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Draconian budgetary cuts by joint opposition … Finance Minister accuses joint opposition of wielding tyrannical scissors

- results will be social and economic dislocation of thousands of Guyanese people in myriads of ways, all across the country



Thursday, 26 April 2012 13:42

Source - Guyana Chronicle


The incomprehensible and illogical budgetary cuts imposed by the joint opposition on the peoples of Guyana is nothing less than an anti-people act of vengeance to assuage personal grievances against the government of Guyana and its functionaries; as well as ego-massaging grandstanding.

In an invited comment at Parliament Building yesterday Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall averred that the joint opposition has used its parliamentary mandate conferred upon them by the people of Guyana in the general elections of November 2011 as an instrument of oppression against those very people, which he termed as the greatest act of political treachery and betrayal in Guyana’s parliamentary history.

“Sixty years ago”, recalled Nandlall, “parliamentarians used the votes of the people in the colonial Legislative Assembly to protect the vested interests of the plantocracy.  Today, we have witnessed a full circle, where the mandate of the people has been manipulated to protect the vested interests of the politocracy.”

He termed this an overthrow of constitutional democracy.

According to Nandlall, the programmes for which budgetary allocations have been reduced are all of a social nature designed to advance the welfare of the people of the country – stretching from Crabwood Creek to Charity, Morawhana to Aishalton: in effect all across Guyana, which will affect every class; but more especially the most vulnerable members of society.

Alluding to cuts to the elections machinery, Nandlall posited: “Significantly, the people’s ability to rectify this wrong by proceeding to early elections is also under siege because of drastic cuts to GECOM’s budget.  This de-gutting of budgetary subventions for vital sections of the Government is a complete conspiracy to assassinate democracy and representative governance.”

An obviously shaken and appalled Finance Minister referred to the appallingly senseless budgetary cuts to vital sectors of the country’s administration machinery as a “wielding of tyrannical scissors” through a one-seat majority.

Director of GINA, Neaz Subhan, informed the Chronicle that in excess of 40 employees of GINA will be affected by the budgetary cuts.  He said that his normally hard-working staff members are in a state of shock, with many breaking down in tears when they were informed that their place of employment has been effectively stricken off the media landscape by the “tyrannical scissors” of the joint opposition.

Subhan justified the existence of GINA as an information collator and disseminator of Government’s policies and programmes and said that existence of a Government news agency is not unique to Guyana, but is an important adjunct to governments all over the world.

Averring that the public has a fundamental right to be informed on Government’s policies and developmental programmes, Subhan said that the agency’s staff members, who have become collateral damage in the vindictive and spiteful actions of the joint parliamentary opposition, are merely professional people doing a job as per their skills and knowledge, with political affiliations not being a component of their professional mandate, which are not subjective to any other consideration except those applying to their professional job descriptions.

This complete budgetary cut is effectively meant to muzzle the government through its information arm and deprive the nation of its fundamental right to information on issues that have a bearing on their existence and survival, singly and collectively.

Subhan stated, “Here is an opposition that used an electioneering strategy of telling the people that they are interested in their welfare, an opposition that has accused the government of not creating employment opportunities, yet they are using their minute power to deprive people of their jobs without considering the social consequences and negative impacts to lives and livelihoods of the ordinary workers of the country.” 

However, Subhan says GINA’s staff remains united and committed, and will continue to demonstrate their resentment of the anti working-class opposition actions.

NCN’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Sattaur, has accused the joint opposition of going to parliament with an apparent agenda, with APNU’s Carl Greenidge proposing a complete cut of the state media’s current subvention, which pays 30% of NCN’s employee salaries, which means that the jobs of 30% of the in excess of 225 employees of NCN will be affected; and with the AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan proposing complete cut of the entity’s capital subvention, which will wipe out NCN’s ability to produce any local programme or cover any national event; also which will bring to an immediate halt coverage of any sporting, cultural, social and educational programmes because of a lack of affordability.

According to Sattaur, cricket lovers will be deprived of their much-loved games; whilst coverage of the imminent Olympics will be in jeopardy.  Screening of other sporting events, both local and international, will also be severely restricted, if not halted altogether. Educational programmes will be curtailed, and cultural and social activities will also be restricted. Through the puerile self-serving agendas of the joint opposition, the entire nation will be negatively impacted and starved of information and entertainment.

Sattaur informed the Chronicle that Greenidge, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo said that unless they get free coverage in the state media they would vote down the budgetary allocations for the entities.  However, Sattaur said that as a state media, NCN airs all GINA’s productions on Government’s programmes and policies, with government functionaries speaking on current affairs issues relating to governance of the country, which is adherence to the people’s constitutional right to information; but he denied that any political party, including PPP/C is given free airtime.

He also refuted Granger’s allegations that APNU is not allowed time on NCN, citing a recent event in Linden where Granger was given full-length live coverage.

However, he said that during elections, the opposition parties wanted unlimited airtime free of cost and rejected the limited free time that they were offered by NCN, thus they boycotted all state media.  According to Sattaur, they also always refuse to participate in any panel discussions hosted by that state entity.

Bishop Juan Edghill said the state media is a national asset that contributes to social, cultural and educational programming; as well as most sporting events – both national and international.

Briefly addressing state media staffers holding an impromptu candlelight vigil outside of Parliament buildings last night, Housing and Water Minister, Irfaan Ali promised government’s support to the public sector employees affected by the cuts, because they are not working from a political platform, but are merely professionals performing their mandated duties according their employment portfolios.

The PNC, which muzzled the press while in government, is trying its utmost to again muzzle the press while in opposition, with full support from the AFC.  However, it is unlikely that they will succeed in their evil intent.  They did not succeed before, and they will not succeed now.

Historically the PNC has always oppressed and betrayed public servants, and in his budget presentation Attorney-General Anil Nandlall revealed the way Guyana’s public servants had been treated by the PNC regime

For a government that has transformed the socio-economic dynamics of this nation where the developmental trajectory is poised for flight skywards to be sanctioned by the very persons who destroyed the economy and social and physical infrastructures in this country is presumptuousness of the highest order, especially when a sanctimonious Granger and Greenidge, with their abysmal track records of human rights; as well as the vindictive and spiteful Ramjattan/Nagamootoo duo, who are only intent on taking vengeance on their former comrades for their ouster from the PPP, can constrain social development and economic growth in the nation with their malicious budgetary cuts, merely for purposes of self-aggrandizement and ego-massaging.

And by the way, did the “tyrannical scissors” cut the budgetary allocations of the opposition MP’s and the astronomical remuneration and benefits of the leader of the opposition? Or is it only the president who is being deprived of his aides, while Granger enjoys all the rights and benefits conferred upon his office, ironically, by the PPP/C regime when they had the majority in the House; rights and benefits which, conversely, they had denied Dr. Cheddi Jagan when he was Leader of the Opposition.

And that is what separates the true leaders from the charlatans.  True leaders subsume personal considerations for the national good; while the charlatans promise much, but only deliver grief and destruction.

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and the entire PPP/C governmental team under successive PPP/C presidents, especially Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, the architect of modern Guyana, have rescued this nation from the PNC hurricane once before.

After 19 years of their astute stewardship, there is little doubt that they will weather this latest PNC storm. The  AFC? Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


Last Updated on Thursday, 26 April 2012 13:48

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

After 19 years of their astute stewardship, there is little doubt that they will weather this latest PNC storm.


After the devastating period of the PNC rule, 1964 to 1992, there had to be astute stewardship to uplift Guyana from the abyss of PNC-destruction.


Time and patience.


Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and the entire PPP/C governmental team under successive PPP/C presidents, especially Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, the architect of modern Guyana, have rescued this nation from the PNC hurricane once before.

Again Guyana will succeed under the PPP/C.


Short-term PNC/AFC "gains" will be very long term pains for them.


And by the way, did the “tyrannical scissors” cut the budgetary allocations of the opposition MP’s and the astronomical remuneration and benefits of the leader of the opposition?

Or is it only the president who is being deprived of his aides, while Granger enjoys all the rights and benefits conferred upon his office, ironically, by the PPP/C regime when they had the majority in the House; rights and benefits which, conversely, they had denied Dr. Cheddi Jagan when he was Leader of the Opposition.

Of note.


Let's face it: if the PPP had not embezzled the Guyanese public to such an extent over the last 20 years, there would have been no need for cuts. As it stand at this moment in time the total amount collected by the government via taxes and transactions is far less than the total amount that the government wants to spend. Only the PPP can explain  the maths behind their reason to spend more than the country can afford.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

Juss di adda day, yu a wan dem PPP bais wah bin laff bout di lil rowe between AFC and PNC, but yuh runn yuh mout di adda side.  Put it diss way, dem bais shake up di PPP.


PPP bullies better get used to the 'one seat' AFC that effectivly trim $20 billion of bloat from the fat cats.


This same Dum_Guy was predicting  "one seat" for the AFC before the election. I doubt he remembers at his age that I told him that one seat can make a difference, once they hold the balance of power.


Guyana is a rich country; it does not need our remittances and barels.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

Juss di adda day, yu a wan dem PPP bais wah bin laff bout di lil rowe between AFC and PNC, but yuh runn yuh mout di adda side.  Put it diss way, dem bais shake up di PPP.

Time is the major factor.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

I'm not convinced. I think that AFC is different, and probably a cat's paw for foreign interests. The Dick Morris angle still strikes me as highly significant.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly  but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.

AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.


AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid").


Hence, the AFC is clearly dependent on the PNC.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.

AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.

Old hatreds, presumption of eternal victimization and racism (PNC = black peeps) means relics like you can never be instrumental to change. You are the dust of history


PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.




Clever, I like.


The incomprehensible and illogical budgetary cuts imposed by the joint opposition on the peoples of Guyana is nothing less than an anti-people act of vengeance to assuage personal grievances against the government of Guyana and its functionaries; as well as ego-massaging grandstanding.




This lady has a way with words, whoa!

Originally Posted by alena06:

The incomprehensible and illogical budgetary cuts imposed by the joint opposition on the peoples of Guyana is nothing less than an anti-people act of vengeance to assuage personal grievances against the government of Guyana and its functionaries; as well as ego-massaging grandstanding.




This lady has a way with words, whoa!

That lady can chew up and spit out RUMjattan and Moses in a few seconds.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The incomprehensible and illogical budgetary cuts imposed by the joint opposition on the peoples of Guyana is nothing less than an anti-people act of vengeance to assuage personal grievances against the government of Guyana and its functionaries; as well as ego-massaging grandstanding.




This lady has a way with words, whoa!

That lady can chew up and spit out RUMjattan and Moses in a few seconds.

The dunce is supposed to be writing an informed journalistic piece and she begins with a conclusion! That is why GINA is a propaganda machine. They cannot even produce newsworthy pieces when they attempt to do so having been submerged corrupted by that culture.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.

AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.

Old hatreds, presumption of eternal victimization and racism (PNC = black peeps) means relics like you can never be instrumental to change. You are the dust of history

Alliance for Change is an integral unit of the PNC; unchanged since 1964.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.

AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.

Old hatreds, presumption of eternal victimization and racism (PNC = black peeps) means relics like you can never be instrumental to change. You are the dust of history

Alliance for Change is an integral unit of the PNC; unchanged since 1964.

I wonder if the leaders of the AFC were born in 64. Not everyone are of the neolithic era as you.


Storm maybe the gal did not go far in school and su she try she best but what is important is that he gat the fact right. Which facts u want to challenge from dis girl Parvati-Edwards. By the way what kind of name is dat?

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Storm maybe the gal did not go far in school and su she try she best but what is important is that he gat the fact right. Which facts u want to challenge from dis girl -Edwards. By the way what kind of name is dat?


 It is clear she is of considerable intellect. Unfortunately, it is deformed by a decadent culture seeking of her a propagandist writing style rather than one that is probative and interested with distilling truths.


Parvati happens to mean the "ideal woman'. a supreme goddess, Mahadevi in Hinduism so she was well named by her parents. Her last name is probably because she became Christianized or because of her husband. I do not know the individual's life story.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.

AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.

Old hatreds, presumption of eternal victimization and racism (PNC = black peeps) means relics like you can never be instrumental to change. You are the dust of history

Alliance for Change is an integral unit of the PNC; unchanged since 1964.

I wonder if the leaders of the AFC were born in 64. Not everyone are of the neolithic era as you.

Your choice to continue stumbling around the forum with your regurgitated nonsense.


Stormy it look like u and me can become friend because you sound like wan bright boy. But u did nat answer my question which is are you from the ruling class. It sounding so to me u know. Indiana Jones man u putting in some big time service because me a falla most a u post. A gat fuh tell u taste in indian flim star lil suspect.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

So predictably non informational!

It would indeed be an auspacious occasion when you make the initiative to deal with issues rather than to continue with your engrained non-sensical ramblings.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The  AFC?

Well, they are so minute that they will soon be blown away into the nothingness from whence they came.

AFC, without any doubts now, have clearly shown that they were never an independent political party pursuing a clear path, distinct from the other political parties -- but they-AFC were always an integral part of the PNC.

It makes little sense answering you directly but for the benefit of our readers I feel obliged to respond.  The AFC need alliances, with the PPP or the APNU to get its way. The PPP if they were smart would try to sell their agenda to the AFC since clearly they will not convince the APNU to go their way except with big concessions. This idea of independence of anyone is silly ( on a less sunny day I would say "stupid"). It is, reduced to its essence a game of strategy. One seeks the best ends through cooperation.

PNC plus TUF == 1964 - 1992

Burnham -- D'Aguiar -- Hoyte -- Greenidge.


PNC plus AFC == 2012 - ????

Corbin -- Granger -- Ramjattan -- Greenidge.


Key individuals of the current PNC are the same as those of the 1964-PNC.

Old hatreds, presumption of eternal victimization and racism (PNC = black peeps) means relics like you can never be instrumental to change. You are the dust of history

Alliance for Change is an integral unit of the PNC; unchanged since 1964.

I wonder if the leaders of the AFC were born in 64. Not everyone are of the neolithic era as you.

PNC=APNU=PNC .. no change for the PNC.


There are still prominent members in the PNC who were at its formation in 1957 .. 55 years ago.


Demerara Guy is basically fair in his comments and so Storm u must reply to the man. But you know I have this feeling that Stormy is one of the privileve people we talking about and he just using this form to defend the ruling class. Storm u sounding weak on this ruling class business.


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