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July 14, 2016 Source

An East Canje, Berbice man was yesterday jailed for three years by Magistrate Alex Moore, after he pleaded guilty to breaking into a Bath Settlement home and carting off approximately $1 million in cash and jewellery.

Chris Rampersaud of Canefield, East Canje, who appeared at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court broke into the home of Nafeeza Wazim at Bath Settlement on July 6, and stole four gold chains valued at $122,000, four gold rings valued $72,000, six pairs of gold bangles valued $725,000, three pairs of earrings valued $8,000 and $160,000. It was also stated in the charge that Rampersaud stole a quantity of Brazilian jewellery valued $42,000.

Rampersaud was jailed for two and a half years for the break-in and six months for escaping from lawful custody.

Chris Rampersaud covers his face as a police officer takes him into the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court
Chris Rampersaud covers his face as a police officer takes him into the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court

Rampersaud, 37, told the court that he broke into Wazim’s house but claimed that he only stole the Brazilian jewellery. According to Rampersaud, he was caught shortly after the crime was committed and did not have all of the items mentioned in the charge in his possession.

Police Prosecutor, Inspector Althea Soloman, informed the court that the Brazilian jewellery was recovered and that public-spirited persons had apprehended Rampersaud.

According to information gathered, after the incident, public-spirited individuals chased Rampersaud through the village into a street with a dead end, where he was cornered, apprehended and handed over to the police. However, after being handed over to the police, Rampersaud pushed down a female officer and ran off. Lawmen immediately chased after him and he was caught.

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