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I'd say,Up yours DynaMick eyMouse.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

Are you saying that all those people who had their holiday plans derailed by Dynamic "a little breeze" The refund which does not take place for 14 days from 12/23 does not even attempt to replace their money much less the cost of all their other preparations.

Yes he is as the other frauds also said before kicking victims of their fraud off their premises and calling the cops on them.


Yet these gluttons for punishment go back for more.  A charter is exactly that and passengers have limited standing if a flight is canceled.  CAL and Fly Jamaica would be barred from entry into the US airspace if they tried that stunt.



Hey Vishnu, valid point. Now that the afc/apnu are in power all the criticism is now tempered.  They were using dynamic as a means to criticize the PPP but we see almost a year later the airline is still servicing Guyana. I haven't personally flown Dynamic but family members have with no complaint. The volume of visitors to Guyana is not lucrative enough for the big airlines to enter the market and worse now that the afc/apnu are in charge and driving away visitors. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hey Vishnu, valid point. Now that the afc/apnu are in power all the criticism is now tempered.

Druggie druggie druggie.  Do you know that tiny St Kitts will be getting United this winter and already have service from American, Delta, and BA? Grenada gets BA, Virgin, Air Canada, Delta, and JetBlue.


So quit with this nonsense that Guyana is small.  The JFK GEO route is the same size as JFK Barbados.


In fact JetBlue is currently looking at Guyana. If silly Dynamic wasn't on the route, they might already be there, but given the PPP penchant for allowing cheap airlines in, destroying yields, serious airlines are hesitant about GEO.  That and GEO's reputation for being a drug trafficking haven with corruption from head to toe. 


I wonder, are the same incompetent people who allowed so much drug trafficking still in charge?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hey Vishnu, valid point. Now that the afc/apnu are in power all the criticism is now tempered.

Druggie druggie druggie.  Do you know that tiny St Kitts will be getting United this winter and already have service from American, Delta, and BA? Grenada gets BA, Virgin, Air Canada, Delta, and JetBlue.


So quit with this nonsense that Guyana is small.  The JFK GEO route is the same size as JFK Barbados.


In fact JetBlue is currently looking at Guyana. If silly Dynamic wasn't on the route, they might already be there, but given the PPP penchant for allowing cheap airlines in, destroying yields, serious airlines are hesitant about GEO.  That and GEO's reputation for being a drug trafficking haven with corruption from head to toe. 


I wonder, are the same incompetent people who allowed so much drug trafficking still in charge?


Hey Caribj, tell Granger to fix this and have Guyana become just like ST Kitts.  Remember, you are in charge now, no more excuses about PPP and Indian incompetency.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hey Caribj, tell Granger to fix this and have Guyana become just like ST Kitts.  Remember, you are in charge now, no more excuses about PPP and Indian incompetency.

   I will cease to blame the PPP, when you cease to blame the PNC for its destruction between 1973 and 1988.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hey Caribj, tell Granger to fix this and have Guyana become just like ST Kitts.  Remember, you are in charge now, no more excuses about PPP and Indian incompetency.

   I will cease to blame the PPP, when you cease to blame the PNC for its destruction between 1973 and 1988.



Very good, now tell us what your govt will do to rectify the airline situation. Why don't you lobby them for consultant job so you could tell them how to fix the airline issue.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hey Caribj, tell Granger to fix this and have Guyana become just like ST Kitts.  Remember, you are in charge now, no more excuses about PPP and Indian incompetency.

   I will cease to blame the PPP, when you cease to blame the PNC for its destruction between 1973 and 1988.



Very good, now tell us what your govt will do to rectify the airline situation. Why don't you lobby them for consultant job so you could tell them how to fix the airline issue.

They are already negotiating with JetBlue to fly to Guyana.  JetBlue has PUBLICLY revealed this fact, meaning that they are now working out the details.


Your PPP would have preferred Dynamic, EZjet, Universal, or something else of that ilk.


You seem to know much about what I am or am not doing.  How do you know that I am not in the midst of all sorts of discussions to help them drag Guyana from the quicjk sand swamp that your PPP left it in.


Look even Robert Persaud is now hanging his mouth out for APNU soup.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is obvious that a few has not so hidden agenda.


A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

Vish flew Dynamic and they starved him.  Interesting when we see how he criticized people who had a very valid reason to criticize Dynamic less than a year ago.


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