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Eastern Airlines gets green light for Guyana to NY route

-six months after earlier application rejected

Eastern Airlines


November 9 2019

Six months after an earlier application had been rejected by Cabinet, Eastern Airlines has been given the green light to operate scheduled non-stop flights between the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York.

This was disclosed yesterday by Minister of State Dawn Hastings-Williams during the launch of Air Services Limited’s new routes to the Upper Mazaruni.

Hastings later told Stabroek News that the airline is expected to begin operations on December 8th.

To my knowledge, we [Cabinet] have received their application and [granted] the approval to have their services offered here,” Hastings-Williams said.

It is unclear what has changed in six months to enable approval for the former Dynamic Airways, which had encountered a host of problems here before exiting the market.

When contacted, Director-General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) Egbert Field said that the company has followed “due diligence and approval has been given to them to operate between Georgetown and New York.”

Field noted that the company is no longer connected to Dynamic Air-ways and has followed international regulations and transitioned and restructured itself under new management.

According to the airline’s website, it will be providing connections to unserv-ed markets with economical flights.

“Eastern Airlines provides the most direct and economical flights to underserved markets around the globe. Our first routes serve direct from New York City to Guayaquil, Ecuador and Georgetown, Guyana…,” the website states.

The airline promises to offer premium seating facility that will allow comfort.  “We’ve reimagined the flying experience and provide the ideal combination of price and value with more leg room and more comfort, we allow you to explore beyond the expected,” it further states.

 “Eastern Airlines was launched by seekers, adventurers…and above all, fliers. Our passion for aviation is unmatched in the universe. Our attention to detail is focused on the tiniest mechanical check and the cobalt blue stitching on Seat 17B. We’ve been planning the return flight of Eastern Airlines for a long time. Get ready for curiosity, wonder and takeoff. It’s time to spread your wings,” the airline adds.

While the company’s logo is a map, Eastern Airlines said that it is not tied to any one geographic location, but represents the universal space all share as global citizens among the places they fly.

For each destination, a unique logo is used. The logos are conceptualised and inspired by “the local colors and geography of each individual market. The three main rivers of Guyana and the colors of its national flag for example, inspire our supporting logo for Georgetown,” the website states.

Booking options for flights between New York and Georgetown, however are not available at the moment and prospective customers are asked to leave their name and contact information.

An article published by reported that the carrier is expected to launch services with a fleet of second-hand Boeing 767-300 and 777-200 aircraft.

Mark Porter, CEO of PA Coastal Airways Route Consultants, told Airways Magazine that the new Eastern is expected to acquire a fleet of several Boeing 767 and 777s, with at least five second-hand 777-200s joining in by May 2020.

Third rebirth

The article also noted that this is the third rebirth of the carrier.

 In a letter addressed to the airline’s employees, current Eastern Airlines Chief  Executive Officer Steve Harfst noted that “in support of the development of our new corporate website and the promotion of our new business plan, we have been working very hard getting the new Eastern Airlines ready for take-off.”

Harfst confirmed in his letter that the airline’s intentions are big. “We have been very busy investing in the infrastructure necessary to promote a successful scheduled service network,” he wrote. “We believe that there are strong market opportunities open to Eastern Airlines to provide limited frequency, non-stop service between international markets and the United States.”

In 2018, Eastern Airlines applied for nonstop flights to Guayaquil (GYE), Georgetown (GEO), Anchorage (ANC), and Jinan (TNA), in China, from its proposed hub at New York (JFK).

“Eastern will give back precious time to our passengers by saving them from multiple stops and the hassle old airport connections,” the CEO wrote in his letter,” highlighting the fact that the airline’s business plan will be focused on a point-to-point rather than hub-and-spoke network, the website reported.

The company is now headquartered in Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA.

Field earlier this year said “Eastern Airlines is a reborn Dynamic Airlines that went through the bankruptcy court and they now have this official name of Eastern Airlines. We carried out our standard process in evaluating the documents presented to us for safety, security and economics and we gave our analysis, confirming that the documentation presented to us was authentic and followed the standards set out by the home state, the United States. It is more or less a verification of those documents that the GCAA does.”

According to Field, the report was then taken to Cabinet by Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson, who then advised him that the application had been rejected, Stabroek News reported back in May.

In December last year, just a year after quitting Guyana, the rebranded airline had applied for a three-year licence with plans to ply the Georgetown-New York route once every week.

After serving the Guyana-New York route from the middle of 2014 with numerous delays, cancellations and even once running off the runway, Dynamic Airways quit the Guyana market in October, 2017. Hundreds of persons were left stranded, even as the airline assured that they would get refunds on their purchases. Only in May this year were passengers able to get their refunds.

The North Carolina-based company had filed for bankruptcy in the US in July last year and after quitting the Guyana market.

The Guyana to New York route is currently being served by Caribbean Airlines and later this year American Airlines will inaugurate their service and JetBlue will also be flying this route next April.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Sticking with CAL. At least I stand a better chance.

Eastern Airlines will give competition , just got some info who are behind this airline.

Won't make a difference, they crashed and burned last time just like the others before them. 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dynamic Airways Part 2 wouldn’t last too long.  American Airlines and JetBlue will dominate market share to Guyana in the near future.

Heard no connection .

Me tinks dem lie!

Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Guyana cursed bai.


Damn. US Officials now involved in small fries negotiations. 


‘Official US sources’ lobbied heavily for Eastern Airlines’ return to Guyana


Government’s decision to allow Eastern Airlines to begin its scheduled service between New York and Georgetown followed “heavy lobbying from official US sources,” Director General in the Ministry of the Presidency Joseph Harmon has said.


Harmon told a post-Cabinet press briefing on Thursday that there had been some lobbying by entities outside of Guyana who communicated that this was an important time in the life of the airline, formerly Dynamic Airlines.

Asked specifically if this lobbying originated from the US Department of Transportation, the White House and the local US Embassy, Harmon neither confirmed nor denied the statement.

“I can say from the Civil Aviation department where these decisions are made, they actually reported that there has been a heavy lobbying taking place from official US sources to get this airline coming to Guyana,” he said.

Stabroek News had reported last week that six months after an earlier application had been rejected by Cabinet, Eastern Airlines has been given the green light to operate scheduled non-stop flights between the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York. Operations are expected to begin on December 8th.

Earlier this week, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson told Stabroek News that Eastern Airlines was granted approval to operate here after it committed to lodging two huge bonds with the government and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). He said that the airline in their application committed US$250,000 and another large bond to the GRA.

He stated that given the amount of the bonds, government felt that they were committed to serving the Guyanese market and with that in mind, approval was granted.

Harmon yesterday confirmed that US$450,000 will be lodged, with US$250,000 being lodged with the government directly while the remaining US$200,000 will be lodged with the GRA.


He said that while scheduled carriers had not previously been required to lodge a bond, government wants to ensure better safeguards are in place for Guyanese passengers if an airline decides to discontinue service.

“There was some history with respect to this particular airline and therefore, when the application came, it took some amount of due diligence to come to the point of deciding…We were always concerned about its history and the fact that we do not want to have Guyanese people stranded again, having bought tickets and stranded here or in New York…We wanted to ensure that these things are put in place. So the question of the bond is one sure way of satisfying that requirement,” Harmon said.

Director-General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority Egbert Field has said that the company is no longer connected to Dynamic Airways and has followed international regulations and transitioned and restructured itself under new management.

After serving the Guyana-New York route from the middle of 2014 with numerous delays, cancellations and even once running off the runway, Dynamic Airways quit the Guyana market in October, 2017. Hundreds of persons were left stranded, even as the airline assured that they would get refunds on their purchases. Only in May this year were passengers able to get their refunds.

The North Carolina-based company had filed for bankruptcy in the US in July last year and after quitting the Guyana market.

The Guyana to New York route is currently being served by Caribbean Airlines and later this year, American Airlines will inaugurate their service and JetBlue will also be flying this route next April.

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Guyana cursed bai.

Sorry Ksaz. Now i see this. I think its all about management bai and sorry to say; it appears as though we don't have the right people for the job, or never did.

I would love to see a GAC aircraft take to the skies again.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Guyana cursed bai.

Sorry Ksaz. Now i see this. I think its all about management bai and sorry to say; it appears as though we don't have the right people for the job, or never did.

I would love to see a GAC aircraft take to the skies again.

Me too.

Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Surinam Airways is struggling to survive.  And that is even without the levels of competition that GY will shortly have.

If the Dom Rep and Jamaica dont have airlines why should GY?  The old excuse of lack of competition no longer applies.

caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Surinam Airways is struggling to survive.  And that is even without the levels of competition that GY will shortly have.

If the Dom Rep and Jamaica dont have airlines why should GY?  The old excuse of lack of competition no longer applies.

How the rass u know Suriname Airways struggling? What proof do u have that this is so. They fly to Amsterdam, curacao, trinidad, cayene, Aruba, Guyana, Brazil and Miami. With all these destinations why haven't they gone belly up as yet? And they're doing this with two Boeing 737- 300 jets and one Airbus 340. 



Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Surinam Airways is struggling to survive.  And that is even without the levels of competition that GY will shortly have.

If the Dom Rep and Jamaica dont have airlines why should GY?  The old excuse of lack of competition no longer applies.

How the rass u know Suriname Airways struggling? What proof do u have that this is so. They fly to Amsterdam, curacao, trinidad, cayene, Aruba, Guyana, Brazil and Miami. With all these destinations why haven't they gone belly up as yet? And they're doing this with two Boeing 737- 300 jets and one Airbus 340. 



Bai, Cribby does always mek shit up. 😀

Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Surinam Airways is struggling to survive.  And that is even without the levels of competition that GY will shortly have.

If the Dom Rep and Jamaica dont have airlines why should GY?  The old excuse of lack of competition no longer applies.

How the rass u know Suriname Airways struggling? What proof do u have that this is so. They fly to Amsterdam, curacao, trinidad, cayene, Aruba, Guyana, Brazil and Miami. With all these destinations why haven't they gone belly up as yet? And they're doing this with two Boeing 737- 300 jets and one Airbus 340.

Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:

How the rass u know Suriname Airways struggling? What proof do u have that this is so. They fly to Amsterdam, curacao, trinidad, cayene, Aruba, Guyana, Brazil and Miami. With all these destinations why haven't they gone belly up as yet? And they're doing this with two Boeing 737- 300 jets and one Airbus 340.

Please tell me how they thrive when the plane used on their most lucrative route, that is to Amsterdam, is grounded?  How does that allow them to compete against KLM?  This was a few years ago.

And now AA has jumped into MIA GEO, creating a major problem for them. Suriname doesnt generate enough business to the USA, which is why they have depended on GY to make this route profitable.

Surinam Airways loses millions of dollars.

And now having sunk lots into this plane its retired.

Baseman posted:


Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.  Running their mouths about what they know not, only thriving when its about "black man lazy" and other ignorance.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.

When not understanding the discussions; Caribny will ardently believe that it is babbling incoherent nonsense.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.

When not understanding the discussions; Caribny will ardently believe that it is babbling incoherent nonsense.

I understand the rantings of the PPP Indo KKK party loud and clear.  I bet you all are busy with your usual "if ayo nah vote PPP black man a go rape yuh daughter".

Btw where are all of those Haitians that you are were screaming about early this year?

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.

When not understanding the discussions; Caribny will ardently believe that it is babbling incoherent nonsense.

I understand the rantings of the PPP Indo KKK party loud and clear.  I bet you all are busy with your usual "if ayo nah vote PPP black man a go rape yuh daughter".

Btw where are all of those Haitians that you are were screaming about early this year?

Banna, guh read the Akeela and Sahil story and give it a like!!  You always fighting since I know you in 2002!

caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:

How the rass u know Suriname Airways struggling? What proof do u have that this is so. They fly to Amsterdam, curacao, trinidad, cayene, Aruba, Guyana, Brazil and Miami. With all these destinations why haven't they gone belly up as yet? And they're doing this with two Boeing 737- 300 jets and one Airbus 340.

Please tell me how they thrive when the plane used on their most lucrative route, that is to Amsterdam, is grounded?  How does that allow them to compete against KLM?  This was a few years ago.

And now AA has jumped into MIA GEO, creating a major problem for them. Suriname doesnt generate enough business to the USA, which is why they have depended on GY to make this route profitable.

Surinam Airways loses millions of dollars.

And now having sunk lots into this plane its retired.

Having an aircraft retired or removed from service does not necessarily mean the Airline is struggling or losing millions as u suggested. Caribbean have aircraft at piarco down for maintenance does this mean they're not making money? Suriname airways still have their two 737- 300 kicking ass with all those destinations I listed. If they were not making a profit they wouldn't be flying. U sound like u are the CEO for SAL.  Having intimate knowledge of its inner workings. And jus so u know, the Airlines signed a deal to take possession of a 777-er for its Suriname to Holland route in October of this year..

Isn't it ironic that an airline which is losing money (according to u) is taking such ambitious steps to bolster its fleet.

But then again, u always think yuh rite.



caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.  Running their mouths about what they know not, only thriving when its about "black man lazy" and other ignorance.

And still u want to come here and engage in debate with these very same indo KKK instead of staying away from them. 

Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.  Running their mouths about what they know not, only thriving when its about "black man lazy" and other ignorance.

And still u want to come here and engage in debate with these very same indo KKK instead of staying away from them. 

Yet he has no condemnation for the nasty women who dropped their nasty draze and pissed on the PPP flag. Cribby desperately need a conscience implant.

Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Cribby is a Make-Up Artist.  He wukkin pon Amna image!!

Oh yes I forgot that this site is like a RH bar, filled with drunken Indo KKK men babbling incoherent nonsense.  Running their mouths about what they know not, only thriving when its about "black man lazy" and other ignorance.

And still u want to come here and engage in debate with these very same indo KKK instead of staying away from them. 

This is the story about an airline. How come Ray does not tell Carib to take his KKK and racist story to another forum? Hmmm!!!! Selective censuring???

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

Me sticking with GAC!  Ayuh try deh!

What de rass is wrong wid u an dis GAC ting? They done dead a buried. Post mortem doan bring back dead.

I have PNC connections and Hon DAG asked the question of bringing back GAC!

On a serious note, Guyana should have its own  Airlines. I see Lil Suriname tearing tail with their two 737- 500.  Which goat bite we?

Surinam Airways is struggling to survive.  And that is even without the levels of competition that GY will shortly have.

If the Dom Rep and Jamaica dont have airlines why should GY?  The old excuse of lack of competition no longer applies.

How the rass u know Suriname Airways struggling? What proof do u have that this is so. They fly to Amsterdam, curacao, trinidad, cayene, Aruba, Guyana, Brazil and Miami. With all these destinations why haven't they gone belly up as yet? And they're doing this with two Boeing 737- 300 jets and one Airbus 340. 



Bai, Cribby does always mek shit up. 😀

Make it up or FULL OF IT??

Baseman posted:

Banna, guh read the Akeela and Sahil story and give it a like!!  You always fighting since I know you in 2002!

Why?   I suggest that the Indo KKK worry about if an Indo female provides similar help to an Afro male, and then falls in love with him and marries him.

Several GNI will want to commit an "honor killing" based on their threats.  I bet you never ask them why and where this sordid mentality was developed.

skeldon_man posted:

This is the story about an airline. How come Ray does not tell Carib to take his KKK and racist story to another forum? Hmmm!!!! Selective censuring???

Aah one of the Indo KKK men known for screaming filth about black people, wailing that any female family member being in a black man to "pollute" the family will be dealt with.

I can see why you don't want to discuss this.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Yet he has no condemnation for the nasty women who dropped their nasty draze and pissed on the PPP flag. Cribby desperately need a conscience implant.

They did so after the PPP hung figures representing black men to represent a lynching.

No mention of this from you, so don't worry about what I do or don't do.  You are another one screaming that any black person marrying a family member will "pollute" it.  Screaming loudly that you consider blacks to be inferior to you.

Sean posted:

Carib clutching to his race crutch and propped up !

Its the Indo KKK who scream this and then have a mental break down when I respond. Lucky for them I find FB a better use of my time so hardly come here any more.

Last edited by Former Member

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