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Dual citizenship Debate: Jagdeo says law not retroactive

Jan 01, 2019 News,

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, sought to rubbish the pronouncement by Attorney General, Basil Williams, that former Member of Parliament, Charrandass Persaud, is unqualified to serve in the National Assembly because of his status as a dual citizen.

Williams, in a press conference held hours before Jagdeo’s, cited Article 155 (1) (a) of the Constitution, which states: “No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

The Attorney General had said that this constitutional provision voids Persaud’s vote, which he cast on December 21, last. Persaud, who voted in favour of the motion of no-confidence against A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) government, is a citizen of both Guyana and Canada.

Challenging the validity of Persaud’s vote in Parliament would also bring into question, the validity of judgments made by many other members of the National Assembly on both sides of the political divide, who also have dual citizenship. The government will only be challenging Charrandass Persaud’s vote, despite the precedent it will set.

If the speaker of the house interprets the constitution to state that Persaud’s vote is null and void, the implication would be that the no-confidence motion would have to be reversed, allowing the government to carry its time in power to term, until General Elections in 2020.

Jagdeo said that what must be considered is “…what it will do to all the legislation passed before.

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo

He said that if you invalidate his vote on this matter, then nothing would be valid that he voted on before. So, it has implications for all the budgets [and, by extension], the legality of all the government’s actions.”

The Leader of the Opposition also said he was advised that there is a principle in law which states that these issues can’t be dealt with, retroactively.

Jagdeo cited Article 165(2) of the Constitution, which governs Regulation of Procedure in Parliament, and states that “The assembly may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership (including any vacancy not filled when the assembly first meets after the commencement of this Constitution or after any dissolution of Parliament) and the presence or participation of any person not entitled to be present at or to participate in the proceedings of the Assembly shall not invalidate those proceedings.”

“Even if you have someone there, in layman’s language, who may not have been legally there at that time, it does not invalidate the proceeding. I think it’s quite clear.”

Because of the government’s protests of the no-confidence vote, Jagdeo said that the opposition will not be attending parliament when it reconvenes on January 3, 2019. The opposition, he stated, will be writing to the Speaker of the House, to notify him of the intended absence of the opposition.

He further told the press that the opposition would only attend parliament if the proceedings relate to the progression of the country toward General Elections, as the constitution would dictate in the case of a carried no-confidence motion.

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Demerara_Guy posted:

Dual citizenship Debate: Jagdeo says law not retroactive

Jan 01, 2019 News,

Williams, in a press conference held hours before Jagdeo’s, cited Article 155 (1) (a) of the Constitution, which states: “No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

The Attorney General had said that this constitutional provision voids Persaud’s vote, which he cast on December 21, last. Persaud, who voted in favour of the motion of no-confidence against A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) government, is a citizen of both Guyana and Canada.

Challenging the validity of Persaud’s vote in Parliament would also bring into question, the validity of judgments made by many other members of the National Assembly on both sides of the political divide, who also have dual citizenship. The government will only be challenging Charrandass Persaud’s vote, despite the precedent it will set.

Interesting times ahead for the Speaker when parliament resumes on January 03, 2019.

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Basil hopping like a crappo

Desperate Crapoed!  Dem bannas shitting dem pants!  Poor Basil have to find the legal exit ramp, and in 90 days!

More like 80 days. Although something tells me there isn't any elections this year. The question is if there will be any net year.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Basil hopping like a crappo

Desperate Crapoed!  Dem bannas shitting dem pants!  Poor Basil have to find the legal exit ramp, and in 90 days!

More like 80 days. Although something tells me there isn't any elections this year. The question is if there will be any net year.

Storm clouds gathering!

Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

This would be quite a can of worms. I wonder which side sees this as a bigger disadvantage.

Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

I believe they are questioning Parliamentarians with voting rights.

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

I believe they are questioning Parliamentarians with voting rights.

OK! Perhaps the PPP should go after Basil, Jordan, Gaskin and the others who were parachuted in from England, USA and Canada.

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

I believe they are questioning Parliamentarians with voting rights.

Williams said that the question of citizenship is limited to Persaud since he is the only person under discussion. I don't know if he is right though because he is not questioning the citizenship status of Persaud, he is arguing that ANYONE with allegiance to another country cannot vote in parliament.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

I believe they are questioning Parliamentarians with voting rights.

Williams said that the question of citizenship is limited to Persaud since he is the only person under discussion. I don't know if he is right though because he is not questioning the citizenship status of Persaud, he is arguing that ANYONE with allegiance to another country cannot vote in parliament.

Well he mo dunce than I ever thought!

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

I believe they are questioning Parliamentarians with voting rights.

OK! Perhaps the PPP should go after Basil, Jordan, Gaskin and the others who were parachuted in from England, USA and Canada.

They have no leg to stand on.  I agree with BJ, you cannot grandfather such!  They need to start campaigning!


There may be Russian bots here. I usually reread my post before I post them and I have been seeing lots of typos in my posts. I would have recognized them before I post them but didn't.

ksazma posted:

There may be Russian bots here. I usually reread my post before I post them and I have been seeing lots of typos in my posts. I would have recognized them before I post them but didn't.

You’re imagining things.  Take a rest!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

They should examine the Citizenships of all the Parliamentarians. I wonder how does this Dual Citizenships  affect others in high offices?

I believe they are questioning Parliamentarians with voting rights.

Williams said that the question of citizenship is limited to Persaud since he is the only person under discussion. I don't know if he is right though because he is not questioning the citizenship status of Persaud, he is arguing that ANYONE with allegiance to another country cannot vote in parliament.

Well he mo dunce than I ever thought!

Especially if Mits is correct that he too is from another country. 


The PNC is calling Jagdeo's name they way the used to call Jagan's name. The "Lil boy" is now the "big boy". The coalition government is down and will soon be out.  Blame it on the dominance of the PNC in the government and the failure of the AFC to challenge it. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
ksazma posted:

There may be Russian bots here. I usually reread my post before I post them and I have been seeing lots of typos in my posts. I would have recognized them before I post them but didn't.

I use to able to quickly search for guyana 2015 election pictures... lots of them are gone especially with hunt and the million dollar man...Steve

When I searched for that flag raising video...I got lots of random results.. 

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Blame it on the dominance of the PNC in the government

how exactly is "dominance" by the (by far) majority coalition partner in government some sort of no no?

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon is a US citizen.  Nagamootoo is a green card holder.

.....Won't doub't Naga got his green.

Highly improbable, and you should know better!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon is a US citizen.  Nagamootoo is a green card holder.

.....Won't doub't Naga got his green.

Highly improbable, and you should know better!

Happy New Year, Bhai.

Have read the other post, you are correct,  i have overlooked,considering existing US Immigration Laws for Green Card holders.

Last edited by Django

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