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I am sure many of my fellow posters read the Guyana news papers every day and notice how many accidents are happening daily on our roadways. Many of these accidents are caused by drunk drivers. This is another sad chapter in Guyana where citizens have to come to grip with this irresponsible behavior and to lose family members as a result of drunk driving. This by itself is a crime and some measure of safety has to be in place to safeguard our children from being killed on their way to school. Accident is a big problem in the United States and here we have ample roadways. Guyana vehicular capacity is increasing, younger people are driving, drivers tend to drive at high rate and our roadways are limited. What can be done to decrease accident and to stop drunk driving altogether? Your input is greatly appreciated.

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jail the drunk drivers regardless of who they are check back and see who is the drunk drivers and you will see ppp connection donot take me wrong i am not knocking the ppp here but stating the facts these young indians people have to know that if they drive drunk they must face the blunt of the law and also do as the USA is doing take away their vehicle in this way their parents will have to be more responable 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I am sure many of my fellow posters read the Guyana news papers every day and notice how many accidents are happening daily on our roadways. Many of these accidents are caused by drunk drivers. This is another sad chapter in Guyana where citizens have to come to grip with this irresponsible behavior and to lose family members as a result of drunk driving.


This by itself is a crime and some measure of safety has to be in place to safeguard our children from being killed on their way to school. Accident is a big problem in the United States and here we have ample roadways. Guyana vehicular capacity is increasing, younger people are driving, drivers tend to drive at high rate and our roadways are limited. What can be done to decrease accident and to stop drunk driving altogether? Your input is greatly appreciated.

Ask our politicians about their sons drunk driving record and the mangled people they left behind as they can be of some input on the subject of this kind of criminal act. They can also tell you how easily money can get you our of legal jeopardy as well.


AFC calling for measures on road carnage


The Alliance for Change (AFC) is calling for measures to be put in place to avoid major road fatalities like the recent one that claimed ten lives in Linden.


In a press release, the AFC expressed its sympathy to the families of those who lost their loved ones in the accident at Amelia’s Ward and also empathized with the victims of the Laing Avenue fire.


The AFC, the release stated, finds it totally unacceptable that these types of accidents are allowed to continue.


According to the party, the Ministry of Health should intervene since the seriousness of the accidents is a public health issue.


The release also stated that there have been numerous suggestions made by road users and victim rights advocates such as the Alicea Foundation and other organisations but nothing has been done. They are calling for a change in this regard.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If I wanted a leach to crawl on my thread I would invite Cain. If I wanted a moron opinion, I will definitely invited you. That how much sense you make.

This statement is harsh and uncalled for. Besides, this drinking and driving thread' regardless of which country, should be a serious lesson to you. You've have your fare share of close calls,  Remember Jamaica ave. near mangoville?. You thought you were going down for sure, eh?  I thought so too. but you dodge the bullet. Praise allah. So when your fellow posters give their opinion regardless if you like their response or not, take it in stride.


 Guyana vehicular capacity is increasing, younger people are driving, drivers tend to drive at high rate and our roadways are limited. What can be done to decrease accident and to stop drunk driving altogether?

Drunk driving in guyana will never stop. Why? because the people who're vested with this resposibility is looking for a raise on a daily basis so they can get drunk themselves.


Since the aFC/PNC creeps are dumping on the PPP for drunk driving as opposed to making constructive criticism and assigning the blame to the culture and individuals. I would suggest that the drunk driving killings are a sinister scheme of the afc/pnc as they send their agents to the bottle after their campaign promises ring empty for those who voted for them. It is all a master plan by the AFC/PNC to kill Guyanese ever which way they can, via mo fiah slow fiah and now drunk driving. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Since the aFC/PNC creeps are dumping on the PPP for drunk driving as opposed to making constructive criticism and assigning the blame to the culture and individuals. I would suggest that the drunk driving killings are a sinister scheme of the afc/pnc as they send their agents to the bottle after their campaign promises ring empty for those who voted for them. It is all a master plan by the AFC/PNC to kill Guyanese ever which way they can, via mo fiah slow fiah and now drunk driving. 

the culture and the individual are constrained by laws that are flouted indiscriminately by the PPP when it comes to their own so it sets a bad example to the enforcers of the law. That is the point we make. If these people cared of the security sector they would not set out to procure at the states expense not half of the reforms and technological aid they could get for free if they accept the help offered by the ABC states. They are however afraid it would encroach on their nefarious culture and ensnare most of t heir kith and kin. That is why this new security proposal is as it is, a contract with an little known firm to do what national agencies offered for free.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If I wanted a leach to crawl on my thread I would invite Cain. If I wanted a moron opinion, I will definitely invited you. That how much sense you make.

This statement is harsh and uncalled for. Besides, this drinking and driving thread' regardless of which country, should be a serious lesson to you. You've have your fare share of close calls,  Remember Jamaica ave. near mangoville?. You thought you were going down for sure, eh?  I thought so too. but you dodge the bullet. Praise allah. So when your fellow posters give their opinion regardless if you like their response or not, take it in stride.

Abidha is a drunk driver?


ahidha this is how the ppp listen to people but i guess you is one of the fools when in guyana make sure your driver is drunk when you out partying well fool in north america the cops have the right to take away your vehicle when you are cauth drunk driving this man is claiming his son take the vehicle without his permission this is a regular excuse if he can lost his vehicle you can bet his son will not touch it

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

the culture and the individual are constrained by laws that are flouted indiscriminately by the PPP when it comes to their own so it sets a bad example to the enforcers of the law. That is the point we make. If these people cared of the security sector they would not set out to procure at the states expense not half of the reforms and technological aid they could get for free if they accept the help offered by the ABC states. They are however afraid it would encroach on their nefarious culture and ensnare most of t heir kith and kin. That is why this new security proposal is as it is, a contract with an little known firm to do what national agencies offered for free.

You still can not put aside your hatred for the PPP and admit that drunk driving is a product of the Guyanese culture that permeates all levels of society and no one in any political party is immune from its deadly clutches. 


Every country has its own problem, and accident is common around the world. If a new problem doesn't arise government wouldn't have the cause to take precautionary measure. This thread meant well in its purpose but someone will try to politicized its effort and blame the government. Don't let this surprise you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

the culture and the individual are constrained by laws that are flouted indiscriminately by the PPP when it comes to their own so it sets a bad example to the enforcers of the law. That is the point we make. If these people cared of the security sector they would not set out to procure at the states expense not half of the reforms and technological aid they could get for free if they accept the help offered by the ABC states. They are however afraid it would encroach on their nefarious culture and ensnare most of t heir kith and kin. That is why this new security proposal is as it is, a contract with an little known firm to do what national agencies offered for free.

You still can not put aside your hatred for the PPP and admit that drunk driving is a product of the Guyanese culture that permeates all levels of society and no one in any political party is immune from its deadly clutches. 

I am sure your new embrace of episcopalianism has impressed upon you a habit of confronting evil. The PPP are evil. Hating them is not a necessity to confront them. 


Also, one cannot excuse them on account of perceived cultural habits. Beside the the inherent ignorance in the claim it reduces to  a matter of laws. The PPP are the ones who set themselves as proper administrators of the law. When they fail it is their failure and they must own it. It cannot be rationalized away.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Also, one cannot excuse them on account of perceived cultural habits. Beside the the inherent ignorance in the claim it reduces to  a matter of laws. The PPP are the ones who set themselves as proper administrators of the law. When they fail it is their failure and they must own it. It cannot be rationalized away.

There is no excusing, it is a Guyanese cultural norm to drink and drive. The police and courts are the organizations tasked with controlling and punishing drunk drivers, not the government.  You would not dare make that statement in the state where you live, blaming a US governor for incidence of drunk driving.  It seems that you fools wear a different hat when you comment about Guyana. 


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