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...PM dismisses Minister after failing to take breathalyser test


By Renuka Singh



Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar acted swiftly last night when she fired Collin Partap as Minister in the Ministry of National Security, rendering him a backbencher, the first and so far only one on the Government’s bench in the Parliament.
The Prime Minister’s decisive action came hours after Partap’s detention for not taking a breathalyser test.

A short statement from the Prime Minister's office was sent out last night, stating:
“I have decided to advise the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency Prof George Maxwell Richards, to revoke the appointment of Minister Collin Partap with immediate effect.

“This decision was made subsequent to reports received from the Ministry of National Security and Mr Collin Partap.”

Police attached to the Belmont Police Station earlier yesterday confirmed that just after 5 a.m., Partap was initially stopped by officers for activating a police-issued blue swivel light and for turning on an emergency siren in the vehicle.

Police sources say officers had noticed him with a bottle of alcohol in his hand before he got into the driver’s seat and subsequently stopped him at the corner of Keate and Frederick Streets, Port of Spain, where he was asked to take a breathalyser test.
Police say Partap refused and was detained and taken, just after 6 a.m., to the Belmont Police Station, where he made contact with his lawyer and made another call. At this point, they say, Partap was still adamant that the test not be administered.

Police officers say they were then surprised to see acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams arrive at the station within the hour, but it was only then that Partap submitted to the test. As a consequence, the test was taken more than an hour after he was detained. Partap was subsequently found to be within the legal limit.

Williams, in a telephone interview yesterday, confirmed he “stepped in to take charge of the situation involving Minister Partap”.

“It was imperative for me to assume direct leadership, and the matter was addressed. I am preparing an official report for the Minister of National Security on the matter,” he said.

When asked about the police lights and siren on the Government-issued vehicle, licensed PCM 1016, Williams said the officers did not tell him anything about that. Williams said all non-emergency service vehicles can only be granted those amenities through the Commissioner of Transport, Reuben Cato.

“Lights on a vehicle have to be authorised, but there are restrictions for it and more restrictions for the siren, but again, I have not been informed of that in this case,” he said.

In response to questions, National Security Minister Jack Warner issued a press statement, saying that at approximately 6 a.m. yesterday, he received a call from the acting Commissioner of Police, informing him that Partap was at the Belmont Police Station, where he was being asked to take a breathalyser test.

“I informed the DCP that I was in church and would call after my morning service had ended. I did so at about 7 a.m. and was advised that breathalyser tests were conducted on Minister Partap and the results showed he was within the legal limit and that a report would be filed with me on the entire matter.

“The acting Commissioner confirmed the advice which had been given to me. I await his report before making any further comment on the matter. I thank the acting Commissioner. I await his report before making any further comment on the matter,” he said.

According to the amendment of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, under Section 70 (B), it states inter alia that where a constable has reasonable cause to suspect that a person driving or attempting to drive or in charge of a motor vehicle on a road or other public place has alcohol in his breath or blood exceeding the prescribed limit, he may require him to provide a specimen of breath for a breath test at or near the place where the requirement is made. The law says where a person, without reasonable excuse, fails to provide a specimen of breath, he is guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine of $8,000 or to imprisonment for three years.

The law states that any person who fails to undergo the test is liable to prosecution. It also states that two separate breath specimens be provided and “there must be an interval of not less than two minutes and not more than ten minutes between the provision of specimens”.

Several attempts to reach Partap proved futile and while he did text to say he would return the calls, up to press time, he did not.                


Replies sorted oldest to newest

..Hinds: Why wasn't he charged?



Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds yesterday said the People's National Movement (PNM) was calling for the immediate resignation of Minister in the Minister of National Security Collin Partap following his run-in with the law early yesterday morning.


Partap was yesterday taken to the Belmont Police Station after refusing to take a breathalyser test. Even after being taken to the station, Partap allegedly refused the test, only submitting to it after speaking with his lawyer and acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams.


"He refused to take the test. That in itself is an offence," Hinds said.

Hinds said according to the law, failure to submit to a breathalyser administered by the police was a chargeable offence.


"We would also like to know the [acting] Commissioner of Police's role in all of this, and demand he explain why he was there," he said.


He said Williams's presence at Partap's side continued to bring the independence of his office into question. "I have several other questions. Was the Minister authorised to drive that Government vehicle? Where is the driver that he is given an allowance for? Does the insurance for a Government vehicle cover the Minister?" he asked.


Hinds also did his own investigations and said the vehicle Partap was driving should not have had the police siren or emergency lights on it, and then questioned the legality of those amenities on a non-emergency vehicle.


"It carries the blue swivel lights. Is a civilian authorised to drive a vehicle with that light? It is supposed to be used only in the context of emergencies," he said.

Hinds said he understood it was the use of those amenities that attracted the attention of the police, who then questioned the Minister's sobriety.


"Why at this point [were] no charges laid against this Government Minister? That is what I would like to know," he said.

"Is it one law for them, another for us?" he asked.


—Renuka Singh


The PPP government has turned Guyana into their personal playground. Abusing government property and office is being covered up with allegations that the opposition is not authorized to carry out the same abuses.

Where are the thieves and bandits paid to justify PPP thefts and mismanagement?


welcome back eric. I see you still has not lost your affinity for guns? I sure hope the kept the bullets from you this time as well.


How come you did not post a story of that vile ambassador that was recalled? That is a piece of work.

Originally Posted by DeTrini_Eric:

..Hinds: Why wasn't he charged?



Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds yesterday said the People's National Movement (PNM) was calling for the immediate resignation of Minister in the Minister of National Security Collin Partap following his run-in with the law early yesterday morning.


Partap was yesterday taken to the Belmont Police Station after refusing to take a breathalyser test. Even after being taken to the station, Partap allegedly refused the test, only submitting to it after speaking with his lawyer and acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams.


"He refused to take the test. That in itself is an offence," Hinds said.

Hinds said according to the law, failure to submit to a breathalyser administered by the police was a chargeable offence.


"We would also like to know the [acting] Commissioner of Police's role in all of this, and demand he explain why he was there," he said.


He said Williams's presence at Partap's side continued to bring the independence of his office into question. "I have several other questions. Was the Minister authorised to drive that Government vehicle? Where is the driver that he is given an allowance for? Does the insurance for a Government vehicle cover the Minister?" he asked.


Hinds also did his own investigations and said the vehicle Partap was driving should not have had the police siren or emergency lights on it, and then questioned the legality of those amenities on a non-emergency vehicle.


"It carries the blue swivel lights. Is a civilian authorised to drive a vehicle with that light? It is supposed to be used only in the context of emergencies," he said.

Hinds said he understood it was the use of those amenities that attracted the attention of the police, who then questioned the Minister's sobriety.


"Why at this point [were] no charges laid against this Government Minister? That is what I would like to know," he said.

"Is it one law for them, another for us?" he asked.


—Renuka Singh

You must be sleeping wrong. The entire two articles here are about Trinidad and your response is to talk about the PPP in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP government has turned Guyana into their personal playground. Abusing government property and office is being covered up with allegations that the opposition is not authorized to carry out the same abuses.

Where are the thieves and bandits paid to justify PPP thefts and mismanagement?

as you can see from above

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP government has turned Guyana into their personal playground. Abusing government property and office is being covered up with allegations that the opposition is not authorized to carry out the same abuses.

Where are the thieves and bandits paid to justify PPP thefts and mismanagement?

as you can see from above

Because he is telling you that when a Trini mninister does wrong they get rid of him.  In Guyana a minister can assault people and pull guns on them with no repercussions.  Killerman is well known as an example of this.


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