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APNU+AFC concerned over non-issuance of certificates of employment

April 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

- plans to challenge Gecom’s decision


A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) has expressed concern over the recent decision by the Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom) to not issue certificates of employment to polling day staff.


It is customary for persons to be appointed to serve as polling day observers, drawn from each contesting party. At a recent press conference hosted by the APNU/AFC, APNU’s co-chair and leader of the Working People’s Affairs (WPA) Dr. Rupert Roopnarine pointed out the matter as one of grave concern to his party, since the non issuance of certificates of employment meant that it would be much more difficult for polling day staff to cast their ballots on elections day.


He also stated that this difficulty will be compounded if the polling agents are posted at stations where they are not slated to vote.  It would therefore mean that they will not be able to vote outside of their jurisdictions, in addition to the fact that E-day staff will be confined to their Election Day duties.

APNU’s co- chair Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

APNU’s Co- Chair Dr. Rupert Roopnarine


Calling it an act of disenfranchisement, Dr. Roopnarine stated that the party would not sit idly by and accept the situation, but would challenge the decision taken by the electoral body.


However when contacted, a senior official from Gecom stated that the body was just following the legal tenets of the People’s Representation Act, which provides for the issuing of certificates to persons employed by the Elections Commission, not political parties.


Meanwhile, noting the tendency of polling staff in the past to leave the polling stations prematurely, Roopnarine stated that robust arrangements have been made to ensure that Election Day staffers are properly trained and that it is expected that they will remain in place until the final count, even foregoing lunch.


“It will come down to our vigilance and tenacity on elections day.” He said.
AFC general secretary David Patterson, who was also present, noted that so far all 2,260 polling stations have people assigned to them. He mentioned that they were currently trying to get additional persons assigned to the stations. That way, he said, if something unprecedented should occur there is another person standing by.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Political parties are responsible to have representatives at polling stations simply as observers. They do not interrupt nor get in the way of the official persons involved with the election process.


Political parties' representatives may quietly observe and make note on their personal list of each individuals who are voting.


The difference in elections in Guyana and Canada is the advanced system of the Canadian process. 


Example, in Canada, after the closing time the actual numbers of voters for each political organisation at each polling station is known in the system. At a certain time, the head of the election group posts the numbers on the official notice boards. The party representatives than have the opportunity to record the numbers on their note pads and then immediately leave the premises.


The sealed official ballot boxes are then transported under strict security measures to the central office where the numbers are then officially tabulated and announced to the public in about four hours' time.


people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

HEHEHE And magic, the money in Redux Account.

Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning? I have a $3 bill to send.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.

that's why modern folks use things like PayPal


primitives and wannabe mafiya like you still using the wheelbarra fulla laundered dollar bills method


The Commission has a point and the Opposition has a point.


The Commission should not allow people to cast ballots in regions in which they do not reside as it will taint the regional elections and the geographic constituency results.


However, they could have sensibly allowed them a form of proxy/absentee which would then be canvassed at the appropriate poll site and included in the appropriate statement of poll.


And the Commission also has the further point correct that party scrutineers and observers are not Commission staff but partisan appointees ineligible for facilities afforded to Commission staff

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.

that's why modern folks use things like PayPal


primitives and wannabe mafiya like you still using the wheelbarra fulla laundered dollar bills method

I'll send a wheelbarra of my tainted bills. You can smell your hands when you are done counting.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.


BOTH WILL HAVE BLOOD ON IT because of your monthly period  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.


BOTH WILL HAVE BLOOD ON IT because of your monthly period  

GNI clown is on the board. Sit back and enjoy some comedy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.


BOTH WILL HAVE BLOOD ON IT because of your monthly period  

GNI clown is on the board. Sit back and enjoy some comedy.

go home to mommy big man time

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The Commission has a point and the Opposition has a point.


The Commission should not allow people to cast ballots in regions in which they do not reside as it will taint the regional elections and the geographic constituency results.


However, they could have sensibly allowed them a form of proxy/absentee which would then be canvassed at the appropriate poll site and included in the appropriate statement of poll.


And the Commission also has the further point correct that party scrutineers and observers are not Commission staff but partisan appointees ineligible for facilities afforded to Commission staff

so why is GECOM not engaging in common sense accommodation as you indicated (see bold)?


my bs detector is twitching crazily

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The Commission has a point and the Opposition has a point.


The Commission should not allow people to cast ballots in regions in which they do not reside as it will taint the regional elections and the geographic constituency results.


However, they could have sensibly allowed them a form of proxy/absentee which would then be canvassed at the appropriate poll site and included in the appropriate statement of poll.


And the Commission also has the further point correct that party scrutineers and observers are not Commission staff but partisan appointees ineligible for facilities afforded to Commission staff

so why is GECOM not engaging in common sense accommodation as you indicated (see bold)?


my bs detector is twitching crazily

Is that your butt stimulator detector?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The Commission has a point and the Opposition has a point.


The Commission should not allow people to cast ballots in regions in which they do not reside as it will taint the regional elections and the geographic constituency results.


However, they could have sensibly allowed them a form of proxy/absentee which would then be canvassed at the appropriate poll site and included in the appropriate statement of poll.


And the Commission also has the further point correct that party scrutineers and observers are not Commission staff but partisan appointees ineligible for facilities afforded to Commission staff

so why is GECOM not engaging in common sense accommodation as you indicated (see bold)?


my bs detector is twitching crazily

Is that your butt stimulator detector?

these misplaced sweet nothings belong in your pillow talk with kwamee . . . remember?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The Commission has a point and the Opposition has a point.


The Commission should not allow people to cast ballots in regions in which they do not reside as it will taint the regional elections and the geographic constituency results.


However, they could have sensibly allowed them a form of proxy/absentee which would then be canvassed at the appropriate poll site and included in the appropriate statement of poll.


And the Commission also has the further point correct that party scrutineers and observers are not Commission staff but partisan appointees ineligible for facilities afforded to Commission staff

so why is GECOM not engaging in common sense accommodation as you indicated (see bold)?


my bs detector is twitching crazily


I'm sure the PPP is trying to screw the Opposition. 2300 votes is incredibly important in this election.


I guess the Opposition and their legal geniuses missed this as well. They obviously had a lot of time on their hands since they didn't even bother doing their MP List correctly.

Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

Rass bai-this is a new form of fund raising. There is nothing to worry about - there will be no vote rigging. You do democracy a disservice by putting fear in peoples mind so that they don't go out and vote. Let them go Vote. It is their right. There has been no rigging since 1992. Let the PPP/C; APNU-AFC win or lose fair and square.


Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

Rass bai-this is a new form of fund raising. There is nothing to worry about - there will be no vote rigging. You do democracy a disservice by putting fear in peoples mind so that they don't go out and vote. Let them go Vote. It is their right. There has been no rigging since 1992. Let the PPP/C; APNU-AFC win or lose fair and square.

how so crocodile?


i'm sure that i need not remind u of a reckless and desperate PPP leadership, in the throes of its last existential crisis, ushering the party into a partnership with mass murderering drug lords


a better planned rig exercise than executed in 2011 would seem in context near normal enough to be routine, no?


who's vote am i aiming to supress again?

Last edited by Former Member

Jeeze...just make sure you cover all polling stations and don't take someone from Mahaica to be an agent in Georgetown. Is this so hard? Last election we had to shuttle a young lady who was agent in South to Plaisants to vote. That should not happen. The party has to take responsibility here.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

people, this is important


victory or loss will likely be determined by how much PPP rigging is allowed


please donate to the APNU-AFC Adopt a Polling Station fund at the coalition website


there is a dedicated "ADOPT A POLLING STATION" link for donations at

How do we know this money is not going to be used for PNC campaigning?

that's actually none of your damn PPP business


go donate whatever u have to the stink mouth tiefmen in Freedom House . . . your tainted funds not wanted

I'll send two tainted dollar bills. One I shit on and the other I wipe my ass with.
You can receive them.


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