the political art of compromise and reason with the opposition but my words fell on deaf ears and that is why Mr. Ramotar should heed the words of the Mahatma: ”Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. We shut the doors of reason when we refuse to listen to our opponents or, having listened, make fun of them. If intolerance becomes a habit, we run the risk of missing the truth. Whilst with the limits that nature has put upon our understanding, we must act fearlessly according to the light vouchsafed to us, we must always keep an open mind and be ever ready to find that what we believed to be truth was, after all, untruth. This openness of mind strengthens the truth in us and removes the cross from it if there is any.”


From what I can see it's the opposition that is refusing to make any compromises. The faults of the present day PPP leaders are well articulated. We must listen to what the old faithfuls of the party are saying and we must pay special attention to those in opposition who are out to exploit differences with the objective of not building a stronger and vibrant democracy but are on a path to suppress those ideals. Why would Joey say that if Robert Persaud becomes the party's presidential candidate Guyana is finished as nation? It means that the opposition will win and the destruction of the nation will start. Joey is giving us a warning that if the PPP don't take of care business now doomsday for Guyana if the PNC/AFC gets power.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

From what I can see it's the opposition that is refusing to make any compromises. The faults of the present day PPP leaders are well articulated. We must listen to what the old faithfuls of the party are saying and we must pay special attention to those in opposition who are out to exploit differences with the objective of not building a stronger and vibrant democracy but are on a path to suppress those ideals. Why would Joey say that if Robert Persaud becomes the party's presidential candidate Guyana is finished as nation? It means that the opposition will win and the destruction of the nation will start. Joey is giving us a warning that if the PPP don't take of care business now doomsday for Guyana if the PNC/AFC gets power.

I read today the AFC spokesperson Rajendra Bissesewar sehing that the AFC WILL NOT JOIN THE APNU/PNC.


But yet you chose to use your PPP propoganda of AFC/PNC.


Can you for once write the truth?


GOSH man!


Shame on you Billy!


Just in case you do not have subscription to SN.



The position of the Alliance for Change is clear. It came into existence because of the collective actions of the PNC and the PPP to keep this country in a racially polarized state. None other than Tarron Khemraj referred to the PNC as a political dinosaur while Gerhard did his fair share in lashing out against the atrocities of the PNC during the 2011 national elections.

The AFC will continue to act independently supporting whatever positions of the parties seem to be more progressive. It obviously has to work along with the APNU ever so often because of the very nature of the PPP’s corrupt rule and its autocratic form of governance. But it also on occasion voted with the PPP.

Yours faithfully, 
Rajendra Bisessar

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

From what I can see it's the opposition that is refusing to make any compromises. The faults of the present day PPP leaders are well articulated. We must listen to what the old faithfuls of the party are saying and we must pay special attention to those in opposition who are out to exploit differences with the objective of not building a stronger and vibrant democracy but are on a path to suppress those ideals. Why would Joey say that if Robert Persaud becomes the party's presidential candidate Guyana is finished as nation? It means that the opposition will win and the destruction of the nation will start. Joey is giving us a warning that if the PPP don't take of care business now doomsday for Guyana if the PNC/AFC gets power.

Billy, you're wittingly or unwittingly misinterpreting Joey's words about Robert Persaud. Please read this part of Joey's letter for context:

"Persaud is rewarded with a Ministry he can never run, especially when one looks at his dismal record at Agriculture. This man is so full of ambition to be President of Guyana when he is way out of his abilities especially in the new ministry Ramotar (Jagdeo) specially created for him – no wonder the miners have called for his removal."

Having read that, Billy, it's clear that Joey is referring to Robert Persaud's incompetence as a minister. Hence the warning that if Robert Persaud becomes President, Guyana is finished as a nation [Robert's incompetence will run the country down.]

Joey doesn't mean that scurrility about the opposition that you're trying to pass off here.


There are 2 and only 2 things that caused the PPP to lose the elections in 2011.


De Pensian and De Mansian cost abee de eeelectian..

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

There are 2 and only 2 things that caused the PPP to lose the elections in 2011.


De Pensian and De Mansian cost abee de eeelectian..

LOL.  NICE quote from Mr. Dharamkumar Seeraj.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

There are 2 and only 2 things that caused the PPP to lose the elections in 2011.


De Pensian and De Mansian cost abee de eeelectian..

LOL.  NICE quote from Mr. Dharamkumar Seeraj.

Cost him his seat as the Junior Minister of Agriculture.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Don't be so naive to believe that if the opposition gets power everything will be alright. 

The opposition speaks for the majority of the people.


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