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ECD four-lane expansion…Contractor

executing poor works, awarded another


January 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

There seems to be more hiccups with the East Coast Demerara Public Road four-lane expansion project, with another contractor carrying out poor quality works.
A reliable source told Kaieteur News that the section of the road under contention is from Mon Repos to De Endragt, and is being executed by Colin Talbot.
According to the source, on Monday representatives of the Public Works Ministry in the presence of the contractor tested the strength of the concrete and it failed.
“Yesterday (Monday) the Ministry did a compaction test and found that in the 28 days the concrete was way below half of the required strength,” the source said.
The source also noted that the same concrete was used to erect drains and sections of the road. The structures are now failing, due to heavy-duty machinery that is transporting building materials for residents.
According to the source, previously the contractor only wanted to carry out works during the nights, which made it difficult for personnel from the Ministry to inspect. “The poor quality works being executed was possibly the reason why the contractor wanted to work at nights,” the source said.
Another worrying matter with this aspect of the expansion project is its possible inability to conclude by the March deadline. The project is only 65 percent completed and Government has awarded another contract to the contractor.
The source said that the contractor is now required to construct from De Endragt to Good Hope. It was noted this new section has not been identified by a Lot and costs about $300M.
In 2012, the expansion project in Lot One, from Better Hope to Montrose, experienced controversy with the termination of the contract to Falcon Transport and Construction Services. The contractor had claimed that his refusal to offer kickback and gifts cost him the contract.
The company claimed that Ministry of Public Works officials as well as a ‘Big Man’ from the Ministry of Finance had made demands for kickbacks from the $468M contract.
The Ministry subsequently claimed that the contractor executed poor quality works and accused him of committing forgery. Public Works Minister Robeson Benn was adamant that fraudulent submissions and non-performance should have been the focus.
He had related that in April, a site visit showed numerous defects to the project and the contractor was asked to make corrections, but they were never done. But the fraudulent submissions of concrete-testing results and purchase and provision of steel were the main bones of contention.

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quote "According to the source, on Monday representatives of the Public Works Ministry in the presence of the contractor tested the strength of the concrete and it failed." unquote

Originally Posted by JB:

Mr ASJ once the contractor is willing to provide election campaign funds everything is fine.

And this JB which seems fine for the PPP/C, is just corruptions that keeps happening all the time.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr ASJ once the contractor is willing to provide election campaign funds everything is fine.

And this JB which seems fine for the PPP/C, is just corruptions that keeps happening all the time.

I have to agree with you. It seems that no large Contract can be trouble free in Guyana AND this raises concerns, suspicions and rightly so. It is about time someone in Guyana able to write Contracts in Guyana that guarantee that Taxpayers money are not WASTED!!!!  The Govt is totally responsible in this regard and enough is enough. It makes me believe that some in positions are ONLY concern about getting a piece of the action rather than ensuring Value for the Taxpayers money. It is not just a Minister but the Engineers, Inspectors: they are some in their groups that are bloody no good THIEVES. The Govt is obligated to find them and JAIL them.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr ASJ once the contractor is willing to provide election campaign funds everything is fine.

And this JB which seems fine for the PPP/C, is just corruptions that keeps happening all the time.

I have to agree with you. It seems that no large Contract can be trouble free in Guyana AND this raises concerns, suspicions and rightly so. It is about time someone in Guyana able to write Contracts in Guyana that guarantee that Taxpayers money are not WASTED!!!!  The Govt is totally responsible in this regard and enough is enough. It makes me believe that some in positions are ONLY concern about getting a piece of the action rather than ensuring Value for the Taxpayers money. It is not just a Minister but the Engineers, Inspectors: they are some in their groups that are bloody no good THIEVES. The Govt is obligated to find them and JAIL them.

Ok. Fair enough. 


Isn't is worrying?





I was told the man at Finance Demanding the KICK BACK was a FAT, FAT, FAT man who is now FINE, FINE, FINE.  Like his deed killing him out.


Wuk pun them!


According to another source the source referred to in the Kaieteur News article about the road construction on ECD is very reliable source since he is there at the News Headquarters everyday with another story of Gov't. corruption. The News Media cannot find a better source than this. Is it possible to outsource such source to help bring funds to keep the source in the journalist business? According to another source, this source does not need resource since his boss has found many other sources who are willing to provide more news sources at no costs.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr ASJ once the contractor is willing to provide election campaign funds everything is fine.

And this JB which seems fine for the PPP/C, is just corruptions that keeps happening all the time.

You two loud mouth jackasses, the Public Works Ministry is the Govt's arm to protect the interest of the people.  If the GoG wanted to fleece anyone, they would have ensured the Work Ministry was on-board.  Instead, it's the Public Works Ministry which raised concerns.  That's what the Govt have them there for.


You two are using your mouths like your ass which has lost control of a diarrhea situation. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr ASJ once the contractor is willing to provide election campaign funds everything is fine.

And this JB which seems fine for the PPP/C, is just corruptions that keeps happening all the time.

You two loud mouth jackasses, the Public Works Ministry is the Govt's arm to protect the interest of the people.  If the GoG wanted to fleece anyone, they would have ensured the Work Ministry was on-board.  Instead, it's the Public Works Ministry which raised concerns.  That's what the Govt have them there for.


You two are using your mouths like your ass which has lost control of a diarrhea situation. 

What % do you get?


ECD four-lane expansion…Ministry

admits five percent concrete failure

January 10, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

-    Tries to discredit related report


Of 439 metres of concrete tested in Lot Six of the East Coast Demerara Public Road four-lane expansion project, only 25 metres failed the assessment.
This is according to the Ministry of Public Works, which in a press statement yesterday, sought to dismiss reports that the contractor, Colin Talbot Contracting Service, is executing poor public works between Mon Repos to De Endragt.
On Wednesday, this newspaper published that the concrete strength for this project had failed and even though the contractor may not meet the project deadline of March 2014, he was awarded another contract.
But the Ministry in response stated that “an overzealous individual without proper authority approached the media in an unsavory way to try and tarnish the reputation of a contracting company”.
“The Kaieteur News article titled “ECD four-lane expansion…Contractor executing poor works, awarded another contract” on January 8, 2014 gave readers the impression that during a 28-day period, the concrete used by Colin Talbot Contracting Service was below standard,” the statement read.
The Ministry is adamant that only five percent of the concrete strength was slightly below the criteria for a short section of the drainage works that were carried out by the contracting company.
“In fact, out of the 439 metres concrete tested only 25 metres failed the assessment,” the release indicated.
The Ministry said that with any laboratory testing – whether concrete or soil – conducted by the Ministry, it allows for the contractor to correct any defects.
“The company has been one of the most dependable and reliable contractors the Ministry has worked with and it is unfortunate that the preliminary findings have been made public before quality control or corrections can be done,” the Ministry said.
However, it did not clarify if indeed sections of the newly-built drains and roadway are failing due to its “five percent” weakness.
The source that the Ministry is attempting to discredit had told this publication that the structures are now failing due to heavy-duty machinery transporting building materials for residents.
According to the source, previously the contractor only wanted to carry out works during the nights, which made it difficult for personnel from the Ministry to inspect works.
“The poor quality work being executed was possibly the reason why the contractor wanted to work at nights,” the source opined. The Ministry also did not comment on that matter. In addition, it did not mention the award of an additional contract to the contractor.



“In fact, out of the 439 metres concrete tested only 25 metres failed the assessment,” the release indicated.


Could there be more than 25 metre failure in this project? and if 25 Metres failed then would this make usage of the road usless?


The Government has been complaining of shoddy works. When shoddy works are discovered, they then give the contractor a tap on the shoulder and another contract with expectations that the 'baksheesh' should be shared.

The PPP/C for you.


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