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Dynamic Airways hosts’ job fair for flight attendant

June 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A 50-member Guyanese operating team will be chosen from 300-plus applications received for flight attendant positions on United States-based airline, Dynamic Airways.

A section of the gathering that attended the Job Fair.

A section of the gathering that attended the Job Fair.

The airline, which is aiming to attain Guyana’s flag carrier status, promises to recruit a dynamic team and to provide exceptional service specified to meet the needs of Guyanese.


With two planes to be stationed full time in Guyana, the airline will commence direct services from Guyana to New York from June 26. The company is also offering flights for as low as US$575.


During a job fair yesterday at Duke Lodge, Director of In-flight, Deanna Amos, said that the open house job fair, which opened for two days, concludes today as the aim is to find 50 highly qualified flight attendants.
“We want outgoing individuals who are excited about the opportunity; they need to be at least 19-years of age, they need to have a valid passport, strong customer service skills, and physically fit; we look for highly qualified professional individuals,” Ms Amos underscored. “We prefer experience but it’s not required. We prefer a college degree but that is also not required.”


Ms Amos added that the airline conducts a very thorough and stringent training for the flight attendants, which takes approximately three weeks. “At the conclusion they are also required to have five hours in the air with a supervisor to prove to us they are competent flight attendants.”
It was noted that the issue with Visa is dealt with by an application that is covered by a C1D crew Members’ Visa.


Dynamic Airways is a privately-owned charter airline which operates several regular flights on behalf of other operators. The company has five Boeing 767s. Roriama is the local sales agency for Dynamic Airways and will also be responsible for the airline’s ground handling.

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Job!Job!Job! Dynamic Airways is looking for 50 good men and women with customer service skills to be fully employed. One hop, non stop. Who would like to be a flight attendant? 


China has enough airplanes flying around the world, but the Chinese investors would rather invest in oil rigs, buildings, windmills, etc. In other words, they would rather be closer to earth.


Congratulations to Roraima Airways and Dynamic Airways on the launching of a scheduled airline flying from New York to Guyana and from Guyana to New York. Inaugural flight is June26th, 2014. This photo Is with myself founder of Caribbean Spotlight Television Network in New York, Mr. Tom Johnson to the left of Dynamic Airways and Gerry Gouveia of Roraima Airways to the right My TV Network looks forward to working closely with both of you. Wishing you all the very best as you service the Guyanese and Caribbean community.

Last edited by Former Member

Dynamic Airways arrives in Guyana

The crew members pose with the Dynamic Airlines Boeing 767-200 aircraft in the background

The crew members pose with the Dynamic Airlines Boeing 767-200 aircraft in the background

The newest airline to service the Guyana market, Dynamic Airlines, touched down at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) in its inaugural flight on Thursday.

The flight, which was initially delayed due to bad weather, eventually arrived around 13:30h much to the delight of the representatives of Roraima Airways, the company which will be responsible for the managing operations in Guyana.

The Boeing 767-200 aircraft with the capacity to seat 218 passengers arrived with eight crew members, including Captain David Withers and his co-pilot, Matthew Bull.

Speaking with Guyana Times, Captain Withers related that the crew will be here for the next 14 days and will leave on June 26 when the airline officially has its first flight out of Guyana, to New York.

Withers related that although he would have visited Guyana in the past, this was the first time he has touched down in the land of many waters as a pilot for Dynamic Airlines.

Questioned on how they intended to compete with the others airlines in the market, the Captain said: “We are focusing on the most important thing which is customer service. We want to offer a service, which is very friendly, comfortable and very customer-oriented. Our commitment to the Guyanese people is year-round, safe, affordable service that rivals and supersedes any major airline.”

Not threatened

He also noted that the company was not threatened by the other companies on the market, since it would be focusing on offering the lowest airfares possible to customers, an offer Guyanese will definitely take advantage of.

Withers noted too that the carrier is aiming for flag carrier status and to achieve this, it will most definitely be making the best services available to those who will be capitalising on its presence.

The crew members, both males and females, seemed to be in the best of spirits as they descended from the aircraft with dazzling smiles. They related that they were not only ready to serve but also hold high expectations from the Guyanese market.

The Caribbean Airlines Boeing 737-800 appeared very small when compared to Dynamics’ Boeing 767-200 which was parked to the right.

This comparison sparked comments from several spectators who had gathered to witness the historical moment, that they would now be travelling with Dynamics, given the size and space of its aircraft.


50 highly qualified attendants. What are the required qualifications? If it is in the airline industry, Guyana must be flooded with former employees from previous failed airlines to Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

50 highly qualified attendants. What are the required qualifications? If it is in the airline industry, Guyana must be flooded with former employees from previous failed airlines to Guyana.

They are looking for younger people as young as 19 years old. Experience is a plus but not necessary. College degree is a plus but not necessary. Good customers skill is a plus but not necessary. They will be trained to acquire such skills. I hope they recruit some pretty girls for flight attendants. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by JB:

Hope they last long and cocaine fines dont affect bottom line.

The flight attendants or the airline?

This kind of insinuation is what kills the good spirit of Guyana. Long live the Queen.


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