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Former Member

The Chinese contractor working to expand the East Coast Demerara four-lane highway, yesterday ordered that a number of truckers who were protesting non-payment be sacked.

Two of the truckers yesterday speaking to reporters. They were fired hours later by China Railway.

At least five truckers who were sub-contracted to fetch loam, sand and stone, claimed yesterday that they have not been paid for two months now.
Hours after they spoke to reporters during a short picketing exercise at Good Hope, where
China Railway First Group Limited has a stockpile yard, the truckers were told by contractors that they were not allowed to fetch anymore materials as they had spoken to reporters.
It was explained yesterday that more than 100 persons, including truck drivers and labourers, have not been paid for over two months.
The US$45.5M contract awarded to China Railway involved the extension of the four-lane and upgrades between Better Hope and Belfield.
China Railway, under fire for its lack of adherence to environmental regulations on that project, reportedly hired a number of contractors who in turn sub-contracted work to the truckers and labourers.
The truckers claimed that they were supplied with fuel, at discount rates by China Railway, to fetch loam, sand and stone. Sometimes the work would go all day and night.
“We don’t mind working all day and night. We understand the situation. But for two months now, they are not paying and when we visit the Lusignan office, Mr. Eric tell us he has not received a word,” one of the truckers said.
It was disclosed that the non-payment has caused quite a problem with some drivers just leaving in frustration.
“We have loans with the banks. They are calling us. They think we are lying. We have children. We have to buy tyres, lube…we have to maintain our trucks. We owe for them. All we asking for is for them to pay us on time.”
The truckers said that while the Chinese contractor pay way below what a normal load would cost, they did not mind as the work was constant.
A few hours after complaining to Kaieteur News, the truckers said that their contractors called them and told them that China Railway was not taking any more materials from them.

Some of the materials stockpiled by the contractor on the East Coast.

“This is extremely shocking. We asking for what is ours. And they have fired us. We are asking for Government to look into this matter for us,” one trucker appealed.
The loan for US$45.5M is a concessional one from China.
Guyana has been battling a number of Chinese contractors who have been receiving more and more contracts in Guyana.
However, there has been growing concerns over the quality of work and work practices on the projects.
China Railway’s officials were unavailable for comments yesterday.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is an insult to all races in Guyana.

Driving on the East Coast and seeing the sight of a Chinese in straw hat supervising Guyanaese toiling in the hot sun, brings sad memories how our foreparents work during the colonial times. 

Its a shame on our own leaders. 


Is China Railway responsible for direct payment to the truckers and labourers?


China Railway, under fire for its lack of adherence to environmental regulations on that project, reportedly hired a number of contractors who in turn sub-contracted work to the truckers and labourers.

Dave posted:

This is an insult to all races in Guyana.

Driving on the East Coast and seeing the sight of a Chinese in straw hat supervising Guyanaese toiling in the hot sun, brings sad memories how our foreparents work during the colonial times. 

Its a shame on our own leaders. 

I always advocate throwing all the Chinese out of Guyana. No matter where these people are, they always want to get rich fast. Rob the people or exploit the resources and get out. Chase these bastards out.


The government should (unless they already have one) establish a code of conduct for all dem people who are going to try and fleece  Guyana because of the aisle money. The Government should make sure this does not happen again....China does have global designs...everything in my house says “Made in China”.

Guyanese have been the laughing stock of many people in the world...we don’t need BS from foreigners who are doing business in Guyana....least of all dem Chinese people.

Dave posted:

East Coast four-lane expansion…Chinese contractor sacks truckers who protest delay in payments

The Chinese contractor working to expand the East Coast Demerara four-lane highway, yesterday ordered that a number of truckers who were protesting non-payment be sacked.

Two of the truckers yesterday speaking to reporters. They were fired hours later by China Railway.

At least five truckers who were sub-contracted to fetch loam, sand and stone, claimed yesterday that they have not been paid for two months now.
Hours after they spoke to reporters during a short picketing exercise at Good Hope, where

The loan for US$45.5M is a concessional one from China.

Concessional loan == loan with an extensively long grace period to repay.


You all complain so much about the Chinese yet you hate our great president  Donald Trump who is waging a trade war with them for the benefit of the American people. The opposition chastised the previous government for working with the Chinese.  Now they are working with Chinese and the problems have gotten bigger.  Time to hold our politicians accountable. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

The Chinese Blush at work in exciting the AFC/PNC.

Cain is the only decent government supporter at GNI who condemned the Chinese.

The rest love taking the Chinese Blush. Mitwah is smiling from ear to ear while Moses posed proudly sitting on the Chinese Blush, sorry Chinese “donated” vehicles.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all complain so much about the Chinese yet you hate our great president  Donald Trump who is waging a trade war with them for the benefit of the American people. The opposition chastised the previous government for working with the Chinese.  Now they are working with Chinese and the problems have gotten bigger.  Time to hold our politicians accountable. 

Ease up on the BS. The previous government was not chastised for “working with the Chinese”. They were chastised for signing contracts with the Chinese which became bad deals for Guyana. A few that come to mind are Bai Shan Lin, the Skeldon Factory and the Marriot. There is nothing wrong with doing business with China but the contracts must benefit Guyana favorably. Unlike the corrupt deals the PPP was pulling off with China just to maximize their kickbacks.

cain posted:

For frick sakes just kick dem Chinese rass out. This is a shame what the government is doing, having the Chinese invade.

Chinese invasion started long before. Remember Bai Shanlin? I really don't like the idea of Chinese Contractors doing work in Guyana mainly because of their practices of not using local labor or local goods. If we must use Chinese Contractors, there should be strict rules and enforcement of those rules. I have a strong feeling the Granger Government is using these contractors because it doesn't want to be "left behind". The entire Caribbean has become a battleground for China versus Taiwan domination and Chinese companies, with loans from China of course, are doing business all over. They should as Cain said be kicked out if they don't meet the obligations of their contracts. It's time for this government to disassociate itself from the practices of the former government and put it's citizens first.

Last edited by GTAngler
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all complain so much about the Chinese yet you hate our great president  Donald Trump who is waging a trade war with them for the benefit of the American people. The opposition chastised the previous government for working with the Chinese.  Now they are working with Chinese and the problems have gotten bigger.  Time to hold our politicians accountable. 

Ease up on the BS. The previous government was not chastised for “working with the Chinese”. They were chastised for signing contracts with the Chinese which became bad deals for Guyana. A few that come to mind are Bai Shan Lin, the Skeldon Factory and the Marriot. There is nothing wrong with doing business with China but the contracts must benefit Guyana favorably. Unlike the corrupt deals the PPP was pulling off with China just to maximize their kickbacks.



How times have changed.

The Mars of the world were anti Chinese during the PPP time and now they are advocating a softer position. 

They now love the Chinese Blush.

This is funny Shyte. 


This is why China man like bring dem own.  I’m sure there is more to the story than we are heard and reading.  

Alyuh suh anti China here, but anti Trump when it comes to America and China relations.

Ray posted:

Being anti Trump got nothing to do with China...

No, what I'm saying, alyuh even against his China policy yet you complaining about the same thing in Guyana!  Forget about all the other stuff you don't agree with him, just this!

yuji22 posted:

How times have changed.

The Mars of the world were anti Chinese during the PPP time and now they are advocating a softer position. 

They now love the Chinese Blush.

This is funny Shyte. 

I am against crooked deals the PPP made with the Chinese such as the Skeldon Factory, Bai Shan Lin and the Marriot. We should do business with anyone once we get a fair deal and the country is not being raped like it was with the Chinese under the PPP. Also, one country like China should not be allowed to dominate the economy or you would be asking for trouble and end up like some of the African nations deeply indebted to China.

Ray posted:

I never liked the Chinese having so much influence in Guyana...was not for it when PPP was in power, and still against it under APNU

I think Guyana should treat them like hired help. Nothing more, nothing less. Hold them to certain strict standards and if they don't measure up, fire them.

GTAngler posted:
Ray posted:

I never liked the Chinese having so much influence in Guyana...was not for it when PPP was in power, and still against it under APNU

I think Guyana should treat them like hired help. Nothing more, nothing less. Hold them to certain strict standards and if they don't measure up, fire them.

Bai, alyuh believe lil beggar bowl Guyana have that clout?  Dem can hardly handle Trinidad.  The great America wrestling with China and China wrestling back. Guyana stand no chance playing hard ball.

The best tactics is to do a deal with Modi in December which gives Guyana alternatives.  India can offer everything China is.

GTAngler posted:
cain posted:

For frick sakes just kick dem Chinese rass out. This is a shame what the government is doing, having the Chinese invade.

Chinese invasion started long before.

China already is about to literally own Africa and their sights are now on the Caribbean.

Chinese companies have done severe damage to Caribbean construction companies.  50% of those working in construction in Jamaica are now Chinese, meaning that Jamaicans must roam the rest of the Caribbean looking for work.  A major export from T&T was their project management and construction companies, architects and engineering companies.  Now damaged because the Chinese were let in, underbid everyone using their "slave" labor.

China underbids promising lower costs.  They bring in slave labor from China and break all the local labor laws. All materials must be sourced from China. All paid by loans from China which must be repaid.

China is paid TWICE. First from the use of materials and labor, and then from debt service.  If a country cannot repay China then demands repayment in kind.  No doubt they anticipate Guyana using its oil royalties to repay these loans.

Oh yes and Chinese actually build into their project costs bribes that they pay local officials, so yes local tax payers are also paying for this.

Baseman posted:
  Dem can hardly handle Trinidad.  

What is Trinidad demanding of Guyana.  In fact Guyana should be glad that T&T is involved in the oil sector as it allows the Guyana gov't to ensure that Exxon doesn't out source every thing to US contractors.  Once the Americans are in they aren't leaving.   Guyanese can work with the Trinis to do joint ventures because T&T doesn't have a bottom less pit of capacity. 

T&T/Guyana is a win win for both!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
  Dem can hardly handle Trinidad.  

What is Trinidad demanding of Guyana.  In fact Guyana should be glad that T&T is involved in the oil sector as it allows the Guyana gov't to ensure that Exxon doesn't out source every thing to US contractors.  Once the Americans are in they aren't leaving.   Guyanese can work with the Trinis to do joint ventures because T&T doesn't have a bottom less pit of capacity. 

T&T/Guyana is a win win for both!

Hey, I support the Guyana-TT oil collaboration.  I was talking about the other stuff which Guyana has issues, like the "honey" row, etc!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
  Dem can hardly handle Trinidad.  

What is Trinidad demanding of Guyana.  In fact Guyana should be glad that T&T is involved in the oil sector as it allows the Guyana gov't to ensure that Exxon doesn't out source every thing to US contractors.  Once the Americans are in they aren't leaving.   Guyanese can work with the Trinis to do joint ventures because T&T doesn't have a bottom less pit of capacity. 

T&T/Guyana is a win win for both!

Hey, I support the Guyana-TT oil collaboration.  I was talking about the other stuff which Guyana has issues, like the "honey" row, etc!

The fact that the Guyanese private sector are too lazy to take advantage of opportunities that the T&T market represents, not only to sell but to pursue joint ventures with companies based there is on them. 

Guyanese businessmen only know how to open malls and multiplex cinemas or speculative real estate.  The fact that we import juice from Barbados is indicate of this.  We should be SELLING juice concentrate to the Caribbean, instead of allowing them to source this out of Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil!


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