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East and West Coast children enjoy fun day – as First Lady hosts International Children’s Day event


As a part of International Children’s Day celebration 2013, First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar in collaboration with the members of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) held a celebration for children at the Lusignan and Uitvlugt Community Centre grounds.


The event was open to children from the ages of 2-12 years and featured poetry, game playing, singing, a question and answer segment and a spelling bee competition.


Children gathered at the International Children’s Day celebration in Lusignan

Children gathered at the International Children’s Day celebration in Lusignan


Mrs. Ramotar, in an invited comment at Lusignan, highlighted that children are Guyana’s future and today was dedicated to showing how important and special they are. The main reason for this event was to provide a fun and educational afternoon for the children. She added that the initiative was also aimed at boosting the self esteem of the children and for them to realise that they too play a special role in society.


 First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar autographing a book that was awarded to a child that participated in the question and answer segment of the children’s day event

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar autographing a book that was awarded to a child that participated in the question and answer segment of the children’s day event


The event allowed the children to have a fun and productive afternoon by expressing themselves, interacting with their peers, making new friends, participating in games, learning new things, going through the courtesy rules and engaging in many other fun educational activities.


The children were given book prizes for providing the correct answers in the question and answer segment, and a trophy was awarded to the winner of the spelling bee competition. After the programme the children were given bags of ‘goodies’, and ice-cream.


First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and the winner of the Spelling Bee competition at the International Children’s Day celebration in Lusignan

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and the winner of the Spelling Bee competition at the International Children’s Day celebration in Lusignan


The children expressed their happiness and gratitude to the First Lady for providing them with a wonderful afternoon.


International Children’s Day is observed on June 1, and is observed to mark the importance of children in the world. On this day children across the world are educated about their rights and are given special treatment.


First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar poses with the winners who participated in the event.

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar poses with the winners who participated in the event.


In her message to mark the day, Mrs. Ramotar said, “In this formative period of their lives, our children deserve to be treated with dignity and to be nurtured in a protective and loving environment. It is the responsibility of parents and all society as a whole to ensure that children are nurtured in an environment that is full of compassion, concern and one that reinforces sound moral and social values.


International Children’s Day is therefore a time for all us to reaffirm our commitment to building a society that fosters the holistic and harmonious development of our children, inclusive of adequate time for recreation and fun.”

Good words from the First Lady. I hope all dem tiefing ppl in the GoG knows they stealing these children future. Children are in the care of their governments. And the politicians should know that HELL is real place. And if dey doan change their bad ways, dey going dere fuh sure.


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