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Dumping dollar to deliver deathblow to US imperialism: Economist

100-dollar bills


An economist says the American “imperialism” hinges on the greenback, urging world heavyweights to drop the currency from their dealings.

“The US dollar as world reserve currency is the source of American imperialism,” wrote Paul Craig Roberts in an article published on Press TV website.

“The five countries that comprise the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which make up the association of five major emerging national economies) have half of the world’s population. They can conduct their economic affairs without the dollar,” the analyst added.

He then compared the US to Nazi Germany, slamming Washington for disrespecting humanity.

“The world needs to understand that the neoconservative US government is the Third Reich (another name for Germany during former German strongman Adolf Hitler’s despotic rule) on steroids,” said he commentator.

“It is a malevolent force with no sense of justice or respect for truth, law, or human life. Just ask the residents of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran. Even the deluded western Ukrainians will soon catch on,” the analyst further explained.

Even US President Barack Obama’s self-righteous rhetoric is reminiscent of Hitler’s egotistical mannerism, the commentator underlined.

“Obama himself declared that the US is ‘the exceptional nation.’ This is the neoconservatives version of Hitler’s declaration that the German nation was exceptional and, therefore, above all others. The only difference between Washington and National Socialist Germany is that Washington has a far more powerful police state and nuclear weapons.”

The analyst underscored that Washington’s arrogance means it “has no respect for any other country.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why do you folks bring news stories from fringe hate American first sites as news here? Check who is picking up tis piece of bilge as worthy news other than possibly a reposting here and Mullah TV,

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why do you folks bring news stories from fringe hate American first sites as news here? Check who is picking up tis piece of bilge as worthy news other than possibly a reposting here and Mullah TV,


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why do you folks bring news stories from fringe hate American first sites as news here? Check who is picking up tis piece of bilge as worthy news other than possibly a reposting here and Mullah TV,

What you may regard as news, others would seen it as garbage, I would not regard this as stories from the fringe, (what ever you mean) The point that they
are making is that the American debts are amounting within 20 Trillion Dollars, with no gold or silver to back their currency, only a matter of time before it becomes useless if it has not already, can you imagine what will happen if when a panic selling starts on Wall Street?

Quote “the dollar’s role as reserve currency is coming to an end, which means the termination of the US as financial bully and financial imperialist,” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and Business Week,


Dr Paul Craig continues and notes that the growing avoidance of the dollar by many countries to settle trade imbalances, China’s plan to let the dollar decline further in value and considering to price oil futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange in Yuan shows how dollar is losing its word’s reserve currency status.


Think of a situation where countries like Iran, China, and Russia stop their trade with US Dolllars.


A bit more of news like this will very well draw you in you so that we can test that old brain of yours, which is in a decaying stage.   

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why do you folks bring news stories from fringe hate American first sites as news here? Check who is picking up tis piece of bilge as worthy news other than possibly a reposting here and Mullah TV,

What you may regard as news, others would seen it as garbage, I would not regard this as stories from the fringe, (what ever you mean) The point that they
are making is that the American debts are amounting within 20 Trillion Dollars, with no gold or silver to back their currency, only a matter of time before it becomes useless if it has not already, can you imagine what will happen if when a panic selling starts on Wall Street?

Quote “the dollar’s role as reserve currency is coming to an end, which means the termination of the US as financial bully and financial imperialist,” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and Business Week,


Dr Paul Craig continues and notes that the growing avoidance of the dollar by many countries to settle trade imbalances, China’s plan to let the dollar decline further in value and considering to price oil futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange in Yuan shows how dollar is losing its word’s reserve currency status.


Think of a situation where countries like Iran, China, and Russia stop their trade with US Dolllars.


A bit more of news like this will very well draw you in you so that we can test that old brain of yours, which is in a decaying stage.   

I am on the currency exchange right now. Who here is panicking that the Russians etc will tank the dollar? Get real fool. Even the Russians are moving not their money not dumping it. They cling to the 200 billion T bills they have as barnacles...why? Again, check to see who is panicking...even the mullas want to get in on the green since their economy tanking.


Cyant happen bai. Merika is wan place of laws where de people rights sacred. Why yu tink dem Chinee, Brazie, Argentinie, Russie, Indie and all dem a look fo buy asset in Merika? Merika gat laws and rules bai. Even Jagdeo gat wan property in Boca Floria fram de money he rape dem poor people in Dankey cart economy Guyana. When brown people, black people, Hindu people, Muslim people can larn de ways of de West den dem go prosper. Foh now dem go have one foot in Merika and Europe and one foot in dem home kuntry.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why do you folks bring news stories from fringe hate American first sites as news here? Check who is picking up tis piece of bilge as worthy news other than possibly a reposting here and Mullah TV,

What you may regard as news, others would seen it as garbage, I would not regard this as stories from the fringe, (what ever you mean) The point that they
are making is that the American debts are amounting within 20 Trillion Dollars, with no gold or silver to back their currency, only a matter of time before it becomes useless if it has not already, can you imagine what will happen if when a panic selling starts on Wall Street?

Quote “the dollar’s role as reserve currency is coming to an end, which means the termination of the US as financial bully and financial imperialist,” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and Business Week,


Dr Paul Craig continues and notes that the growing avoidance of the dollar by many countries to settle trade imbalances, China’s plan to let the dollar decline further in value and considering to price oil futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange in Yuan shows how dollar is losing its word’s reserve currency status.


Think of a situation where countries like Iran, China, and Russia stop their trade with US Dolllars.


A bit more of news like this will very well draw you in you so that we can test that old brain of yours, which is in a decaying stage.   

I am on the currency exchange right now. Who here is panicking that the Russians etc will tank the dollar? Get real fool. Even the Russians are moving not their money not dumping it. They cling to the 200 billion T bills they have as barnacles...why? Again, check to see who is panicking...even the mullas want to get in on the green since their economy tanking.

It is good to know that you are in the currency exchange right now, because I know when I need some inside information I can easily pick your brains, since it is not what it was years ago.

Since you have mentioned it, that there might not be a panic right now, still there is that bit of shaky precautions that is being observed with the US Dollars.  

Don’t look for the U.S. dollar as the safe haven now, yes historically the dollar has been the safe haven in a financial crisis, but that hasn’t been the case for four or five years now.  Instead, what you have seen is a flight to other traditional safe havens such as gold and the Swiss Franc.  The dollar has lost its magic.  Nobody wants to hold it.  So, if the Russians follow through and sells and at the same time convince the rest of the world that they are going to get rid of their 200 Billions T Bills, this might cause an effect with others and then China may join them, a lot of countries will want to dump dollars and get out ahead of the crowd.


Me if I have to dump my dollars which I might, I will always go for the shine "Gold"


The Yankee dalla will be here for a loooong looong time.  The US is on the cusp of one of the greatest recovery and expansion since the end of WW2.


All we need to do is get rid of this mediocre of a president.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why do you folks bring news stories from fringe hate American first sites as news here? Check who is picking up tis piece of bilge as worthy news other than possibly a reposting here and Mullah TV,

What you may regard as news, others would seen it as garbage, I would not regard this as stories from the fringe, (what ever you mean) The point that they
are making is that the American debts are amounting within 20 Trillion Dollars, with no gold or silver to back their currency, only a matter of time before it becomes useless if it has not already, can you imagine what will happen if when a panic selling starts on Wall Street?

Quote “the dollar’s role as reserve currency is coming to an end, which means the termination of the US as financial bully and financial imperialist,” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and Business Week,


Dr Paul Craig continues and notes that the growing avoidance of the dollar by many countries to settle trade imbalances, China’s plan to let the dollar decline further in value and considering to price oil futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange in Yuan shows how dollar is losing its word’s reserve currency status.


Think of a situation where countries like Iran, China, and Russia stop their trade with US Dolllars.


A bit more of news like this will very well draw you in you so that we can test that old brain of yours, which is in a decaying stage.   

I am on the currency exchange right now. Who here is panicking that the Russians etc will tank the dollar? Get real fool. Even the Russians are moving not their money not dumping it. They cling to the 200 billion T bills they have as barnacles...why? Again, check to see who is panicking...even the mullas want to get in on the green since their economy tanking.

It is good to know that you are in the currency exchange right now, because I know when I need some inside information I can easily pick your brains, since it is not what it was years ago.

Since you have mentioned it, that there might not be a panic right now, still there is that bit of shaky precautions that is being observed with the US Dollars.  

Don’t look for the U.S. dollar as the safe haven now, yes historically the dollar has been the safe haven in a financial crisis, but that hasn’t been the case for four or five years now.  Instead, what you have seen is a flight to other traditional safe havens such as gold and the Swiss Franc.  The dollar has lost its magic.  Nobody wants to hold it.  So, if the Russians follow through and sells and at the same time convince the rest of the world that they are going to get rid of their 200 Billions T Bills, this might cause an effect with others and then China may join them, a lot of countries will want to dump dollars and get out ahead of the crowd.


Me if I have to dump my dollars which I might, I will always go for the shine "Gold"

Those Chinese are betting the farm ....actually American green backs is their pension plan. Their economy is 3 points below the growth rate the need to maintain normal development.   Look around you....if the hundreds of buildings etc going up does not say something you are sleeping. I am sure every business person here will tell you they  are thinking of taking that vacation they put off for years and at the same time they are also thinking of an addition to the house or getting a bigger one in the location they want. Them rich folks are tired of holding on to the 3 to 5 trillion dollars they were sitting on and are  ready to unload it in a frenzy of investment. It  is a perfect circumstance since there is a buy made in America movement taking hold at the same time and instability abroad means looking to the security at home.




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