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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Today is 33 years since he was assassinated.

According to you, it was self-defense for your hero LSB.

We must never forget that Chief was a PNC strongman in Corriverton.

You have one part correct, I am a strongman. The PNC part I do not know of however  I think you are a PPP donkey. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Walter Rodney is the father of the Guyanese nation.  He made the ultimate sacrifice for all Guyanese.  He gave his life for the Guyanese people.

 Cut that crap about fathers of the nation. If they really are they are the dead slaves who toiled namelessly their entire lives to open up the land from an inter tidal swamp to agricultural zones. It is also those Native peoples who suffered the indignities of subservience to alien masters and saw their entire population decimated with the coming of the colonials.


Rodney was just a voice  we know.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Today is 33 years since he was assassinated.

According to you, it was self-defense for your hero LSB.

We must never forget that Chief was a PNC strongman in Corriverton.

You have one part correct, I am a strongman. The PNC part I do not know of however  I think you are a PPP donkey. 

Ewe-gee and Baseman.....

Here is a chance for both of U to prove you are not a Crab Louse.....

1. Image : Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

2. Picture of Crabs (Pubic Lice)

 Picture of Crabs [Pubic Lice)Picture of Crabs [Pubic Lice)
London Scientific Films

(1) Produce a Congress Place ID Card.....

showing Chief was a PNC strongman....

or.....his hero  was LSB.


(2) Produce a simple Statement......

by any Known PNC member.....

 stating Chief was a PNC strongman.....

or.....his hero  was LSB.


(3) Produce a Statement............

 by any Honest or Decent PPP Supporter....
stating Chief was a PNC strongman.....

or.....his hero  was LSB.


(4) Produce a Statement.........

 by anyone who is not a Crab Louse or B@tty-boy

stating Chief was a PNC strongman......

or.....his hero  was LSB.


Now...Ewe-gee and Baseman.....

You need some time to get your facts together......

How much time yuh need........

to prove you are not a Crab Louse.....

A Day....Two Day....Three Days....a Week....

or lil more....tell us....we'll give you de time...



Note : I am not defending Chief.....

Or Claiming he is a member or Supporter of PPP....

But you are saying.....

Chief was a PNC strongman......

and.....his hero  was LSB.


But I am simply trying to Prove..... 

is....if.... You are Both Crab Louse....


Picture of Crabs [Pubic Lice)Picture of Crabs [Pubic Lice)


Last edited by Former Member

Today Guyana observes the death Anniversary of a Prominent Guyanese historian and political activist Dr. Walter Anthony Rodney. The Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), the youth arm of the PPP is calling on all members of the Guyanese society to join with us on paying our deepest respect for this great and true freedom fighter. Dr. Rodney who was born on March 23rd, 1942, was assassinated on June 13th 1980. 
This year marks 33 years since the death of Dr. Rodney and to date, no one has been arrested for his assassination despite overwhelming world belief that points the finger at the PNC Government of the day. 
Dr. Rodney was an internationally recognized Guyanese historian who devoted his life to eliminating racial division among Guyanese, a fight which publicly angered the then President Burnham and which he later paid for with his life. 
To date, the PNC has never apologized for the killing of Dr. Rodney or sought to investigate the murder. The WPA, which Dr. Rodney founded, has even joined with the prime suspect as a coalition partner in APNU.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Burnham said, he lived by the bomb and died by the bomb.  Today the party he started is friends with the PNc as so are many of the AFC Indians. 

Another one who believes in Burnham to the point where he actually thinks that Rodney knowingly had a bomb.


Whats interesting is that those who fought against the Burnham dictatorship now fight against the PPP dictatorship.


And many of Burnham's best thuggish friends, folks like Norman McLean and Nascimento, are best buddies with the PPP.  I feel sure that if Rabbi Washington were alive he would be welcomed by the PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Today Guyana observes the death Anniversary of a Prominent Guyanese historian and political activist Dr. Walter Anthony Rodney. The Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), the youth arm of the PPP is calling on all members of the Guyanese society to join with us on paying our deepest respect for this great and true freedom fighter. Dr. Rodney who was born on March 23rd, 1942, was assassinated on June 13th 1980. 
This year marks 33 years since the death of Dr. Rodney and to date, no one has been arrested for his assassination despite overwhelming world belief that points the finger at the PNC Government of the day. 
Dr. Rodney was an internationally recognized Guyanese historian who devoted his life to eliminating racial division among Guyanese, a fight which publicly angered the then President Burnham and which he later paid for with his life. 
To date, the PNC has never apologized for the killing of Dr. Rodney or sought to investigate the murder. The WPA, which Dr. Rodney founded, has even joined with the prime suspect as a coalition partner in APNU.

I was there the first night Rodney was First invited at freedom house to speak The morons in attendance were in awe since he spoke extemporaneously.  Rodney clearly was a threat to both the PPP and the PNC. The PPP clearly did not see him as an ally. They saw him as an impediment. To pretend you sympathize care now for his service to the  nation is crocodile tears.


And what if the WPA joined with the PNC? Think on it, they who suffered  and were jailed and murdered  by the PNC do not trust you! That says something don't it?

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I was there the first night Rodney was First invited at freedom house to speak The morons in attendance were in awe since he spoke extemporaneously.  Rodney clearly was a threat to both the PPP and the PNC. The PPP clearly did not see him as an ally. They saw him as an impediment. To pretend you sympathize care now for his service to the  nation is crocodile tears.


And what if the WPA joined with the PNC? Think on it, they who suffered  and were jailed and murdered  by the PNC do not trust you! That says something don't it?

Freedom House told Rodney to keep his activities to the AfroGuyanese.  They wished the WPA only to weaken the PNC dictatorship.


As we have since learnt their only plan was to seize power, and use Burnhamite methods to keep it.


This is why today's WPA no longer support the PPP.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Councie De Crab Louse......

what yuh think Walter would think about......

Jagdeo & Ramotar teaming up with Black House of Isreal PNC Thugs......

and moving them into Freedom House and Office of the President.

Since you like calling names, did you or do you have a television show in New York and what is its reach if you do have it?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Today is 33 years since he was assassinated.

According to you, it was self-defense for your hero LSB.

We must never forget that Chief was a PNC strongman in Corriverton.

You have one part correct, I am a strongman. The PNC part I do not know of however  I think you are a PPP donkey. 

Maybe you strongman on the keyboard.


Sugrim anada Crab Louse......

Abee think yuh getting mix up with

Jagdeo best friend..... Richard James.


James De Insurance Scam Artist....and Killer 

Had a TV show

eeeeee always featuring Jagdeo and Raj Singh.


Any Krab Louse should know.....

De difference between a TV show and a TV Channel....


ask yuh Dakta friends....

Richard James, Jagdeo or Raj......

Ah hear all three ah dem is Crab Louse dakta.....


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Burnham said, he lived by the bomb and died by the bomb.  Today the party he started is friends with the PNc as so are many of the AFC Indians. 

Another one who believes in Burnham to the point where he actually thinks that Rodney knowingly had a bomb.


Whats interesting is that those who fought against the Burnham dictatorship now fight against the PPP dictatorship.


And many of Burnham's best thuggish friends, folks like Norman McLean and Nascimento, are best buddies with the PPP.  I feel sure that if Rabbi Washington were alive he would be welcomed by the PPP.

On this I have to agree with you.

Jalil goes to great lenghts to point out that The PPP are now in bed with the PNC THUGS.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Burnham said, he lived by the bomb and died by the bomb.  Today the party he started is friends with the PNc as so are many of the AFC Indians. 

Another one who believes in Burnham to the point where he actually thinks that Rodney knowingly had a bomb.


Whats interesting is that those who fought against the Burnham dictatorship now fight against the PPP dictatorship.


And many of Burnham's best thuggish friends, folks like Norman McLean and Nascimento, are best buddies with the PPP.  I feel sure that if Rabbi Washington were alive he would be welcomed by the PPP.

Where did I say I believed Burnham?  We all know that Burnham and Rodney were friends prior to their falling out and his subsequent death.  In fact there was no evidence that the PNC killed Rodney, just theories. 


As for the PPP courting former PNC officials, you can not hope to rule Guyana by ignoring 40% of the population, reconciliation is necessary. Even today the PPP continue to reach across the fence to PNC diehards in the hope of drawing them away from the mo fiah slow fiah destructive mentality. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. 

In fact the AFC are foolish if they believe that they can rule Guyana without engaging elements from the PNc, in fact they are a coalition of former disgruntled PNC/PPP defectors. Find out the evil committed by Trotman and others in the aFC rank before you rant and rave. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Burnham said, he lived by the bomb and died by the bomb.  Today the party he started is friends with the PNc as so are many of the AFC Indians. 

Another one who believes in Burnham to the point where he actually thinks that Rodney knowingly had a bomb.


Whats interesting is that those who fought against the Burnham dictatorship now fight against the PPP dictatorship.


And many of Burnham's best thuggish friends, folks like Norman McLean and Nascimento, are best buddies with the PPP.  I feel sure that if Rabbi Washington were alive he would be welcomed by the PPP.

Where did I say I believed Burnham?  We all know that Burnham and Rodney were friends prior to their falling out and his subsequent death.  In fact there was no evidence that the PNC killed Rodney, just theories. 


As for the PPP courting former PNC officials, you can not hope to rule Guyana by ignoring 40% of the population, reconciliation is necessary. Even today the PPP continue to reach across the fence to PNC diehards in the hope of drawing them away from the mo fiah slow fiah destructive mentality. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. 

In fact the AFC are foolish if they believe that they can rule Guyana without engaging elements from the PNc, in fact they are a coalition of former disgruntled PNC/PPP defectors. Find out the evil committed by Trotman and others in the aFC rank before you rant and rave. 

The fact is, your PPP is in bed with PNC thugs.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Where did I say I believed Burnham?  We all know that Burnham and Rodney were friends prior to their falling out and his subsequent death.  In fact there was no evidence that the PNC killed Rodney, just theories. 


As for the PPP courting former PNC officials, you can not hope to rule Guyana by ignoring 40% of the population, reconciliation is necessary. Even today the PPP continue to reach across the fence to PNC diehards in the hope of drawing them away from the mo fiah slow fiah destructive mentality. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. 

In fact the AFC are foolish if they believe that they can rule Guyana without engaging elements from the PNc, in fact they are a coalition of former disgruntled PNC/PPP defectors. Find out the evil committed by Trotman and others in the aFC rank before you rant and rave. 

The only people who "knew" that Rodney and Burnham were friends were simpletons like you who do not know that 10% of 43% is 4.3%.


Rodney was tossed out of Jamaica because he, Clive THomas and others were educating impoverished Jamaicans about the inequity of their socio economic system, and helping them to develop pride in being black.


Burnham tried to prevent him from returning to Guyana by refusing him a job at UG.  He  couldnt ban him as Rodney is Guyanese.  But Burnham spread the same lies about Rodney that the JLP did.  The JLP being a right wing reactionary group in the 1960s, and completely opposed to Burnham and his socialism.


Burnham feared that Rodney would so the same in Guyana.  That is to teach poor blacks in Gtwn, ECD and Linden, that Burnham was no good for them.


And druggie black people did NOT vote for the PPP and chased Kwame and his fellow black thugs out of villages when tghey tried to disrupt the elections.  Indeed Kwame and another one of the ex PNC thugs even assaulting black people, including polling staff.


If the PPP wants to engage blacks they need to seriously sit down and negotiate with the opposition parties, which over 90% of AfroGuyanese voted to represent their interests in parliament.



What is sad is that the SAME people who helped Burnham kill Rodney are now today working with the PPP, teaching them the same tactics of oppression that Rodney valiantly fought against.


THE People’s Progressive Party yesterday joined with all Guyanese in marking the 33rd death Anniversary of Dr. Walter Rodney.
Dr. Rodney is recognised the world over as a freedom fighter. The PPP said while he is better known for his contribution to Africa, he also supported the freedom and working people’s struggles throughout the world. â€œIt was therefore no surprise that he challenged the People’s National Congress (PNC) regime (the PNC now calls it-self APNU -A partnership for National Unity), for its dictatorial and anti-people’s stance. He joined the struggle on his return home to liberate Guyana,” the PPP stated.
The ruling party said Rodney’s contribution in that period was very important and helped to unmask the oppressive regime of the PNC.
The dictatorship was isolated and lost all credibility that they constantly resorted to violence and murders, the PPP stated.
“Walter Rodney was the most famous in a long line of persons who were murdered by the then PNC regime. These included Jagan Ramesar and Bholanauth Parmanand, Edward Dublin, Ohene Kaoma and many others,” the PPP said.
“Walter Rodney stood with the people. He is one of our heroes and will always be remembered for his fearless stance against oppression and dictatorship,” he added.
The People’s Progressive Party said it supports President Donald Ramotar and the Government in establishing an International Commission of Inquiry into the assassination of “one of our country’s freedom fighters and brilliant minds”.


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