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May 17, 2020


The PPPC are faking outrage, they know that they didn’t engage in fair play and haven’t since perhaps 2011. They have been extraordinarily lucky though, the coalition never bothered to insist on a clean up of the “bloated list” in 2015 and by the time GECOM tried in 2020, the courts lacking a thorough understanding of how the PPPC had prepared for massive rigging, denied GECOM the right to clean up the list of electors. This action by the courts will go down as the single most disastrous decision in the history of Guyana.

The truth is, the PPPC have always been shrewd and organised in their attempts to steal elections. For years, they monitored the annual emigration of the East Indian population with a growing sense of dread.

The East Indian population decreased by 96,924 citizens between 1980 – 2012

According to data found on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, the East Indian community decreased by 96,924 citizens between the 32 year period of 1980 to 2012. The vast majority emigrated to countries where chain migration policies allowed family members to sponsor relatives for emigration to purportedly greener pastures.

Note the East Indian population decreased by 25% between 1980 to 2012

One can reasonably make the assumption that the rate of decrease of the East Indian population would increase significantly between 2012 to 2020 and mostly because of chain migration and the fact that the pool of Guyanese turned foreign citizens who live abroad, and were now able to sponsor their relatives had increased significantly.

But we will use the conservative range of an average annual decrease of .78% – 1.25% of the population to project the numbers of East Indians who left the shores of Guyana since 2012. Using the 2012 population (census) of 297,493 as a base, we project that an additional 6% – 10% of the population has migrated since 2012, accounting for a further decrease of an additional 17,849 – 29,750 citizens. East Indians now account for a new population total in 2020 of around 279,644 – 267,743 citizens.

The devastating decrease in the PPP voter base has been historically reflected in the decreasing number of PPP votes since 1997. The PPP panicked, took the decision to rig the 2015 voter’s list with what we now know to be bloat of dead people and people who have left the country.

Between 1997 and 2011, while the PPPC were still winning relatively free and fair elections, they were becoming increasingly alarmed that they were rapidly losing votes. (See figure below). If this trend continued, their era of political domination would soon be over and for all of the foreseeable future, so they engineered the rig we are now uncovering.

Figure reflects how total number of votes continued to decrease from 1997 to 2011

Replies sorted oldest to newest

DJ, one simple explanation for the ppp winning. They are able to attract voters from other ethnic communities. This was compounded by low turnout in GT. And in Linden, Granger asked for over 90% turnout which he did not get.  

@Zed posted:

DJ, one simple explanation for the ppp winning. They are able to attract voters from other ethnic communities. This was compounded by low turnout in GT. And in Linden, Granger asked for over 90% turnout which he did not get.  

Good Morning Mr. Zed. It's great to see that you didn't use the word "Neemakarams".


East Indian Population Decreased By More Than 100,000

This is just a load a crock. Are they trying to say only coolies migrated? Blacks at around 29% and coolies at 39 % just have to get 11% of other races while blacks needed double that[22%] . There theory doesn’t make no sense. 

@sachin_05 posted:

East Indian Population Decreased By More Than 100,000

This is just a load a crock. Are they trying to say only coolies migrated? Blacks at around 29% and coolies at 39 % just have to get 11% of other races while blacks needed double that [22%] . There theory doesn’t make no sense. 


The percentages quoted are from the 2012 Census, migration from 2012 to 2020 will have to be factored in ,so the percentages will be decreased.

Can you tell how the PPP/C increased their votes in Region 4 from 60,899 in 2011 to 70,203 in 2015 and currently the party claimed 80,887 in the 2020 elections.

If you can figure that ,you will crack the mystery.

Last edited by Django
@Zed posted:

DJ, one simple explanation for the ppp winning. They are able to attract voters from other ethnic communities. This was compounded by low turnout in GT. And in Linden, Granger asked for over 90% turnout which he did not get.  

When will Irfan be coronated? I'm planning to attend the massive celebrations and check up on my investments.


The population of Guyana increases from 650,000 in 2015 to 780,000 in 2020. The Coalition lost the Dougla vote, the Amerind vote and the AFC vote.   Too bad rigging is not an option for the nonentities in Guyana.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The population of Guyana increases from 650,000 in 2015 to 780,000 in 2020. The Coalition lost the Dougla vote, the Amerind vote and the AFC vote.   Too bad rigging is not an option for the nonentities in Guyana.

Rama ,where do you get the information from ?

@Django posted:


The percentages quoted are from the 2012 Census, migration from 2012 to 2020 will have to be factored in ,so the percentages will be decreased.

Can you tell how the PPP/C increased their votes in Region 4 from 60,899 in 2011 to 70,203 in 2015 and currently the party claimed 80,887 in the 2020 elections.

If you can figure that ,you will crack the mystery.

Even if what you are insinuating as anomaly after Grainger unlawful selected the GECOM chairman Patterson then Claudette Singh fail to deliver on a job they squat on for over year, a job which were according to the law should take 3 months....whose fault is that?
Besides you never condemn Mingo charade even though the entire local, Caricom and international observers call his actions fraudulent.
You were confident of a collation win with winning ballots within the boxes.. what made you change your mind?

Looks like you now realize finally rigging would not work....🤢

@Ramakant-P posted:

I know that you can't count.  Now I know that you can't read.

What a shame! Your ignorance has surpassed your stupidity.

Bai na me teach you fe count de ada day.  Now you want me tech you fe read.  Me mus be you daady.  

@sachin_05 posted:

Even if what you are insinuating as anomaly after Grainger unlawful selected the GECOM chairman Patterson then Claudette Singh fail to deliver on a job they squat on for over year, a job which were according to the law should take 3 months....whose fault is that?
Besides you never condemn Mingo charade even though the entire local, Caricom and international observers call his actions fraudulent.

You were confident of a collation win with winning ballots within the boxes.. what made you change your mind?

Looks like you now realize finally rigging would not work....🤢

Sir ,can you address my post.  Do you see any anomaly ? most of your post is repetitive.There is a recount ,the results will prove which political party wins the election.

In Region 4, the combination of votes for 2011 elections APNU+AFC - 95,293 ,in 2015 APNU+ AFC - 113,856 , that's  an increase of 18 ,563

PPP/C says in the 2020 elections votes for APNU+ AFC - 116,950 ,increase of 3,094 votes.  Is this plausible ?

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

It isn't the PPP who is doing the recount.   It's the PNC controlled GECOM.

People like you who moved away are still on the voters list. PPP stop the HtH registration which would have removed them as well the dead. And that's how the PPP was able to rig the election. 

Last edited by Django
@Mitwah posted:

People like you who moved away are still on the voters list. PPP stop the HtH registration which would have removed them as well the dead. And that's how the PPP was able to rig the election. 

I Don't agree! It was the PNC controlled GECOM  who compiled the voter's list.  The PPP had nothing to do with that.   All that they did was exposed some discrepancies.

@Django posted:

Sir ,can you address my post.  Do you see any anomaly ? most of your post is repetitive.There is a recount ,the results will prove which political party wins the election.

In Region 4, the combination of votes for 2011 elections APNU+AFC - 95,293 ,in 2015 APNU+ AFC - 113,856 , that's  an increase of 18 ,563

PPP/C says in the 2020 elections votes for APNU+ AFC - 116,950 ,gain of 3,094 votes. That means the Coalition lost 15,469 votes. Is this plausible ?

The AFC votes in R4 in 2011 was10635 

with their implosion I am not surprise if the went back to the PPP.


Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

The AFC votes in R4 in 2011 was10635 

with their implosion I am not surprise if the went back to the PPP.

In Region 4 not at significant amount of votes  for the AFC ,comes from the PPP strong holds , so that theory doesn't hold water. Looking at the 2015 elections ,there was increased in votes ,for the coalition. There are lots of first time voters in Georgetown, so the increased of 3,094 looks erroneous .

PPP tally says there are decreased votes  of 1,860 for the coalition in Georgetown ,while their party increased by 1,800 votes.

@sachin_05 posted:

Check out R4 in 2006 AFC 13,876 PPP 62,386 and PNC 68,112. Difference between PPP and PNC just over 3000 votes in R4....

Then in 2011 ,PPP/C votes decreased to  60,899 . Me thinks the PPP/C will get caught how they increased their votes in the recount.

The table  for 2006 removed from your post ,was overlapping on the thread.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:
@sachin_05 posted:

Check out R4 in 2006 AFC 13,876 PPP 62,386 and PNC 68,112. Difference between PPP and PNC just over 3000 votes in R4....

Then in 2011 ,PPP/C votes decreased to  60,899 . Me thinks the PPP/C will get caught how they increased their votes in the recount.

The table  for 2006 removed from your post ,was overlapping on the thread.

Mingo already get caught in the recount increasing votes for the collation. And he knows what’s in the boxes favor which party. He didn’t need to if  it was in his party’s favor.

Last edited by Django

The PPP should learn from the example of the Israeli Labour Party. The party of Shimon Perez, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak can today only manage to get 3 seats in the Israeli Parliament. The PPP and its allies should forget c and J jorgon's Lord Canary "All awe is one family" bullsh-t politics (which brought us the so called redemption of H.Greene/ release of David Hill aka Rabbi Washing Board from prison for murder) and aim for the creation of a separate Independent Sovereign Country.  

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

The PPP should learn from the example of the Israeli Labour Party. The party of Shimon Perez, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak can today only manage to get 3 seats in the Israeli Parliament. The PPP and its allies should forget c and J jorgon's Lord Canary "All awe is one family" bullsh-t politics (which brought us the so called redemption of H.Greene/ release of David Hill aka Rabbi Washing Board from prison for murder) and aim for the creation of a separate Independent Sovereign Country.  

You are not thinking it through.  Why should we settle for half the country when we can get the whole?


Banna look yeh, I done with making kids.  You think my three grandkids dem fell outta da sky. Banna, I even delivered my son at home years ago and I remember it as though it was yesterday. His mom went into labour and within one hour he was born.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Banna look yeh, I done with making kids.  You think my three grandkids dem fell outta da sky. Banna, I even delivered my son at home years ago and I remember it as though it was yesterday. His mom went into labour and within one hour he was born.

Good for you!

@Django posted:


The percentages quoted are from the 2012 Census, migration from 2012 to 2020 will have to be factored in ,so the percentages will be decreased.

Can you tell how the PPP/C increased their votes in Region 4 from 60,899 in 2011 to 70,203 in 2015 and currently the party claimed 80,887 in the 2020 elections.

If you can figure that ,you will crack the mystery.

Django brother, you have been preaching this mantra long ago saying the PNC will win the 2020 election because of this. PPP is not only a coolie party, unlike the PNC. I don't think any explanation of population growth, movement, and circumstances for the movement will satisfy you. It's time to stop flogging a dead horse. Region 4 does not vote 100% PNC.

@Mitwah posted:

People like you who moved away are still on the voters list. PPP stop the HtH registration which would have removed them as well the dead. And that's how the PPP was able to rig the election. 

People like me?


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