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Although the report says that the nature of discrepancies and irregularities found raises serious issues about the adequacy of checks and balances in the elections administration process, the electoral laws and Gecom’s current make-up, it will likely be used to bolster the commission’s defence of the declared results, which have been questioned by the major parties. Last week, President Donald Ramotar repeated the claim that the PPP/C won over 50% of the vote, after APNU said its own verification left the presidency in doubt. APNU had been counting on the EAB to substantiate its findings, but was put to shame, in the event of a forensic audit the P.P.P/C will be given a majority


 If Ramotar thinks he has been cheated contrary to the ruling of the monitors that the system is fair then why blame APNU when they claim likewise?


The system has a weakness and putting Jaya devi in charge wont rectify that, It simply amplifies the fact the PPP wants to make the process a partisan political issue once again.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU has illfiltrated GECOM and had manipulate the the event of a forensic audit....the P.P.P/C will be given a Majority

 I guess that is your "Sase" cover story. You can make up whatever you want the PPP lost and that is the reality. I believe up created this thread to clarify the fact outsiders thought the process was fair.


I thought  they were to tip the scales at 60 plus the last time! The renown pollster bishram was obviously triangulating for the PPP knowing fully well they were a bire on a wire. It wont help in the future either. The genie is out of the bottle. The nation will never permit the perfidious autocrats to have their hand in the cookie jar unfettered ever again.


The P.P.P/C was a victim of their own successes, as most progressive governments do....Owen Arther of Barbados, Kenny Anthony of St.Lucia, Portia Simpson Miller of Jamaica, but following elections, the Governments normally regains a majority or even a landslide, like in Jamaica with Portia Simpson Miller.............In the event of any snap elections, a majority government awaits the P.P.P/C


I guess you may have to say the same affliction ails Ramotar. He also refutes GECOM and insist the PPP won except for nefarious dealings of the APNU.


Get it into your noggins. They won more than the anticipated. They have the PPP by those tiny testes.


Is that not the reason you lament here daily, threaten snap elections, see conspiracies everywhere and pretend you have a wondrous budget when you know it has to be trimmed of its pork.


I guess this budget thing has you folks quaking in your boots. For the first time you will truly have to do work or get rapped on the knuckles. I know that will hurt given the PPP has populated itself with knuckle walkers!


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