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E’bo erupts over late rice payments…Protest leader stripped naked by police as farmers burn tyres and block roadway in standoff

July 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A protest by Essequibo rice farmers over late payments turned ugly last night.  Police fired teargas into an irate  crowd that hurled bottles and other missiles at the ranks and burnt tyres on the main road at Land of Plenty, Essequibo Coast.


A bridge block by the protestors.

A bridge block by the protestors.


The farmers have also blocked the roadway with tractors, trucks and other vehicles and have vowed to keep up their protest until their demands are met.  During the melee, Alliance for Change (AFC) Regional Councillor, Naith Ram, was stripped.
A senior police official told Kaieteur News that at least 100 protesters had resisted arrest and that no one had been detained. However, at press time, eyewitnesses said that the protest had escalated and police had begun to arrest some of the protesters.
The police official also alleged that the protestors threw bottles, stones and other missiles at his ranks, though one rice farmer refuted this claim.
Up to late last night, a large fire was still burning on the roadway at Land of Plenty and the roadway remained impassable.
“We will stay whole night till (President Donald) Ramotar or (Dr Roger Luncheon) come here,” one rice farmer, who identified himself as Bhim Singh, told Kaieteur News.
The protest, which began peacefully, stemmed from repeated complaints by rice farmers of late payments by millers and of poor drainage.
AFC Regional Councillor, Naith Ram, had asked for an audience with Agriculture Minister, Leslie Ramsammy, Region Two Chairman, Parmanand Persaud and the Regional Executive Officer, Sunil Singh, but none of the Regional Officials have engaged the angry farmers.
They have also been demanding a meeting with members of the Guyana Rice Development Board and Guyana Rice Producers’ Association.
Kaieteur News was told that the protest began around 10.00 hrs near the Bush Lot market, with the crowd using a public address system to voice their complaints.  The farmers, who were carrying placards, then headed for Anna Regina, where they stopped and again voiced their complaints.
At around 18.30 hrs, the protesters shifted to Land of Plenty, where the growing crowd became unruly, with the farmers blocking the roadway with vehicles. They began burning debris.
It was the second protest by the farmers in two weeks.


Essequibo rice farmers over late payments

Essequibo rice farmers over late payments


Kaieteur News was told that Naith Ram, the AFC Councillor, had sent a letter to Minister Ramsammy and other officials connected to the rice industry, but got no response.
Naith Ram, who is also the President of the Essequibo Farmers’ Association Group, has vowed that rice farmers would continue to protest until Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy and other officials address their grouses.
Ram contended that Essequibo Rice farmers have been suffering for too long, especially in the area of late payment to farmers by millers. He said other problems that they would have been agitating for over the years include poor drainage, appropriate weight and dockage for their paddy.
“We need a fair share, a fair deal. What we are getting for all we putting in? We are getting shaft,” one farmer said.
Rudolph, a rice farmer from Better Success, Essequibo Coast, suggested that millers who defaulted on payments should be prosecuted. He also suggested that farmers should be paid two weeks after they would have sold their paddy to millers, in accordance with the Rice Factory’s Act, which would further enable farmers to produce more.
Some farmers have not received payments for paddy sold almost three months ago. Rice millers are reportedly paying farmers$2,500 per a bag of paddy. Previously, farmers were reportedly paid some $4,100 and $4,200 per bag.
According to Moses Nagamootoo, Member of Parliament for the Opposition’s Alliance For Change, the rice situation is a worrying one for Guyana at the moment.
Not only is rice a major part of Essequibo, but recent rains had left several farms under water. In addition to losses, farmers are also contending that they are owed millions of dollars. Government had been examining options of the banks loaning monies to the millers to pay the farmers but not much headway had been made in the talks between the Rice Producers Association, the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) and Government.
GRDB has assured that Guyana has market for about 500,000 tonnes of rice that will be available this year but farmers and experts remain unsure.
While Guyana has been benefitting from Venezuela under the lucrative oil-for-rice deal, it has also been targeting the less profitable Jamaica and Haiti markets.
Aside from that, there are not many other significant markets overseas. Government has been pushing for increased production but without new markets, the situation remains a worrying one for farmers who fear that they will be left with a large surplus this year. This surplus could drive down the price being offered to farmers which is currently hovering around $3000 per bag.
This year, the industry is targeting 540,793 tonnes up from 535,429 tonnes produced last year.
Last year, rice exports expanded 22 per cent to US$239M with almost 395,000 tonnes exported. The average export price per tonne for export was US$607. This meant that rice performed better than sugar and second only to gold in terms of foreign currency earnings.
Under this year’s contract, Guyana has to supply 140,000 tonnes of paddy and 50,000 tonnes of white rice. With delays in Venezuela’s ports with the rice ships, a known problem, the country has so far for the year been able to only ship about half of the quota – 25,000 tonnes of white rice and 70,000 tonnes of paddy.
According to projections, the next crop, expected to start in August is likely to bring in 250,000 tonnes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mars:

Wait a minute. Didn't Cobra say that it's only black people who riot in Guyana? The PPP should send in their police to shoot these protesters like they did in Linden.

Linden was rioting for freeness, to get what's NOT theirs.  These farmers were protesting for what's theirs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Wait a minute. Didn't Cobra say that it's only black people who riot in Guyana? The PPP should send in their police to shoot these protesters like they did in Linden.

Linden was rioting for freeness, to get what's NOT theirs.  These farmers were protesting for what's theirs.

There was no rioting at Linden before the PPP police murdered the protesters. People have a democratic right to protest for any injustice they feel is being meted out against them without fear of being shot down in the streets.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Making up numbers?  Redux beat you to it.

Trust you to be pimping all over the place.

Meh waching yuh lil bai.

For a minute there I thought you were complaining about your sore vagina.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Linden was rioting for freeness, to get what's NOT theirs.  These farmers were protesting for what's theirs.

your hatred and contempt for black people oozes from your very pores

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Making up numbers?  Redux beat you to it.

Trust you to be pimping all over the place.

Meh waching yuh lil bai.

For a minute there I thought you were complaining about your sore vagina.

ASSJ, you can relate, i guess.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Making up numbers?  Redux beat you to it.

So FORMER PPP supporters riot.  Where is your outrage?  The PPP refuses to meet them so they riot against the PPP.  If Granger gad half a brain he would begin dialogue with them to allow him o bring legislation to parliament to relieve their plight.  Let the PPP refuse to deal with that bill.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mars:


Linden was rioting for freeness, to get what's NOT theirs.  These farmers were protesting for what's theirs.

Lindeners did NOT riot over the electricity rates.  They rioted over the CALLOUS murder of Lindeners by the PPP.


Get your facts right.


And yes Indians are now rioting against the PPP and you still think that they will get 55%!


And look at how incompetent the PPP is.  Encouraging the people to plant more rice but too lazy to find markets in a regions which is a massive importer of rice, and a minimal producer!  9 million rice eaters in the Dominican Rep, and Guyana can't find markets!  Give me a break.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Wait a minute. Didn't Cobra say that it's only black people who riot in Guyana? The PPP should send in their police to shoot these protesters like they did in Linden.

Linden was rioting for freeness, to get what's NOT theirs.  These farmers were protesting for what's theirs.

i guess you use your mouth for two reason,one to shit from and the other to suck ppp dick

Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you use your mouth for two reason,one to shit from and the other to suck ppp dick

Yes the mouth in his face to shit from and the one in his butt to suck PPP dick, that is when isn't hoping for a black one there.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you use your mouth for two reason,one to shit from and the other to suck ppp dick

Yes the mouth in his face to shit from and the one in his butt to suck PPP dick, that is when isn't hoping for a black one there.

Uuhh, you getting into latrine territory wid pure shit brains deh Caribj!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mars:


Linden was rioting for freeness, to get what's NOT theirs.  These farmers were protesting for what's theirs.

Lindeners did NOT riot over the electricity rates.  They rioted over the CALLOUS murder of Lindeners by the PPP.


Get your facts right.


And yes Indians are now rioting against the PPP and you still think that they will get 55%!


And look at how incompetent the PPP is.  Encouraging the people to plant more rice but too lazy to find markets in a regions which is a massive importer of rice, and a minimal producer!  9 million rice eaters in the Dominican Rep, and Guyana can't find markets!  Give me a break.

One issue at a time.  Yes, the PPP is incompetent and should manage the rice farmers output in a time of flux.  The GoG need to create storage and preservation facilities to handle production excesses.  There should always be an over production to ensure your contracted markets are fully satisfied.  The excess production then need to go to the spot market, the the farmers receive a price guarantee from the GoG, at least for a certain over production.  The PPP can then continue to negotiate expanded supplier agreements as long as they are confident the output has become sustainable.


On the Linden rioters, they were protesting electricity rates when radical elements fired into the crowds in an abortive attempt to create mayhem.


On the 55%, regardless of the PPP short comings, they are still the best game in town, and the people knows that.  They simply don't trust the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Making up numbers?  Redux beat you to it.

Trust you to be pimping all over the place.

Meh waching yuh lil bai.

For a minute there I thought you were complaining about your sore vagina.

ASSJ, you can relate, i guess.

The smartest thing ever to come out of your mouth was a penis.


So tell me, exactly how much semen do you have to swallow to become that stupid?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who say the AFC is useless should take heed. Essequibo is just the beginning.

And the PNC Aunty-man TK keep saying AFC is only 15%....

TK want PNC Thiefman become President with AFC Help.


Look....  Professor Tyrone Kwame....

Carry yuh thiefing PNC Rass Daside..

Originally Posted by baseman:

On the Linden rioters, they were protesting electricity rates when radical elements fired into the crowds in an abortive attempt to create mayhem.


On the 55%, regardless of the PPP short comings, they are still the best game in town, and the people knows that.  They simply don't trust the PNC.



Can't help but lie.  The police fired guns into the crowd.  The rest of you engaged in orgies of glee that black people get shot and some killed.


It is only a matter of time before rice farmers suffer the same fate.  The attitude of the police will be that if they can just shoot down blacks why not Indians as well.


The PPP doesn't care one fig for the planters. All they want to do is to pretend as if Guyana is making progress, and so they urge more rice.  If there is more rice clearly there will be a demand to find new markets, and to ensure that shipping is available. 


The PPP doesn't care about its own grass roots supporters, who are only good as cannon fodder, and to vote every 5 years.  What these people need to do is to vote AFC, or stay home.  Every PPP supporter who stays home is a vote for the opposition.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

On the Linden rioters, they were protesting electricity rates when radical elements fired into the crowds in an abortive attempt to create mayhem.


On the 55%, regardless of the PPP short comings, they are still the best game in town, and the people knows that.  They simply don't trust the PNC.



Can't help but lie.  The police fired guns into the crowd.  The rest of you engaged in orgies of glee that black people get shot and some killed.


It is only a matter of time before rice farmers suffer the same fate.  The attitude of the police will be that if they can just shoot down blacks why not Indians as well.


The PPP doesn't care one fig for the planters. All they want to do is to pretend as if Guyana is making progress, and so they urge more rice.  If there is more rice clearly there will be a demand to find new markets, and to ensure that shipping is available. 


The PPP doesn't care about its own grass roots supporters, who are only good as cannon fodder, and to vote every 5 years.  What these people need to do is to vote AFC, or stay home.  Every PPP supporter who stays home is a vote for the opposition.

PPP = PNC = Coruption & Thiefing.

CaribJ is right.....but the AFC cannot listen to the PNC Jaihaji Grasshopper Professor Tyron Kwame and turn over the Govt to them PNC Thieves.


We must stop the PPP...


but not give PNC de Govt.


Look how PNC operate...

and then Pretend as if them is de Victims.

Look at the Video Below



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

The PNC boys TK and Caribj hoping AFC put Granger in Power.


TK cannot understand he is not part of the AFC.....and he is clutching at straws....and PNC treat him like a Dutty Dog....he got Low-Low ratings now.


This Grasshopper cannot understand he cannot make Granger President of Guyana.....

and Nagamootoo and AFC never agree to remove the PPP and replace them with Granger or PNC.


Now lets look how the thiefing PNC & TK does behave ....

Bareface Thieves


TK want be a Big Boy....he is de spokesman fuh PNC

TK Deal with it....

No one Trust....TK & the PNC


Replacing PPP

and giving Granger & PNC Presidency

is a step Backward...


Granger & PNC must take a Back Seat

like how Granger put TK

in De Back of the Room in Richmond Hill



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