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Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Did anyone read the AFC position in yesterday KN as outlined by Dr. Ramaya.  I cannot see it.  Can someone post it here?

According to Dr Ramaya:


the AFC moving a motion in Parliament to reduce the tolls on the Berbice River Bridge.

That's the correct way to effect change, not lose cannons creating riots, mayhem and death for no good reason.  I hope the more rational minds in the AFC begin to assert themselves and show responsible leadership.  However, I still have an issue with them kochoring the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

I have heard of it. If AFC pulls it off it will be the best thing they did since the election. 

They need to finally start addressing their campaign promises and do away with that ideology of hooliganism which they adopted after the elections.

Full agree with Baseman on this score.


AFC must start delivering on its campaign promises.


When will the deal with a proper wages increase for workers - like a 10% now?

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

I have heard of it. If AFC pulls it off it will be the best thing they did since the election. 

They need to finally start addressing their campaign promises and do away with that ideology of hooliganism which they adopted after the elections.

Full agree with Baseman on this score.


AFC must start delivering on its campaign promises.


When will the deal with a proper wages increase for workers - like a 10% now?



I think I read somewhere that Moses Nagas was demanding a 10% but he did not follow up with more action.


What is the latest from the AFC on this matter?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ask one Bush doctor what he did with the money donated for the party ? How about the results of an alleged investigation. Still hiding under the carpet ?

I see you are magnifying your ship Brahmin status everyday, The morality of the Brahmin is never in doubt but to see you exalt its corrupt status so steadfastly is surprising. Dr Ramaya  is  a doctor and if he is into homeopathic medicine, kudos to him. There is great wisdom in folk medicine which is prevention based than in curative medicine. As a ship Brahmin you would not know that Ayurvedic medicine which is homeopathic is quite successful in capturing common sense solutions to health. Calling him a bush doctor simply illustrates your perverse desire to defile rather than address simple issues. Even today "bush doctors" are all that most people of the world have to address their health issue as western medicines are unattainable still alien turf


He at worse padded his accounts to the tune of 2k US if what was suggested is correct. However given the source of the PPP fifth column plant, I doubt that. We saw he same technique used to attempt to marginalize Sase. It is PPP evil at best.


Were you the good Brahmin ( metaphorically speaking since I do not think there are any), you would wonder why is Gail double dipping, Why is 100 million being paid in a scam rent for drug storage, why Berbice residents pay $11 to cross to people who financed less than 10 percent of it'sd construction. The nation backed the lions share! But being a  ignoramus you prefer to pander to the propaganda of the PPP than use your own mind.

Last edited by Former Member

Dr Ramaya however ask - at what cost to the commuters?


Dr Ramaya claimed the cost is too much on the commuters.


MY Comments


Yes US$11 for the people who earn so little is too much.


Even the New Yorkers who earn so much tink US$11 to cross Verazaano is too much, much less a school child who parents combined salary is $400 a month.


Dr. Ramaya - you have surprised me, you did a detailed analysis and I thank you and the AFC for fighting for the poor Berbicians.


When will the motion in Parliament be passed?


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