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Former Member

I have lived all my life in Guyana, never once contemplated migrating from these shores. I survived the dark days and with a smile pray that God will show our leaders the right path and direction to lead our people in the rightful path. Today our economy is registering economic growth and our people have acquired house lots through the government housing programme, banks are approving low-income mortgages so ordinary people can own their own homes to raise their families.

Guyana is geared for rapid economic development, and its landscape has significantly changed over the past years, with better roads that have street lights, businesses are investing huge sums of money, more cars are being imported and are lining our roadways showing signs of prosperity for the nation.

The point I want to make is that the treasury has millions of U.S. dollars in foreign reserves and that was due to careful and wise economic decisions, not to mention excellent management and accountability. Our economy is presently like a marriage with both parties involved asking to show what they have accomplished and saved during the marital years.

Fair-minded Guyanese must ask themselves this question: β€œAre we better off than we were 20 years ago and listen to the answer carefully.”
My fellow Guyanese, I am urging you to watch those comrades who have axes to grind. They will come in your midst with all kinds of sweet talk and promises while at the same time bad mouthing the party that they came from. (easy lesson good for dunce). One such gentleman became annoyed when the presidential post was accredited to another candidate.                                                            

This man became so obsessed that he later formed his own party with the aim of becoming the President of Guyana. His party never won a set at the election; he subsequently ran back to his former party.
My fellow brothers and sisters, they will come in your villages like con men promising you the moon, the stars, and the world, but be wary of them and don’t fall for the lies and deceit that will be spewing from their mouths. Chase them away and think for yourself.

The past government which ruled over Guyana for 28 years could not have shown a penny saved in the treasury much less the foreign reserves. They left us as a stigmatised nation as being one of the world’s highly indebted poor countries.
With the present government, progress is very visible and people can attest to that because of their new and improved standard of living. The government is also showing over $700 million in foreign reserves in our treasury.

You be the judge and ask yourselves, who will be better able to manage this country and our resources so that we will continue to maintain our standard of living or look forward for our children and grandchildren enjoying an improved and decent way of life?

Source: Chronicle news

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We must concentrate on what made us successful rather than what failed us. In every country and every government administration there are failures and successes alike. I remember you once said optimistic is not good enough, but when you get a working government who is determine to walk the thin line with his people against the odds, only optimism will get us pass the danger zone.


The AFC already demonstrated that their spiteful action with the budget cut will reverse Guyana's prosperity back to the stone age. That's where I lost all hope for a better tomorrow. 

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Both of you should remigrate to guyana.

The diaspora is a supporting force of the homeland. We're just as important as our brothers and sisters back home. Guyana depends deeply on us for every kind of assistance. Why do you think president Ramotar address the diaspora this weekend? Your one or two trips to Guyana is all good and well, but that shouldn't give you an edge to talk fart when you travelling with an American passport. You're the same like us. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Both of you should remigrate to guyana.

The diaspora is a supporting force of the homeland. We're just as important as our brothers and sisters back home. Guyana depends deeply on us for every kind of assistance. Why do you think president Ramotar address the diaspora this weekend? Your one or two trips to Guyana is all good and well, but that shouldn't give you an edge to talk fart when you travelling with an American passport. You're the same like us. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

How do you know how many trips I make to Guyana. And how do you know what travel document I use?  It's so easy to sit in one's living room Abroad and pound the keyboards knowing what best for the Guyanese people, eh? 

My trips to the Homeland has opened my eyes to things that you may never see, unless you grow a pair of balls and take a trip for yourself. 
The two of you should remigrate back to Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We must concentrate on what made us successful rather than what failed us. In every country and every government administration there are failures and successes alike. I remember you once said optimistic is not good enough, but when you get a working government who is determine to walk the thin line with his people against the odds, only optimism will get us pass the danger zone.


The AFC already demonstrated that their spiteful action with the budget cut will reverse Guyana's prosperity back to the stone age. That's where I lost all hope for a better tomorrow. 

Well said. 


Those of us who were willing to give the AFC a fair shake,  later found out that they are a bunch of corrupt and evil minded politicians who exploit the poor and post here as if they hold very high morale standards.


Time will catch up with them.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Both of you should remigrate to guyana.

The diaspora is a supporting force of the homeland. We're just as important as our brothers and sisters back home. Guyana depends deeply on us for every kind of assistance. Why do you think president Ramotar address the diaspora this weekend? Your one or two trips to Guyana is all good and well, but that shouldn't give you an edge to talk fart when you travelling with an American passport. You're the same like us. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

How do you know how many trips I make to Guyana. And how do you know what travel document I use?  It's so easy to sit in one's living room Abroad and pound the keyboards knowing what best for the Guyanese people, eh? 

My trips to the Homeland has opened my eyes to things that you may never see, unless you grow a pair of balls and take a trip for yourself. 
The two of you should remigrate back to Guyana.

Cobra asked TSA why they detaine you and they told him you have a US Passport but with a Middle Eastern name. Dat is how he know.


In every country and every government administration there are failures and successes alike



This morning NY Times reported that creating a LIRR link with East Side at Grand Central Station will take six years longer and cost US2billion more.  It is not unusual for major contruction companies to mis-estimate the cost of a major project and the time to complete.


The J-Opposition, whose is rapidly losing the little support they received in the last elections, is on a rampage telling the Guyanese people that because of incompetence and corruption on the part of gov't that the Skeldon Factory is experiencing glitches and the Amaila Falls construction under-estimated.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

In every country and every government administration there are failures and successes alike



This morning NY Times reported that creating a LIRR link with East Side at Grand Central Station will take six years longer and cost US2billion more.  It is not unusual for major contruction companies to mis-estimate the cost of a major project and the time to complete.


The J-Opposition, whose is rapidly losing the little support they received in the last elections, is on a rampage telling the Guyanese people that because of incompetence and corruption on the part of gov't that the Skeldon Factory is experiencing glitches and the Amaila Falls construction under-estimated.



Well said.


The joint AFC/PNC would love to see Guyana return to the donkey economy days of the PNC. It is funny to see how Carl Greenidge is representing the PNC/AFC. This is Mr. Donkey Cart economist incarnate.


The AFC/PNC mantra is "What is bad for Guyana is good for the PNC/AFC. 


I just came back form a trip where I met a few Guyanese visiting NA from Guyana and they told me that they are extremely upset with the AFC/PNC. They are now seen as enemies of the Guyanese people bent on destroying Guyana for their own political gain.


The AFC/PNC is in for a major backlash from the Guyanese public.


The Guyanese whom I met contend that there were a few rotten egg in the Jagdeo administration but they want this President to prove himself but the joint AFC/PNC wants to kill the sherif before he governs the town.  


This is the central issue. Until, the president governs for a couple of years, we cannot pass judgement. The AFC/PNC is still in the anti Jagdeo mode and this is what angers a large majority of Guyanese.


They are also extremely upset that the AFC refuses to investigate coppuption in their own camp while they demand answers for everything from the government. This has made them very furious and they they now view the AFC with scorn.


AFC is a very small party and is on a downward spiral and the marriage with the PNC has made the Public very uneasy with this arrangement.


Read Baseman's posts about the PNC's militant policies and their agenda during the last political campaign. The PNC is still dangerous as it always have been. Now worse with the AFC/PNC marriage.


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