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Ugandan foreign Minister at the time of the expulsion of East Indians from Uganda was Joshua Wanume Kibedi.  He is in this documentary telling the world about the expulsion of the East Indians from Uganda and calling it not racist. He was the brother in law of Idi Amin. His sister was Idi Amin's first wife.  

A few years later Joshua Wanume Kibedi and his sister (Amin's first wife) fled Uganda after the murder of their Uncle by  Idi Amin.  Joshua Wanume Kibedi and his sister ended up in exile for several years in Britain (where many of the East Indians who were expelled by Amin were living). He became a political enemy of Idi Amin and helped to overthrow him. He was appointed by President Yoweri Museveni as the United Nations Ambassador for Uganda in 1986   He established a successful law practice in london and died in June of this year.

Last edited by Prashad

This must never forgotten.

Luckily the dictator Burnham died otherwise, Indos in Guyana would have suffered the same faith.

The Wismar incident stand testimony to this fact.

Grain jaw can also become like Idi Amin, we must be vigilant at all times.

Bharat Jagdeo empowered Indos in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member

East Indians of Guyana must always see themselves as their own race. They must never allow themselves to be used by Arab interests or the interests of others. India and Pakistan did nothing to help those East Indians who were kicked out of  Uganda. Mumar Gaddafi even sent soldiers to help his African brother Amin. Saudi Arabia gave the brute asylum. After seeing this documentary I will never praise that Gaddafi again . Obama gave him what he deserved.

Chief posted:

Guyana belongs to Guyanese of all races .

Africans and blacks must realize that they are the descendants of Christ and must behave properly to honor him. Don't let the anti-christ control you to hate and kill and always use reason when Society causes psychological conflict. Most people are not vulnerable to emotions but like me, be vulnerable to emotions to understand. You can tell when someone is vulnerable to emotions by their willingness to listen and to put their heart at risk to compensate with feelings as they speak with a tone of voice that reflects humility.  Don't judge someone because of how they look and your perception of the level of intelligence compared to yours. I have found that treating blacks without bias has helped the overall situation around me. When they are happy we are happy. Idi Amin couldn't see the kindness within him. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Last edited by Ronald Anthony Arjune

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