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Former Member

The Ethnic Security Dilemmas thesis needs to be updated


Posted By Staff Writer On September 30, 2013 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Recently there has been a remarkable convergence of views regarding the recent crime wave among the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO), Mr Anil Nandalall, Mr Clement Rohee and Mr Ravi Dev. They all opined that the recent upsurge in serious crimes are ethnically based and politically directed. No doubt guiding Mr Dev’s analysis is the thesis known as the Ethnic Security Dilemmas (ESD), which is an idea that came down from the British Guiana East Indian Association (BGEIA) and was modified by Mr Dev. As an economist, I have the highest regard for theory since it’s the only way by which we can understand how the world works. The ESD does have predictive powers in terms of its insight into how the two dominant ethnic groups are likely to vote in Guyana. However, it is a very poor predictor of the source of crimes, especially in light of the confessions of the convicted Mr Roger Khan.


Therefore, the thesis has to be updated in light of recent data that came from Wikileaks, the trial of Khan’s associates in NY and the very recent news report surrounding the arrest of President Bouterse’s son for trafficking cocaine. The theory, furthermore, has always had a major weakness even before the recent narco-connected crimes.


This weakness has to do with the fact that the ESD does not explain properly the root cause of the fears of East Indians; however it explains the source of the fears of African Guyanese as economic in nature.  The fear of East Indians as a group supposedly stems from the fact that the army and police are not ethnically balanced. However, the army has been very professional since 1992 and it has not attempted to overthrow the PPP. Indeed the PPP has been good at selecting its leader for the top spot of the army. This leader is typically given significant economic rewards. The battles on the East Coast had a drug connection. The theory does not take into consideration the fact that it is the PPP which uses as an electoral strategy a racist message of blaming the opposition for crimes when many of the crimes were connected to the gangs owned by the man now in a NY jail.

According to the theory, African Guyanese fear economic marginalisation by an Indian-dominated PPP, hence they tend to vote in large numbers for the PNC.  This is agreeable. However, East Indian motivations also stem from the fear of economic marginalisation and not necessarily the nebulous notion of physical fear. Therefore, they also tend to vote in large numbers for the PPP. In the past I have noted that the PPP has taken advantage of this entrenchment of votes to create an oligarchic relationship with several chosen business personalities excluding the East Indian masses from sharing in the economic pie. With economic fears paramount, the groups turn out to vote for their respective parties. Each cannot know how the other will vote, so he/she votes for the party perceived to provide this economic security. Fear and emotions rule over reason on the day of voting. Ironically voting for the PPP does not provide the economic security for East Indian masses because the PPP’s entire economic agenda is motivated by oligarchic expropriation.

This thesis, however, will not explain the voting pattern of about 30 per cent of the population. This will include liberal East Indians, liberal African Guyanese, mixed ethnicities, Indigenous folks and other groups. They are the swing voters who will determine the election. They will not fall easily for the propaganda that says “don’t split the votes” by whipping up ethnic fears among East Indians by blaming African Guyanese for crimes.


The theory must be updated to take into consideration the narco-engendered crimes in Guyana. Since 1992 cocaine has become prominent among illicit exports. Its consumption has also increased at home affecting all villages. East Indians will note how drug consumption is ravaging their villages, reaching the crisis level of alcoholism. East Indians will note that it was the PPP which turned down British security aid and had earlier appeared to rely on Roger Khan to fight the supposed “freedom fighters”. Since the PPP has refused to do an inquiry into these crimes (something for which APNU and Mr Granger have called), we would never know the truth. Therefore, this scenario of narco-traffickers trying to destabilise the government is equally plausible.  The outward ethnic manifestation of the conflicts on the East Coast had a narco underpinning. The narco-traffickers certainly have the incentive to do so since the PPP has refused to reform the police force since 1992. The state is weak and the traffickers know it can be easily corrupted.


A large percentage of East Indians will understand these things and will not support the PPP this time around. They will not fall prey to the coordinated propaganda games being played to unfairly blame the African Guyanese community for crimes. They will enquire where are the serious police and judicial reforms since 1992?


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

Granger made it very clear the TK will become the PNC yard dog. He will not be a part of the PNC executive committee. He is a PNC window dresser and new yard dog.


Remember what the PNC did to Vincent Teekha and others ? History can and will repeat itself.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

Granger made it very clear the TK will become the PNC yard dog. He will not be a part of the PNC executive committee. He is a PNC window dresser and new yard dog.


Remember what the PNC did to Vincent Teekha and others ? History can and will repeat itself.


What makes you think he wants to be part of the PNC executive?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

Granger made it very clear the TK will become the PNC yard dog. He will not be a part of the PNC executive committee. He is a PNC window dresser and new yard dog.


Remember what the PNC did to Vincent Teekha and others ? History can and will repeat itself.

Dat SHAMELESS CRABDAAG will be treated like a DAAG in the PNC BUT he does not care. It is all about himself and his QUEST to DESTROY Guyana. People like that you cant TRUST with a black Jill.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

You and your boys Jagdeo/Ramotar must be scared the people will open their eyes. 

JB/TK is the same person. TK likes to talk to himself. Overseas Guyanese will one day spit on him. He jumped from: ROAR to PPP/C to AFC and now to the PNC. Go figure, this loser has no credibility left.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

Granger made it very clear the TK will become the PNC yard dog. He will not be a part of the PNC executive committee. He is a PNC window dresser and new yard dog.


Remember what the PNC did to Vincent Teekha and others ? History can and will repeat itself.


What makes you think he wants to be part of the PNC executive?

Are you that STUPID. You want nothing but the Top post, MINISTA WUK!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

You and your boys Jagdeo/Ramotar must be scared the people will open their eyes. 

JB/TK is the same person. TK likes to talk to himself. Overseas Guyanese will one day spit on him. He jumped from: ROAR to PPP/C to AFC and now to the PNC. Go figure, this loser has no credibility left.


Yes they say Redux, HM_Redux are also Dr TK. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

Granger made it very clear the TK will become the PNC yard dog. He will not be a part of the PNC executive committee. He is a PNC window dresser and new yard dog.


Remember what the PNC did to Vincent Teekha and others ? History can and will repeat itself.

Ewe-gee....the Same Burnham House of Isreal Thugs that killed Vincent Teekha killed Sash was not the GDF.


If you want to be will remember it was Desmond Hoyte who Jailed Burnham House of Isreal leader Rabbi Washington and attempted to dismantled the House of Isreal......and it was Jagdeo who revived the House of Isreal by recruiting Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe and @untiman Kwami McCoy to do his nasty work and to scare Indians into supporting him and his Funny Fellas.


Attorney General Nandalall

Prime Minister Hinds and President Ramotar

went into GDF headquarters

to celebrate the New Year and admit......

"The PPP Indians in Guyana

Today  can Relax ....and Feel completely  safe

with the GDF Army because

 Jagdeo got the Leader & most fierced Army Thug

Norman McClean in his pocket...

and as business partners"

Nandalall was a Rising Star in the PPP

Got the Central Committee #4 Position at the PPP Congress

in Port Mourant De Home of Papa Cheddi

and the Mecca for the Indians in Berbice....


But Jagdeo decided Nandalall could

not be in the Powerful Executive Committee....

ahead of Bu@@er Boy Kwame...


Nandalal  admit to De Indians in Guyana....


it is Jagdeo love for "Big Lar"

  causing "De House of Isreal Thugs"

to keep give all de Indians in the PPP the Big Larwa

and to live in fear.....

"De Ethnic Security Delima" (ESD)


Last edited by Former Member

He totally miss the mark on today's ethnic security concerns.  This banna just like talking to the clouds.  He will be used by the PNC just like they were as part of the AFC, almost handing power to the PNC by splitting the Indian vote.  What clowns.  Many Indians in Guyana view these guys as diaspora gamesmen playing doll house with Guyana and Russian roulette with Indians.  After 2011, no local Indian want to hear our fancy verses.

Originally Posted by JB:

The Ethnic Security Dilemmas thesis needs to be updated


Posted By Staff Writer On September 30, 2013 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Recently there has been a remarkable convergence of views regarding the recent crime wave among the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO), Mr Anil Nandalall, Mr Clement Rohee and Mr Ravi Dev. They all opined that the recent upsurge in serious crimes are ethnically based and politically directed. No doubt guiding Mr Dev’s analysis is the thesis known as the Ethnic Security Dilemmas (ESD), which is an idea that came down from the British Guiana East Indian Association (BGEIA) and was modified by Mr Dev. As an economist, I have the highest regard for theory since it’s the only way by which we can understand how the world works. The ESD does have predictive powers in terms of its insight into how the two dominant ethnic groups are likely to vote in Guyana. However, it is a very poor predictor of the source of crimes, especially in light of the confessions of the convicted Mr Roger Khan.


Therefore, the thesis has to be updated in light of recent data that came from Wikileaks, the trial of Khan’s associates in NY and the very recent news report surrounding the arrest of President Bouterse’s son for trafficking cocaine. The theory, furthermore, has always had a major weakness even before the recent narco-connected crimes.


This weakness has to do with the fact that the ESD does not explain properly the root cause of the fears of East Indians; however it explains the source of the fears of African Guyanese as economic in nature.  The fear of East Indians as a group supposedly stems from the fact that the army and police are not ethnically balanced. However, the army has been very professional since 1992 and it has not attempted to overthrow the PPP. Indeed the PPP has been good at selecting its leader for the top spot of the army. This leader is typically given significant economic rewards. The battles on the East Coast had a drug connection. The theory does not take into consideration the fact that it is the PPP which uses as an electoral strategy a racist message of blaming the opposition for crimes when many of the crimes were connected to the gangs owned by the man now in a NY jail.

According to the theory, African Guyanese fear economic marginalisation by an Indian-dominated PPP, hence they tend to vote in large numbers for the PNC.  This is agreeable. However, East Indian motivations also stem from the fear of economic marginalisation and not necessarily the nebulous notion of physical fear. Therefore, they also tend to vote in large numbers for the PPP. In the past I have noted that the PPP has taken advantage of this entrenchment of votes to create an oligarchic relationship with several chosen business personalities excluding the East Indian masses from sharing in the economic pie. With economic fears paramount, the groups turn out to vote for their respective parties. Each cannot know how the other will vote, so he/she votes for the party perceived to provide this economic security. Fear and emotions rule over reason on the day of voting. Ironically voting for the PPP does not provide the economic security for East Indian masses because the PPP’s entire economic agenda is motivated by oligarchic expropriation.

This thesis, however, will not explain the voting pattern of about 30 per cent of the population. This will include liberal East Indians, liberal African Guyanese, mixed ethnicities, Indigenous folks and other groups. They are the swing voters who will determine the election. They will not fall easily for the propaganda that says “don’t split the votes” by whipping up ethnic fears among East Indians by blaming African Guyanese for crimes.


The theory must be updated to take into consideration the narco-engendered crimes in Guyana. Since 1992 cocaine has become prominent among illicit exports. Its consumption has also increased at home affecting all villages. East Indians will note how drug consumption is ravaging their villages, reaching the crisis level of alcoholism. East Indians will note that it was the PPP which turned down British security aid and had earlier appeared to rely on Roger Khan to fight the supposed “freedom fighters”. Since the PPP has refused to do an inquiry into these crimes (something for which APNU and Mr Granger have called), we would never know the truth. Therefore, this scenario of narco-traffickers trying to destabilise the government is equally plausible.  The outward ethnic manifestation of the conflicts on the East Coast had a narco underpinning. The narco-traffickers certainly have the incentive to do so since the PPP has refused to reform the police force since 1992. The state is weak and the traffickers know it can be easily corrupted.


A large percentage of East Indians will understand these things and will not support the PPP this time around. They will not fall prey to the coordinated propaganda games being played to unfairly blame the African Guyanese community for crimes. They will enquire where are the serious police and judicial reforms since 1992?


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

You are a fool. Theory is the 'only way to understand how the world works?' That explains why you keep jumping from pillar to post with no firm place of abode. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:

The Ethnic Security Dilemmas thesis needs to be updated


Posted By Staff Writer On September 30, 2013 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Recently there has been a remarkable convergence of views regarding the recent crime wave among the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO), Mr Anil Nandalall, Mr Clement Rohee and Mr Ravi Dev. They all opined that the recent upsurge in serious crimes are ethnically based and politically directed. No doubt guiding Mr Dev’s analysis is the thesis known as the Ethnic Security Dilemmas (ESD), which is an idea that came down from the British Guiana East Indian Association (BGEIA) and was modified by Mr Dev. As an economist, I have the highest regard for theory since it’s the only way by which we can understand how the world works. The ESD does have predictive powers in terms of its insight into how the two dominant ethnic groups are likely to vote in Guyana. However, it is a very poor predictor of the source of crimes, especially in light of the confessions of the convicted Mr Roger Khan.


Therefore, the thesis has to be updated in light of recent data that came from Wikileaks, the trial of Khan’s associates in NY and the very recent news report surrounding the arrest of President Bouterse’s son for trafficking cocaine. The theory, furthermore, has always had a major weakness even before the recent narco-connected crimes.


This weakness has to do with the fact that the ESD does not explain properly the root cause of the fears of East Indians; however it explains the source of the fears of African Guyanese as economic in nature.  The fear of East Indians as a group supposedly stems from the fact that the army and police are not ethnically balanced. However, the army has been very professional since 1992 and it has not attempted to overthrow the PPP. Indeed the PPP has been good at selecting its leader for the top spot of the army. This leader is typically given significant economic rewards. The battles on the East Coast had a drug connection. The theory does not take into consideration the fact that it is the PPP which uses as an electoral strategy a racist message of blaming the opposition for crimes when many of the crimes were connected to the gangs owned by the man now in a NY jail.

According to the theory, African Guyanese fear economic marginalisation by an Indian-dominated PPP, hence they tend to vote in large numbers for the PNC.  This is agreeable. However, East Indian motivations also stem from the fear of economic marginalisation and not necessarily the nebulous notion of physical fear. Therefore, they also tend to vote in large numbers for the PPP. In the past I have noted that the PPP has taken advantage of this entrenchment of votes to create an oligarchic relationship with several chosen business personalities excluding the East Indian masses from sharing in the economic pie. With economic fears paramount, the groups turn out to vote for their respective parties. Each cannot know how the other will vote, so he/she votes for the party perceived to provide this economic security. Fear and emotions rule over reason on the day of voting. Ironically voting for the PPP does not provide the economic security for East Indian masses because the PPP’s entire economic agenda is motivated by oligarchic expropriation.

This thesis, however, will not explain the voting pattern of about 30 per cent of the population. This will include liberal East Indians, liberal African Guyanese, mixed ethnicities, Indigenous folks and other groups. They are the swing voters who will determine the election. They will not fall easily for the propaganda that says “don’t split the votes” by whipping up ethnic fears among East Indians by blaming African Guyanese for crimes.


The theory must be updated to take into consideration the narco-engendered crimes in Guyana. Since 1992 cocaine has become prominent among illicit exports. Its consumption has also increased at home affecting all villages. East Indians will note how drug consumption is ravaging their villages, reaching the crisis level of alcoholism. East Indians will note that it was the PPP which turned down British security aid and had earlier appeared to rely on Roger Khan to fight the supposed “freedom fighters”. Since the PPP has refused to do an inquiry into these crimes (something for which APNU and Mr Granger have called), we would never know the truth. Therefore, this scenario of narco-traffickers trying to destabilise the government is equally plausible.  The outward ethnic manifestation of the conflicts on the East Coast had a narco underpinning. The narco-traffickers certainly have the incentive to do so since the PPP has refused to reform the police force since 1992. The state is weak and the traffickers know it can be easily corrupted.


A large percentage of East Indians will understand these things and will not support the PPP this time around. They will not fall prey to the coordinated propaganda games being played to unfairly blame the African Guyanese community for crimes. They will enquire where are the serious police and judicial reforms since 1992?


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

You are a fool. Theory is the 'only way to understand how the world works?' That explains why you keep jumping from pillar to post with no firm place of abode. 

Yes...the world does not work without a theory to reinforce and direct the processes of its functioning. If you know otherwise you would be the first one to wander willy nilly into wisdom.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:

The Ethnic Security Dilemmas thesis needs to be updated


Posted By Staff Writer On September 30, 2013 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Recently there has been a remarkable convergence of views regarding the recent crime wave among the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO), Mr Anil Nandalall, Mr Clement Rohee and Mr Ravi Dev. They all opined that the recent upsurge in serious crimes are ethnically based and politically directed. No doubt guiding Mr Dev’s analysis is the thesis known as the Ethnic Security Dilemmas (ESD), which is an idea that came down from the British Guiana East Indian Association (BGEIA) and was modified by Mr Dev. As an economist, I have the highest regard for theory since it’s the only way by which we can understand how the world works. The ESD does have predictive powers in terms of its insight into how the two dominant ethnic groups are likely to vote in Guyana. However, it is a very poor predictor of the source of crimes, especially in light of the confessions of the convicted Mr Roger Khan.


Therefore, the thesis has to be updated in light of recent data that came from Wikileaks, the trial of Khan’s associates in NY and the very recent news report surrounding the arrest of President Bouterse’s son for trafficking cocaine. The theory, furthermore, has always had a major weakness even before the recent narco-connected crimes.


This weakness has to do with the fact that the ESD does not explain properly the root cause of the fears of East Indians; however it explains the source of the fears of African Guyanese as economic in nature.  The fear of East Indians as a group supposedly stems from the fact that the army and police are not ethnically balanced. However, the army has been very professional since 1992 and it has not attempted to overthrow the PPP. Indeed the PPP has been good at selecting its leader for the top spot of the army. This leader is typically given significant economic rewards. The battles on the East Coast had a drug connection. The theory does not take into consideration the fact that it is the PPP which uses as an electoral strategy a racist message of blaming the opposition for crimes when many of the crimes were connected to the gangs owned by the man now in a NY jail.

According to the theory, African Guyanese fear economic marginalisation by an Indian-dominated PPP, hence they tend to vote in large numbers for the PNC.  This is agreeable. However, East Indian motivations also stem from the fear of economic marginalisation and not necessarily the nebulous notion of physical fear. Therefore, they also tend to vote in large numbers for the PPP. In the past I have noted that the PPP has taken advantage of this entrenchment of votes to create an oligarchic relationship with several chosen business personalities excluding the East Indian masses from sharing in the economic pie. With economic fears paramount, the groups turn out to vote for their respective parties. Each cannot know how the other will vote, so he/she votes for the party perceived to provide this economic security. Fear and emotions rule over reason on the day of voting. Ironically voting for the PPP does not provide the economic security for East Indian masses because the PPP’s entire economic agenda is motivated by oligarchic expropriation.

This thesis, however, will not explain the voting pattern of about 30 per cent of the population. This will include liberal East Indians, liberal African Guyanese, mixed ethnicities, Indigenous folks and other groups. They are the swing voters who will determine the election. They will not fall easily for the propaganda that says “don’t split the votes” by whipping up ethnic fears among East Indians by blaming African Guyanese for crimes.


The theory must be updated to take into consideration the narco-engendered crimes in Guyana. Since 1992 cocaine has become prominent among illicit exports. Its consumption has also increased at home affecting all villages. East Indians will note how drug consumption is ravaging their villages, reaching the crisis level of alcoholism. East Indians will note that it was the PPP which turned down British security aid and had earlier appeared to rely on Roger Khan to fight the supposed “freedom fighters”. Since the PPP has refused to do an inquiry into these crimes (something for which APNU and Mr Granger have called), we would never know the truth. Therefore, this scenario of narco-traffickers trying to destabilise the government is equally plausible.  The outward ethnic manifestation of the conflicts on the East Coast had a narco underpinning. The narco-traffickers certainly have the incentive to do so since the PPP has refused to reform the police force since 1992. The state is weak and the traffickers know it can be easily corrupted.


A large percentage of East Indians will understand these things and will not support the PPP this time around. They will not fall prey to the coordinated propaganda games being played to unfairly blame the African Guyanese community for crimes. They will enquire where are the serious police and judicial reforms since 1992?


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

You are a fool. Theory is the 'only way to understand how the world works?' That explains why you keep jumping from pillar to post with no firm place of abode. 


Jeeze Ronald Sugrim you are very stupid. No wonder why Guyana is such a mess. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

duh duh duh...SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!


The man Mr Nehru represents the ideal PPP East Indian. This is the way the PPP wants to keep the people. Dr TK is indeed teaching them something else. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at this SHAMELESS DAAG TK!!!

Granger made it very clear the TK will become the PNC yard dog. He will not be a part of the PNC executive committee. He is a PNC window dresser and new yard dog.


Remember what the PNC did to Vincent Teekha and others ? History can and will repeat itself.

Ewe-gee....the Same Burnham House of Isreal Thugs that killed Vincent Teekha killed Sash was not the GDF.


If you want to be will remember it was Desmond Hoyte who Jailed Burnham House of Isreal leader Rabbi Washington and attempted to dismantled the House of Isreal......and it was Jagdeo who revived the House of Isreal by recruiting Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe and @untiman Kwami McCoy to do his nasty work and to scare Indians into supporting him and his Funny Fellas.


Attorney General Nandalall

Prime Minister Hinds and President Ramotar

went into GDF headquarters

to celebrate the New Year and admit......

"The PPP Indians in Guyana

Today  can Relax ....and Feel completely  safe

with the GDF Army because

 Jagdeo got the Leader & most fierced Army Thug

Norman McClean in his pocket...

and as business partners"

Nandalall was a Rising Star in the PPP

Got the Central Committee #4 Position at the PPP Congress

in Port Mourant De Home of Papa Cheddi

and the Mecca for the Indians in Berbice....


But Jagdeo decided Nandalall could

not be in the Powerful Executive Committee....

ahead of Bu@@er Boy Kwame...


Nandalal  admit to De Indians in Guyana....


it is Jagdeo love for "Big Lar"

  causing "De House of Isreal Thugs"

to keep give all de Indians in the PPP the Big Larwa

and to live in fear.....

"De Ethnic Security Delima" (ESD)



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There is nothing TK can teach the people abour the donkey cart economy, which they already know...

Mr Ramakant_Persaud you too seem bitter and envious of Dr TK. Are you another loser? 


My mamoo and daddy say President Hoyte jailed and hanged the House of Isr hooligans and thugs. He said the PPP freed them and may are now in the PPP. The PNC is cleaned and the PPP is nasty say my mamoo and daddy. 

Originally Posted by JB:

My mamoo and daddy say President Hoyte jailed and hanged the House of Isr hooligans and thugs. He said the PPP freed them and may are now in the PPP. The PNC is cleaned and the PPP is nasty say my mamoo and daddy. 

You should find a useful place in the kitchen if you're a woman indeed. You mamoo and daddy didn't do what they should have done. You missed out greatly of sound advice. The two of them should be hanged.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

My mamoo and daddy say President Hoyte jailed and hanged the House of Isr hooligans and thugs. He said the PPP freed them and may are now in the PPP. The PNC is cleaned and the PPP is nasty say my mamoo and daddy. 

You should find a useful place in the kitchen if you're a woman indeed. You mamoo and daddy didn't do what they should have done. You missed out greatly of sound advice. The two of them should be hanged.


Listen I will help to run our business empire. My husband will do the cooking. I will sure I marry a cunumunu like you. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

My mamoo and daddy say President Hoyte jailed and hanged the House of Isr hooligans and thugs. He said the PPP freed them and may are now in the PPP. The PNC is cleaned and the PPP is nasty say my mamoo and daddy. 

You should find a useful place in the kitchen if you're a woman indeed. You mamoo and daddy didn't do what they should have done. You missed out greatly of sound advice. The two of them should be hanged.


Listen I will help to run our business empire. My husband will do the cooking. I will sure I marry a cunumunu like you. 

Let's keep the personal stuff to a minimal. My main concern is about your mamoo and daddy failed to give you sound advice and for that they should be hung. BTW, you're putting TK in a bad light in this thread and most of what you said about him. TK should have a more qualified person to be his PR spoke person.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

My mamoo and daddy say President Hoyte jailed and hanged the House of Isr hooligans and thugs. He said the PPP freed them and may are now in the PPP. The PNC is cleaned and the PPP is nasty say my mamoo and daddy. 

You should find a useful place in the kitchen if you're a woman indeed. You mamoo and daddy didn't do what they should have done. You missed out greatly of sound advice. The two of them should be hanged.


Listen I will help to run our business empire. My husband will do the cooking. I will sure I marry a cunumunu like you. 

Let's keep the personal stuff to a minimal. My main concern is about your mamoo and daddy failed to give you sound advice and for that they should be hung. BTW, you're putting TK in a bad light in this thread and most of what you said about him. TK should have a more qualified person to be his PR spoke person.


Nobody including Mr TK can send me to do anything. My Mamoo and Daddy read and file away his writings. We respect him but will ditch him the minute he ever become a thieve like your boys. 


It is irrational to vote today on things that were done more than 21 years ago


Posted By Staff Writer On October 10, 2013 @ 5:05 am In Letters | 

Dear Editor,


In his very long letter of October 8, Mr Anand Boodram argued that Guyana’s politics is reflective and the survival of African and Indian Guyanese is the name of the game. I agree. This is exactly the point I made in my two recently published letters on Sep 26 and Sep 30 in the Stabroek News. My letter of Sep 26 acknowledges that a large percentage of the population votes along ethnic lines instead of policies. The letter of Sep 30 made the argument that the thesis of the Ethnic Security Dilemmas (ESD) is a poor predictor of crimes given the rise of narco-crimes under the PPP. However, the ESD is still a good predictor of voting patterns. I have even modelled Mr Boodram’s reflexivity as the prisoners’ dilemma in my recent IDS Working Paper: ‘Bi-communalism and the economic origins of democracy: a case study.’


However, I part company with Mr Boodram and join Guyanese who do not wish to be trapped in the past. Many of us are willing to judge a leader on character and support the reform party of today. Hence, I argued in those two letters for a regular change in government so that politicians will not take the voters for granted. It is irrational to vote today based on things that were done more than 21 years ago. I called this process democratic turnover. Politicians must be punished at the elections for blatant corruption and incompetence.

This is why I have decided to be associated with the forward-looking Pro-Guyana Think Movement, which Brigadier General (rtd) David Granger endorses. Many of us are busy working overtime to come up with a blueprint – policy proposals – for achieving the theme ‘Unity and Human Development’ (UHD). Brig General Granger is very passionate about the theme of UHD. Therefore, we have decided to unite with him and APNU to achieve this objective.

Mr Boodram is of the view that the PPP does not need to apologize for anything and it is the PNC which must apologize for rigging elections. My view is the PPP must apologize for the criminalization of the state which took place under their watch, and for not stopping a drug dealer from killing hundreds of people instead of pursuing serious police reforms. The PPP is by far the most financially and morally corrupt government since independence.  I certainly believe the PNC should apologize for the rigged elections.

With respect to the Guyana National Service (GNS), Mr Boodram is dead wrong to believe all East Indians feel the same way as he does. I have spoken to family members and several educated East Indians who had great praise for the GNS. Some spoke fondly of the good times they had in GNS. Therefore, Mr Boodram’s narrative against the GNS does not indicate the truth. I actually feel that I was robbed because I never had a chance to go to national service since the PPP abandoned it by the time I went to UG. My loss becomes even more obvious when my friends from Turkey, Israel and Denmark speak fondly of the time they had in their equivalent of national service; and, furthermore, we cannot give people a free university education and get nothing in return. It is not cheap to run a university.

Let us also not forget the  insidious propaganda campaigns in the villages the PPP carried    out against all institutions the PNC established. Hence, Mr Boodram’s reflexivity comes into play here. Growing up we were told not to cooperate with anything the PNC did. Even the PNC does not understand how much the PPP has messed up the spirit of many East Indians. The GNS came in for special vilification in the villages. We were told East Indian women were raped routinely. However, Mr Boodram and his colleagues have to prove that Afro-Guyanese women did not face the same sexual harassment. Editor, PBS recently did a radio show on sexual harassment in the American military. It is at crisis levels. Many times, PBS notes, male chauvinists cover up sexual harassment in the US military.


This is a serious crime over which we must never propagandize.

Today if there were a national service there would have been no need for a Fip Motilall to squander US$15 million of the peoples’ money. In America its army builds sea defences, bridges and dams. I urge the free thinkers and liberals to get behind Pro-Guyana and Mr Granger. Let’s bring democratic turnover to permanently ease prejudices and tensions in Guyana. A Granger presidency will be significantly better for East Indians. Do not fall for Mr Boodram’s propaganda trap. The PPP has been the most destructive for East Indians in Guyana.


Yours faithfully, 

Tarron Khemraj


In the absence of constitutional reform democratic turnover is the best way to bring about national healing


Posted By Staff Writer On September 25, 2013 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

Please allow me to respond to Mr F Skinner’s letter of September 12, 2013. Mr Skinner – who by the way is one of my favourite commentators in the letter columns – makes the point that since the AFC did not commit the mistakes to the level of the PPP and PNC, it is entitled to our support. These errors are small potatoes according to Mr Skinner. The letter, however, misses a more complex dilemma in which the AFC operates. Its problems are much deeper than the Amaila issue.

The margin of mistakes the third party is allowed to make is very thin in an ethnically divided society such as Guyana.  All the good moves and intentions of the third party can be wiped out by one big mistake or several smaller ones. Its support is very adversely responsive on the downside but not so favourably responsive on the upside.

The reason for this is the perennial dilemma in which the third party operates. The hardcore base of the PPP might want to vote for the AFC but it is not sure how the hardcore base of APNU will vote. Similarly, the hardcore base of APNU might want to vote for AFC but they are not certain how the hardcore base of the PPP will vote. Voting takes place in a secret ballot and therefore there is uncertainty with respect to how the other person will vote. They therefore vote for their respective parties, leaving out the third party most times. What I have described here is the classic prisoners’ dilemma problem to which the AFC will soon have to face up for the betterment of Guyana.  This dilemma does not only hold in Guyana. It is relevant to the liberal-conservative relationship in the US. This is why Mr Ralph Nader or Mr Ron Paul could never win an election there.

When faced with this constraint, the third party has to demonstrate leadership certainty at the top. It has to appear like it can govern. To this end, it needs internal structures to minimise large and small errors because it would be punished severely on the downside. Its leaders must be full time as part-time politicians will never be able to build up a serious third force. The leadership must be aware of the perceptions of the people, particularly the ethnic fears. The leaders must be committed to building a mass party. The third party needs a shadow cabinet and so on.

Even with these factors in place the upside gains of the third party might not be that great given the straightjacket of the prisoners’ dilemma. In the 2011 election the AFC did a remarkable thing by helping to deny the PPP a majority. APNU did the same by increasing its votes. This returned some level of democracy to Guyana. In my opinion, November 2011 is more auspicious than October 5, 1992.

With the serious constraints the AFC faces, it is unlikely to grow to become a mass party. I do not expect the AFC to lose its seven seats. But the AFC can play a bigger role for the people of Guyana. The Guyanese population has undergone structural changes. This change is enough to deny the PPP the majority permanently. With the exception of the Indigenous votes, the Guyanese population is close to Trinidad and Tobago’s. That means there is a large enough group of voters who are willing to swing to the party with the best message and the most credible leader.

However, if the third party stands by itself it does not mean it can get these voters because many of them are also facing the dilemma on the day of secret ballot. The AFC leadership would do the nation a great service by helping to form a unified opposition. They should ensure democratic turnover like there is in Trinidad and Tobago. The government changes in that country but the sky does not fall down. Indo and Afro Trinidadians live well together in a small piece of land. Mr Moses Nagamootoo, for example, could take his immense political capital and deploy such to the effort of democratic turnover.

In the absence of constitutional reform, which I greatly support (and APNU leads the way here), democratic turnover is the best way to bring about healing. No single group will say it cannot win the election because the electoral calculus is against it. Moreover, democratic turnover removes the complacency of the leaders. They will always face the uncertainty of losing an election. I am convinced this is the way to go in the absence of constitutional reform.


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:

The Ethnic Security Dilemmas thesis needs to be updated


Posted By Staff Writer On September 30, 2013 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Recently there has been a remarkable convergence of views regarding the recent crime wave among the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO), Mr Anil Nandalall, Mr Clement Rohee and Mr Ravi Dev. They all opined that the recent upsurge in serious crimes are ethnically based and politically directed. No doubt guiding Mr Dev’s analysis is the thesis known as the Ethnic Security Dilemmas (ESD), which is an idea that came down from the British Guiana East Indian Association (BGEIA) and was modified by Mr Dev. As an economist, I have the highest regard for theory since it’s the only way by which we can understand how the world works. The ESD does have predictive powers in terms of its insight into how the two dominant ethnic groups are likely to vote in Guyana. However, it is a very poor predictor of the source of crimes, especially in light of the confessions of the convicted Mr Roger Khan.


Therefore, the thesis has to be updated in light of recent data that came from Wikileaks, the trial of Khan’s associates in NY and the very recent news report surrounding the arrest of President Bouterse’s son for trafficking cocaine. The theory, furthermore, has always had a major weakness even before the recent narco-connected crimes.


This weakness has to do with the fact that the ESD does not explain properly the root cause of the fears of East Indians; however it explains the source of the fears of African Guyanese as economic in nature.  The fear of East Indians as a group supposedly stems from the fact that the army and police are not ethnically balanced. However, the army has been very professional since 1992 and it has not attempted to overthrow the PPP. Indeed the PPP has been good at selecting its leader for the top spot of the army. This leader is typically given significant economic rewards. The battles on the East Coast had a drug connection. The theory does not take into consideration the fact that it is the PPP which uses as an electoral strategy a racist message of blaming the opposition for crimes when many of the crimes were connected to the gangs owned by the man now in a NY jail.

According to the theory, African Guyanese fear economic marginalisation by an Indian-dominated PPP, hence they tend to vote in large numbers for the PNC.  This is agreeable. However, East Indian motivations also stem from the fear of economic marginalisation and not necessarily the nebulous notion of physical fear. Therefore, they also tend to vote in large numbers for the PPP. In the past I have noted that the PPP has taken advantage of this entrenchment of votes to create an oligarchic relationship with several chosen business personalities excluding the East Indian masses from sharing in the economic pie. With economic fears paramount, the groups turn out to vote for their respective parties. Each cannot know how the other will vote, so he/she votes for the party perceived to provide this economic security. Fear and emotions rule over reason on the day of voting. Ironically voting for the PPP does not provide the economic security for East Indian masses because the PPP’s entire economic agenda is motivated by oligarchic expropriation.

This thesis, however, will not explain the voting pattern of about 30 per cent of the population. This will include liberal East Indians, liberal African Guyanese, mixed ethnicities, Indigenous folks and other groups. They are the swing voters who will determine the election. They will not fall easily for the propaganda that says “don’t split the votes” by whipping up ethnic fears among East Indians by blaming African Guyanese for crimes.


The theory must be updated to take into consideration the narco-engendered crimes in Guyana. Since 1992 cocaine has become prominent among illicit exports. Its consumption has also increased at home affecting all villages. East Indians will note how drug consumption is ravaging their villages, reaching the crisis level of alcoholism. East Indians will note that it was the PPP which turned down British security aid and had earlier appeared to rely on Roger Khan to fight the supposed “freedom fighters”. Since the PPP has refused to do an inquiry into these crimes (something for which APNU and Mr Granger have called), we would never know the truth. Therefore, this scenario of narco-traffickers trying to destabilise the government is equally plausible.  The outward ethnic manifestation of the conflicts on the East Coast had a narco underpinning. The narco-traffickers certainly have the incentive to do so since the PPP has refused to reform the police force since 1992. The state is weak and the traffickers know it can be easily corrupted.


A large percentage of East Indians will understand these things and will not support the PPP this time around. They will not fall prey to the coordinated propaganda games being played to unfairly blame the African Guyanese community for crimes. They will enquire where are the serious police and judicial reforms since 1992?


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

You are a fool. Theory is the 'only way to understand how the world works?' That explains why you keep jumping from pillar to post with no firm place of abode. 

Yes...the world does not work without a theory to reinforce and direct the processes of its functioning. If you know otherwise you would be the first one to wander willy nilly into wisdom.

You need to re-read what he wrote. He said that theory is the ONLY way to understand how a society works. This is not true. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ronald McDonald you seem like a very bitter fellow. You may want to seek some counseling and get some therapy?

Therapy far what? Because you said that theory is the only way to explain a society and you know its not true.  


You are a fool. Theory is the 'only way to understand how the world works?' That explains why you keep jumping from pillar to post with no firm place of abode. 

Yes...the world does not work without a theory to reinforce and direct the processes of its functioning. If you know otherwise you would be the first one to wander willy nilly into wisdom.

You need to re-read what he wrote. He said that theory is the ONLY way to understand how a society works. This is not true. 


All subjects have modes of thinking. Accounting, economics, physics, medicine, chemistry, biology, etc, they all have theories. Did you go to school? Don't be envious since you have to structure to your mind. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ronald McDonald you seem like a very bitter fellow. You may want to seek some counseling and get some therapy?

Therapy far what? Because you said that theory is the only way to explain a society and you know its not true.  


You studied at Patrice Lumumba Uni also? 


TK was a political activist of the PPP. After going abroad and became an economic witch doctor, he went to freedom House and fanned his piece of paper infront of Jagdeo, saying I want to be president. Imagined the laughter..

Moses Nagamootoo did the same thing, only Jagdeo refused to step aside.


TKbhai, if you want to learn how to fly, you must first learn how to walk and run..

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK was a political activist of the PPP. After going abroad and became an economic witch doctor, he went to freedom House and fanned his piece of paper infront of Jagdeo, saying I want to be president. Imagined the laughter..

Moses Nagamootoo did the same thing, only Jagdeo refused to step aside.


TKbhai, if you want to learn how to fly, you must first learn how to walk and run..


I don't about your lies. Dr TK is a known economist. My mamoo files away all his articles and letters. Jagdeo went to a university with no exams. They get certificate of attendance at Patrice Lumumba of Communism. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK was a political activist of the PPP. After going abroad and became an economic witch doctor, he went to freedom House and fanned his piece of paper infront of Jagdeo, saying I want to be president. Imagined the laughter..

Moses Nagamootoo did the same thing, only Jagdeo refused to step aside.


TKbhai, if you want to learn how to fly, you must first learn how to walk and run..


I don't about your lies. Dr TK is a known economist. My mamoo files away all his articles and letters. Jagdeo went to a university with no exams. They get certificate of attendance at Patrice Lumumba of Communism. 


Jagdeo is so insecure with his MSC from Patrice Lumumba of Communism (the no exam degree) that he had to steal to prove a point. Mr Desmond Hoyte was generous enough to offer him a job as junior economist at State Planning. He became ungrateful to Mr Hoyte. Mr Hoyte did not discriminate against him because he was Indian. 


A culture that encourages personal attacks instead of discussion of issues does a disservice to Guyanese


Posted By Staff Writer On October 18, 2013 @ 5:09 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


We at Pro Guyana note recent criticisms of Mr Anand Goolsarran, and find them to be part of a disheartening pattern.

These criticisms show the blatant and exploitative hypocrisy of some of those proposing a national conversation with the intention of bringing about introspection.


It is sharply disappointing to observe well-intentioned and clearly accomplished citizens being criticised in ways that do not address the merits of their work or messages.

A culture that encourages personal attacks instead of discussion of issues does a disservice to hard-working Guyanese regardless of political persuasion.


We hope that our leaders will, by their conduct, set examples for our children to emulate. Mr Goolsarran makes a crucial point that Guyana needs to build institutions, enforce laws and preserve systems that will promote transparency. This has nothing to do with gender. If the government has good intentions, it ought not to be difficult to second a highly qualified female to an equally important job somewhere else in the civil service.


Yours faithfully,
Tarron Khemraj
Euclid Rose
Rab Mukraj

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK was a political activist of the PPP. After going abroad and became an economic witch doctor, he went to freedom House and fanned his piece of paper infront of Jagdeo, saying I want to be president. Imagined the laughter..

Moses Nagamootoo did the same thing, only Jagdeo refused to step aside.


TKbhai, if you want to learn how to fly, you must first learn how to walk and run..


I don't about your lies. Dr TK is a known economist. My mamoo files away all his articles and letters. Jagdeo went to a university with no exams. They get certificate of attendance at Patrice Lumumba of Communism. 

Jagdeo graduated from mahaica secondary school with 8 subjects, ordinary level GCE and 4 advanced level  subjects.

You are the one spreading lines.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK was a political activist of the PPP. After going abroad and became an economic witch doctor, he went to freedom House and fanned his piece of paper infront of Jagdeo, saying I want to be president. Imagined the laughter..

Moses Nagamootoo did the same thing, only Jagdeo refused to step aside.


TKbhai, if you want to learn how to fly, you must first learn how to walk and run..


I don't about your lies. Dr TK is a known economist. My mamoo files away all his articles and letters. Jagdeo went to a university with no exams. They get certificate of attendance at Patrice Lumumba of Communism. 

Jagdeo graduated from mahaica secondary school with 8 subjects, ordinary level GCE and 4 advanced level  subjects.

You are the one spreading lines.




Mr Ramakant Persaud can you ask Mr Jagdeo to make available his masters thesis he wrote at Patrice Lumumba of Soviet Union? Thank you Sir. 


TK was a PPP activist and he was jealous of Jagdeo's ability to move up the success ladder. PHd's are no criterion for minister wuk..  You have to show us in the PPP that you can handle the stress.. 

Imagine the dirty ******s are running to the very people who rapes their women folks in the national service..  Crabin will verify my story.


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