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─ “We are definitely going after the big fish”

─ illegal drug trade inputs paint an incorrect picture of the economy

─ expect a lot more arrests

DPI, Guyana, Wednesday, October 31 2018

The impact of the illegal drug trade was felt across the economy and resulted in its distortion. This view was put to forward by the Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan in an exclusive interview. The minister said:

“There is no doubt that the parallel, dark side of the economy under the last administration, caused a bulging of the economy, in the sense of people having lots of money on the streets. The bubble had to burst, especially with a principled administration that wanted now to bring that to a halt.”

The minister noted that the flood of various types of currencies that entered Guyana, “had to be halted, and it was going to be halted the minute we started catching major drug criminals.”

Instructions have gone out to the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) and police officers, for them to “bring in the big fish, follow the trail!”

He added that some investigations entail a long process, “you just don’t jump on them with the small amounts. Do the surveillance and they have been doing a wonderful job”

“That is how people like ‘Big head’ got caught. That is certainly going to make a big dent into illegal foreign currency coming into the country”.

The minister stressed that the government did not want the country’s citizens to be indulging in cocaine and being a major drug transhipment point. Nothing distorts an economy like drugs money, he emphasised.

The absence of the drug-fuelled parallel economy will enable a better picture to be painted about Guyana’s true economic performance, Minister Ramjattan posited, “As to where we must plug our priorities for job creation and all of that.” He further noted that illegal drugs and the attendant cash flows, tend to distort the economy and the government will be unable to make proper fiscal assessments, “When they say the economy is bad, it is bad because we are getting the drug lords, because we are going good, principled things.”

The Public Security Minister warned, “Expect a lot more arrests!”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

I once told TK  that Economic predictions is like Michael Angelo throwing many colors on a canvas and hope for the best He fuget that Economics is NOT an exact science

Doan worry wid that kanta TK. Yuh see he predict how abie hero bridge will not sustain itself and he predict how abie hero and saviour Marriott na go mek money. Kanta TK flip coin and he 50% right bout abie Lord and Saviour Dr Mr Bharrat. Mr Bharrat hutel mekkin a lot of money. Even Garmount cant mek dem kind money. Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

I once told TK  that Economic predictions is like Michael Angelo throwing many colors on a canvas and hope for the best He fuget that Economics is NOT an exact science

Doan worry wid that kanta TK. Yuh see he predict how abie hero bridge will not sustain itself and he predict how abie hero and saviour Marriott na go mek money. Kanta TK flip coin and he 50% right bout abie Lord and Saviour Dr Mr Bharrat. Mr Bharrat hutel mekkin a lot of money. Even Garmount cant mek dem kind money. Hey hey hey...

Like you bin ah garmount? How much dem charge fuh you know dis piece of data? Maybe wid garmount and dem brij tolls, de brij cyan mek it heh?

skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

I once told TK  that Economic predictions is like Michael Angelo throwing many colors on a canvas and hope for the best He fuget that Economics is NOT an exact science

Doan worry wid that kanta TK. Yuh see he predict how abie hero bridge will not sustain itself and he predict how abie hero and saviour Marriott na go mek money. Kanta TK flip coin and he 50% right bout abie Lord and Saviour Dr Mr Bharrat. Mr Bharrat hutel mekkin a lot of money. Even Garmount cant mek dem kind money. Hey hey hey...

Like you bin ah garmount? How much dem charge fuh you know dis piece of data? Maybe wid garmount and dem brij tolls, de brij cyan mek it heh?

Bai only Mr Pavi know de answer. 

Labba posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

I once told TK  that Economic predictions is like Michael Angelo throwing many colors on a canvas and hope for the best He fuget that Economics is NOT an exact science

Doan worry wid that kanta TK. Yuh see he predict how abie hero bridge will not sustain itself and he predict how abie hero and saviour Marriott na go mek money. Kanta TK flip coin and he 50% right bout abie Lord and Saviour Dr Mr Bharrat. Mr Bharrat hutel mekkin a lot of money. Even Garmount cant mek dem kind money. Hey hey hey...

Like you bin ah garmount? How much dem charge fuh you know dis piece of data? Maybe wid garmount and dem brij tolls, de brij cyan mek it heh?

Bai only Mr Pavi know de answer. 

Dr. TK, you prappa wicked.


The Bubble is coming from Ramjattan’s rear. These AFC/PNC Jackasses cannot govern and are trying to find every excuse in the book. They will run out of excuses by 2020. Guyanese are demanding that they fulfill the million promises that they made. Deliver or buzz off.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

Much more in the USA.  Same police force. Tells me traffic has increased!  

It’s easy to guess what wasn’t but you cannot doubt what is!!!

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

Much more in the USA.  Same police force. Tells me traffic has increased!  

It’s easy to guess what wasn’t but you cannot doubt what is!!!

Logical conclusion from the volume being intercepted in Guyana now compared to zero being intercepted in Guyana before plus the downturn in the economy.

Nehru posted:

I once told TK  that Economic predictions is like Michael Angelo throwing many colors on a canvas and hope for the best He fuget that Economics is NOT an exact science

Michelangelo was a realist but even Pollock threw paint on canvas in a specific way that his paintings are in the millions. Economics is the best tool we have to measure the health or not of economies and to guide our planning. It is not precise as physics but not as flawed as psychology or many areas of medicine but we all still respect doctors.

You are talking crap as usual because you can.

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

Much more in the USA.  Same police force. Tells me traffic has increased!  

It’s easy to guess what wasn’t but you cannot doubt what is!!!

Shutting down the shipments at the ports has made smuggling by human mules more prevalent. It takes very sophisticated and expensive equipment to detect the pellets in a mule's bowels. Guyana and most other countries do not have that technology at the airport and that's why you are seeing increased traffic by mules and more being caught at foreign airports. 

Last edited by Mars
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

What intercepts “ DEA” office .. haha it’s a structure to spie on the government/ politicians and Latin American countries. 

Everyone knows how to keep their nostrils clean. 

Guyana borders are porous, the drug lords knows the weak link.. Money is the root of all evil and politicians are corrupt. Who would turn away from a few hundred thousand $ when asked to look the other way. 

The current government use a known drug lord business last year for the vendors ... think think bhai 

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

Much more in the USA.  Same police force. Tells me traffic has increased!  

It’s easy to guess what wasn’t but you cannot doubt what is!!!

Logical conclusion from the volume being intercepted in Guyana now compared to zero being intercepted in Guyana before plus the downturn in the economy.

That’s actually an illogical conclusion.  It fits your convenient and preconceived notions.  

The economy slowed because businesses held back waiting to see policies of new govt, political uncertainty and the trade deals going belly up.  It all had a major impact on investment, which impacted employment, which impacted consumer confidence and spending. 

Baseman posted:

Logical conclusion from the volume being intercepted in Guyana now compared to zero being intercepted in Guyana before plus the downturn in the economy.

That’s actually an illogical conclusion.  It fits your convenient and preconceived notions.  

The economy slowed because businesses held back waiting to see policies of new govt, political uncertainty and the trade deals going belly up.  It all had a major impact on investment, which impacted employment, which impacted consumer confidence and spending. 

And it's illogical because there was little or no drug trade in or passing through Guyana that has now been dampened? What convenient and preconceived notions does the logical conclusion fit?


“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

kp posted:

. . . who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

what exactly is the point of arresting them in Guyana when the jokey court system will likely allow them to slither free?. . . suh y’all can stretch y’all mouth and holler “no convictions!”

there is utility in having them tried and JAILED in the US

we on to alyuh

uh huh

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

From all the intercepts, seems the drug trade today is more prevalent than in the past. 

When I was in Guyana, I heard a lot to do with the gold trade.  

From all the intercepts now, imagine what was getting through before.

Much more in the USA.  Same police force. Tells me traffic has increased!  

It’s easy to guess what wasn’t but you cannot doubt what is!!!

Shutting down the shipments at the ports has made smuggling by human mules more prevalent. It takes very sophisticated and expensive equipment to detect the pellets in a mule's bowels. Guyana and most other countries do not have that technology at the airport and that's why you are seeing increased traffic by mules and more being caught at foreign airports. 

these fellows that just got intercepted were able to get close to half a ton on board a fishing vessel which seized in international waters recently so smuggling by boat is still on going. These drug dealers are rich enough to simply transship it with small boats to a vessel waiting off shore and can head to Africa, the Mediterranean Russia, Europe any place once they get on the high seas.  Our government can always do better. They are not using the tax laws to examine unexplained wealth for example.

kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

ronan posted:
kp posted:

. . . who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

what exactly is the point of arresting them in Guyana when the jokey court system will likely allow them to slither free?. . . suh y’all can stretch y’all mouth and holler “no convictions!”

there is utility in having them tried and JAILED in the US

we on to alyuh

uh huh

Tell them ronan, they don't know the game very well.

Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Tell the PPP to pass the Anti Money Laundering bill.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Tell the PPP to pass the Anti Money Laundering bill.

That Bill passed bhai.

check here

Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Django posted:
ronan posted:
kp posted:

. . . who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

what exactly is the point of arresting them in Guyana when the jokey court system will likely allow them to slither free?. . . suh y’all can stretch y’all mouth and holler “no convictions!”

there is utility in having them tried and JAILED in the US

we on to alyuh

uh huh

Tell them ronan, they don't know the game very well.

Wrong Bhai, another Rasta tek his place and continue the drug trade and the foolish Americans tax payers foot the prison bill and they will get out.. rite  If they were publicly stoning them to death for the crime.. that would be a better game.. 

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Tell the PPP to pass the Anti Money Laundering bill.

That Bill passed bhai.

check here

Come on ,don't do your padna suh, let him put in his "two cents"

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government , except Django.

Hey Django do you think Mayor Patricia Green runs City Hall. 

Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government , except Django.

Hey Django do you think Mayor Patricia Green runs City Hall. 

One more explaining, more bust than before 2015.

Regarding Harmon, that's alyu PPP tune from day one, alyuh would love to see two men cast aside.Sorry pals alyuh guh wait lang.Me thinks one will retire,maybe i am wrong.

Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government , except Django.

Hey Django do you think Mayor Patricia Green runs City Hall. 

Harmon is the top dawg. No question about it. Some day, he can make a good pro business President.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government

so how come Volda win PNC Chair and ‘all-powerful’ Harmon leff crying?

alyuh fantasies long overtake alyuh common sense


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:


Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government , except Django.

Hey Django do you think Mayor Patricia Green runs City Hall. 

Harmon is the top dawg. No question about it. Some day, he can make a good pro business President.

I would not count on that!!

Django posted:
Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government , except Django.

Hey Django do you think Mayor Patricia Green runs City Hall. 

One more explaining, more bust than before 2015.

Regarding Harmon, that's alyu PPP tune from day one, alyuh would love to see two men cast aside.Sorry pals alyuh guh wait lang.Me thinks one will retire,maybe i am wrong.


ronan posted:
Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

“We are definitely going after the big fish”


─ expect a lot more arrests

Who are the we Rumjaat is talking about,the drug intercepts are done outside of Guyana, in USA, Canada Grenada, Jamaica and so on, and when he says "a lot more arrests" who are the big fishes he has arrested in Guyana, NONE.

 This excuse for Minister time is running short, heads will roll after 12th November 2018, Harmon will drop some dead beats.

Let's do some explaining, There is correlation between Guyana Local Drug Enforcement,the Caribbean and USA. Don't know where you get your information from.By the way Harmon wings are clipped, let your source give you the correct info or read between the lines.

Bannas tek off your Dark Shades, At present Harmon is in charge, Moses is for window dressing. Today drugs are being shipped by Ship Load, mules are a waste of time. If Guyana is enforcing the drug laws how they can't stop the drugs at the port of exit, ports, airports etc., They want to take Credit when other authorities enforce their laws and capture the criminals, Ha, Ha.

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government

so how come Volda win PNC Chair and ‘all-powerful’ Harmon leff crying?

alyuh fantasies long overtake alyuh common sense


Harmon play his game correctly.

yuji22 posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Everyone in Guyana knows Harmon runs the government

so how come Volda win PNC Chair and ‘all-powerful’ Harmon leff crying?

alyuh fantasies long overtake alyuh common sense


Harmon play his game correctly.

What game ? he ain't reaching to the top.


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