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Driver abandons car after killing security guard in hit and run accident

June 16, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- later surrenders with lawyer

The father’s day plans of an Annandale, East Coast Demarara family were shattered when the patriarch was found dead on the Courbane Park Public road early yesterday morning, the victim of a hit and run accident.
The body of Mustaq Alli, 51 was discovered on the parapet of the road around 05:30 hours, mere minutes after he left his place of employment for his 179 Ravindra Street, Annandale home just a short distance away.

 Mustaq Alli

Mustaq Alli

The bicycle he was riding was lying a few feet away from his mangled body.
There were a few pieces of broke mirror on the roadway which convinced investigators and family members that Alli, called “Patak” or “Grumpsie”, a security guard, had been struck down by a vehicle.
Police in a press release stated that they have arrested a man and seized an abandoned car.
Kaieteur News understands that the man turned himself in with a lawyer a few hours after the car with its shattered windscreen was found abandoned on Agriculture Road, Mon Repos, about three miles from where the accident occurred.
The man reportedly told police that he was coming from a wedding and upon approaching Courbane Park, he came into contact with Alli who was riding a bicycle.
But after hitting Alli, a father of three, he drove away.
Investigators believe that the man might have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident and did not want to be subjected to a breathalyser test.
The dead man’s wife Rajpattie Basdeo told Kaieteur News that she was at home preparing breakfast when somebody came to her home and informed Alli’s brother that he was involved in an accident on the public road.
“Me start fuh holler out because me nah know if is true or lie,” Basdeo said.
The news was confirmed when another woman came and told her that her husband was dead.
When she got to the scene she saw a large crowd with many persons peering to get a glimpse of her husband’s badly broken body lying in the grass.
It was not how Basdeo had planned to spend this year’s father’s day.
“He invite he children dem fuh come and he planning fuh prepare fuh dem and dis is de father’s day gift he get,” Basdeo lamented.
His death had initially brought back fears that the family would have a similar experience to what occurred a year ago.
In April last year, Alli’s brother Altaf was struck down a few yards from where he met his death, and it also took a while for investigators to apprehend the driver.
“Dis is the second brother wha get knock down now. De fuss one, de case sell out in de court…de driver de escape and dem find de driver after,” Imtiaz Alli another brother told members of the media.  accident35
Meanwhile, police on the West Coast of Demerara are conducting investigations into another fatal accident, this time on the De Willem Public Road which has left 56-year old pedal cyclist Imran Mohamed dead.
According to the police at around 15:00 hours on Saturday, Mohamed attempted to cross the roadway on his bicycle and was struck down by a motor lorry. He was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he later succumbed to his injuries.
The driver of the motor vehicle is in police custody assisting with the investigations.
“Leh de Home Affairs Minister come and do something now. He can’t sit down and talk pon TV and say dey gon look after dis and look after dat. Nothing is being done and people are getting frustrated with dem. Whole time dem ah talk share stupidness in parliament deh and dem nah look after de poor people dem,” Imtiaz Alli stated.
The two recent deaths come at a time when the road fatality situation appears to be spiraling out of control.
Last week the main opposition block in parliament A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had expressed concern over the situation.
This was after a young driver killed three pedestrians in Berbice in what was described as an outrageous piece of driving.

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