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Former Member

Easter signifies eternal hope for Mankind


CHRISTIANITY is not about going to a special building to pray; it is not about wearing the right clothes to attend church; it is not about playing hymns on Sundays, while you rob or hurt your fellow human every day of the week; it is not about looking down on others who follow different religious paths; it is not about shopping and decorating homes at Christmastime.

Rather, Christianity is about giving and forgiving; it is about tolerance and compassion; it is about reaching out with help and love to the vulnerable, helpless, and those less fortunate than we are; it is about giving with a full heart without expectation of reward, because Christianity stems from the all-embracing love of Jesus Christ for the family of Mankind.

But how many of those who profess to be Christians live out the virtues and merits imparted by the foundation to the Christian religion, the supreme sacrifice made for humanity by the Lord Jesus Christ?

The Lenten season, popularly called Easter, celebrates the life-giving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Lord who lived and died as Man so that Mankind could be saved.

This Lenten season, in general, and Good Friday and Easter weekend in particular, should not merely be seen as an occasion for fun and frolic, but also as a time for reflection on how well Man has replicated the virtues of Christ, so awesomely displayed in the groundings of the Lenten season approximately 2000 years ago, when our Heavenly Father sent His only-begotten Son to be sacrificed for the race of Man.

In a message, the Inter-Religious Organization stated: “During this Lenten season, we actively remind ourselves of who we are, where we came from, and where we plan to go. We redirect the minds from the hustle and bustle and, with deep contrition and humility, we say our heartfelt ‘thank you’ to God, the Creator of this world.

“We thank Him for all that He has done to reconcile humanity to Him(self), and we thank Him for His promise of assuring us that we will live with Him one day, and there find complete rest.”

The message of Easter has great relevance to Guyana’s socio-political landscape, because most of this nation’s politicians profess to be God-fearing people. However, the actions of many political leaders in the National Assembly run counter to all the adjurations of every religious text known to Man, in that their every utterance and action is meant to hurt their fellow Guyanese and stymie development in this beautiful country that is the patrimony bequeathed to us by all our ancestors.

David Burrowes, the Conservative Member of Parliament for Enfield, Southgate, and the Parliamentary Chairman of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, reflecting on the message of Easter and its relevance to politicians today, concludes that it is the example of Christ’s life which should motivate Christian politicians to pursue service, rather than power; truth rather than lies; and compassion rather than indifference.”

Burrowes went on to expound: “May they never lead the nation wrongly through love of power, desire to please, or unworthy ideals; but laying aside all private interests and prejudices, keep in mind their responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all Mankind.”

It is the example of Christ’s life which motivates Christian politicians to pursue service rather than power; truth rather than lies; and compassion rather than indifference. It is Christ’s death which compels Christian politicians to love even their enemies, rather than hate; to forgive rather than condemn; to reconcile rather than divide; and to serve others sacrificially rather than oneself selfishly.

It is Christ’s resurrection which gives Christian politicians hope rather than despair, and assurance of eternal life rather than death. Now, that is a Manifesto worth reading!

The evil Saul, converted to a Christ-loving Paul, wrote in one of his letters to a church in Greece, “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”
Can the politicians who proclaim themselves to be Christians not embrace with whole hearts and minds the concepts and teachings of the underlying message of our Lord’s supreme sacrifice of self for the love of Mankind, and stop seeing attending church during this holy season as photo opportunities and occasions for politicking? And can they not do the right thing when next they meet in Guyana’s National Assembly?

Pluto wrote that anyone — even the most evil person, as exemplified by Saul converted to Paul — is capable of change, but it requires “the turning of the whole soul toward the light.” Even more, it requires bringing light into the lives of one’s fellow humans.

To date, Guyana’s opposition politicians have been visiting darkness in the lives of the people of this nation and on our beloved paradise-like Guyana.

And one wonders if they would ever be able to exemplify what being a good Christian really is by turning their whole souls toward the light, and for once bringing light instead of darkness upon this country that we all call home.


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Even though "stormborn" appears to be at the opposite side of the political divide, today is "Easter", its a time to ceasefire and observe the reason for the season. Happy Easter "Stormborn".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Even though "stormborn" appears to be at the opposite side of the political divide, today is "Easter", its a time to ceasefire and observe the reason for the season. Happy Easter "Stormborn".

this is not about political sides. You morons parse everything within your political lens and it blinds you to the obvious. This is about good and evil. Evil from where I stand it the presence of autocratic race driven zealots demanding absolute authiotity over a people.  The PPP is yet to learn that free people are never governed justly by kings.

Last edited by Former Member

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