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Duo sentenced to three years jail for cocaine possession

June 13, 2015 6:12 am, Source


Two persons were sentenced to three years in prison each by Magistrate Fabayo Azore on Friday, June 12 for the possession of cocaine.


Marcia Andrews

Marcia Andrews


Marcia Andrews, a food Vendor of 509 Parfaite Harmonie, along with Richard Frisco, a father of two, who hails from 829 East Ruimveldt, were found guilty following the conclusion of their trial.


Both individuals were charged with the illegal possession of 12.5 grammes of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking and maintained their innocence throughout the trial.


Marica Andrews and Richard Frisco

Marica Andrews and Richard Frisco


According to police investigations, Frisco was counting a quantity of white β€˜rock-like’ substance while in Andrews’ presence when police swopped down on them. When Frisco saw the officers, he made a failed attempt to escape with a quantity of cash in his possession.


However, the defendants had a different story. Andrews claimed that they went to the house to have sex but Frisco denied ever being at the house.


Magistrate Azore pronounced that both individuals were not being forthcoming in their statements before handing down the sentence. In addition to the sentence, both were ordered to pay a fine of $10,000.

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