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Ezjet license revoked by US and Guyana govts.  As usual Guyanese stranded.  As usual Guyanese who booked for Xmas will have to rebook with another carrier and at much higher fares.  Expect CAL and Delta to hike airafres to a more economic level as the $400 fare was clearly unsustainable.


As usual Guyanese will be robbed by another group of charlatans posing as airline operatives.  I expect Vishnu M to find some excuse as he did when I pointed out not that long ago that EZjet would collapse.


This time i have absolutley no sympathy with Guyanese who are stranded.  They made their bed and now should lie in it.  After so mnay failures why did they think that this would be any different?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I thought sometime ago people were saying BJ was behind EZ Jet.  If so, how come the GoG also grounded it.

I refer my learned friend to the information I posted earlier: They did not pay off their PPP mates.

You are very learned indeed.  Were you part of the "pay-off" party?

Originally Posted by Amral:

why doesn't Roraima operate a long distance flight,or is it not viable

If you look at what is happening in most third world nations the notion of a flag carrier is dying.  Airlines are expensive to operate and govts are no longer able to support them.


Who would have imagined an icon like Air Jamaica to go belly up.  Well it did.


Guyana needs to do what every body else does and that is secure airlift from major carriers, and from neighboring airlines which can be used as de facto flag carriers.  Caribbean Air and Surinam are both right next door to GY.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I thought sometime ago people were saying BJ was behind EZ Jet.  If so, how come the GoG also grounded it.

Well druggie did say that BJ cant afford his mortgage despite his labish pension. Maybe his assets all fell to earth when EZjets wings got clipped.


Folks want to know why the Govt of GY is screaming at the press for revealing EZjet's problems of a few weeks ago.


The Gy govt had no choice once the US DoT grounded it.  GY as a cat 2 country, has no route rights to the USA, so EZjet had to have been certified as a US based charter carrier.

Originally Posted by warrior:

the way the ppp is running the country someday the only means of transportation out of guyana will be by raft  

you fool, Delta and Caribbean airlines still flying. It is the small start up carriers that fail. Also you idiot, it is not govt that is running the airline industry but private enterprise. You neglect to mention the AFC investors in ezjet. Ramjattan and Nagamootoo battie biting as the govt ground their drug mule. 


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