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ECONOMIC SABOTAGE – Opposition holds country to ransom as ‘crisis hour’ approaches

IT is not that the Executive did not explain to the entire nation what dire consequences a non-ratification of the Anti-Money Laundering and Financing the Countering of Terrorism Bill would hold for Guyana.Concomitantly, also, there were numerous appeals to the parliamentary Opposition parties, APNU and the AFC, seeking their urgent cooperation and support for passage of the required legislation that will satisfy the requirements as specified by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF).
Now, the recent whole-page ads in the newspapers, publicised separately by the Private Sector  Commission  of Guyana, and the  Insurance Association of Guyana, with  their very ominous portents, explaining  the steps already underway to blacklist Guyana because of its non-adherence to the legislative process, would have finally brought home to the entire nation what the grossly irresponsible action of non-support by the political Opposition is likely to cost our nation.
This newspaper is reiterating this point because anyone recalling the many statements emanating from Opposition quarters would have been made to believe that the matter of legislating this Bill was not that important, much less being very urgent.
It could only be described as unbelievable, the contents and tone of Opposition spokespersons’ response to a situation that is pivotal to this nation’s daily economic existence and survival. Unmistakably, this was narrow political interest and partisanship shamefully on display, rather than a demanded   rise to the level of ‘country first’.
Sad to say, that it still business as usual, if one is to be guided by the latest and still unchanged position of the combined parliamentary Opposition. How can the AFC’s leader still be demanding that the government supports his call for Procurement legislation, in exchange for his party’s support of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, and the APNU still holding to the position of scrutiny of the proposed legislation, a process that it ought to have completed long ago, given the fact of the extended deadline at the Nicaragua meeting?
Surely, these two parties cannot lay claim to discharging their national responsibilities of leadership with such positions that are as far separate from what is demanded at this approaching crisis hour. While one is clearly applying extortion tactics, the other is simply indulging in power politics display.
What further exhortations must be made upon these two parties for them to understand that their deliberate action can only bring great embarrassment to a nation they claim to love, and hardships to all, including their many constituents?
The action by the APNU and AFC amount to economic sabotage of the nation’s socio-economic progress.
The nation must now be mobilised against this threat.


excerpts from the Guyana chronicle

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The action by the APNU and AFC amount to economic sabotage of the nation’s socio-economic progress.

PNC cum AFC will be solidly united even after the next election when the PPP/C will gain more than 52% of the votes.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The action by the APNU and AFC amount to economic sabotage of the nation’s socio-economic progress.

PNC cum AFC will be solidly united even after the next election when the PPP/C will gain more than 52% of the votes.

Juvenile at best. 


The joint opposition AFC/APNU has no excuses for not supporting the AMLCT bill, if Guyana is blacklisted, the blame would be place squarely at the feet of the joint opposition.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The action by the APNU and AFC amount to economic sabotage of the nation’s socio-economic progress.

PNC cum AFC will be solidly united even after the next election when the PPP/C will gain more than 52% of the votes.

Juvenile at best. 

Gal, School FREE Ah Merika. Come nah.


Even in the constituencies that once supported the A.F.C/A.P.N.U are now greeting them with cold shoulders due to the sinister motives and the blatant push to derail the progress of Guyana. Should Guyana be blacklisted, the joint opposition would be solely to be blame.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition AFC/APNU has no excuses for not supporting the AMLCT bill, if Guyana is blacklisted, the blame would be place squarely at the feet of the joint opposition.

Go ahead squeal like the pig you PPP guys are, no one in their right mind will listen.


If the PPP really cared they would have stopped the stealing at every chance and only then the opposition would have cooperated.

The PPP Govt is scared they will be blacklisted because it will now prove to the rest of the world how corrupt they really are and how not to run a country.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One has pity on "warrior's" soul.

donot worry about warrior soul i need you to stop posting shit on this site go drink some rum or something and tell the ppp you not lying anymore

Originally Posted by Conscience:

ECONOMIC SABOTAGE – Opposition holds country to ransom as ‘crisis hour’ approaches

IT is not that the Executive did not explain to the entire nation what dire consequences a non-ratification of the Anti-Money Laundering and Financing the Countering of Terrorism Bill would hold for Guyana.Concomitantly, also, there were numerous appeals to the parliamentary Opposition parties, APNU and the AFC, seeking their urgent cooperation and support for passage of the required legislation that will satisfy the requirements as specified by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF).
Now, the recent whole-page ads in the newspapers, publicised separately by the Private Sector  Commission  of Guyana, and the  Insurance Association of Guyana, with  their very ominous portents, explaining  the steps already underway to blacklist Guyana because of its non-adherence to the legislative process, would have finally brought home to the entire nation what the grossly irresponsible action of non-support by the political Opposition is likely to cost our nation.
This newspaper is reiterating this point because anyone recalling the many statements emanating from Opposition quarters would have been made to believe that the matter of legislating this Bill was not that important, much less being very urgent.
It could only be described as unbelievable, the contents and tone of Opposition spokespersons’ response to a situation that is pivotal to this nation’s daily economic existence and survival. Unmistakably, this was narrow political interest and partisanship shamefully on display, rather than a demanded   rise to the level of ‘country first’.
Sad to say, that it still business as usual, if one is to be guided by the latest and still unchanged position of the combined parliamentary Opposition. How can the AFC’s leader still be demanding that the government supports his call for Procurement legislation, in exchange for his party’s support of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, and the APNU still holding to the position of scrutiny of the proposed legislation, a process that it ought to have completed long ago, given the fact of the extended deadline at the Nicaragua meeting?
Surely, these two parties cannot lay claim to discharging their national responsibilities of leadership with such positions that are as far separate from what is demanded at this approaching crisis hour. While one is clearly applying extortion tactics, the other is simply indulging in power politics display.
What further exhortations must be made upon these two parties for them to understand that their deliberate action can only bring great embarrassment to a nation they claim to love, and hardships to all, including their many constituents?
The action by the APNU and AFC amount to economic sabotage of the nation’s socio-economic progress.
The nation must now be mobilised against this threat.


excerpts from the Guyana chronicle

Straight up bull from the PPP political dark arts squad. Corruption is the essence of economic sabotage. Every dollar those crooks steal keep a child in poverty.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Even in the constituencies that once supported the A.F.C/A.P.N.U are now greeting them with cold shoulders due to the sinister motives and the blatant push to derail the progress of Guyana. Should Guyana be blacklisted, the joint opposition would be solely to be blame.

I guess the suggestion is the People  are truly appreciative of the PPP's pillage of their nations wealth which the can see for themselves as all of the friends and family of this party become fatted calves! Go tell that lie somewhere else

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

One has pity on "warrior's" soul.

donot worry about warrior soul i need you to stop posting shit on this site go drink some rum or something and tell the ppp you not lying anymore

You should tell him you pity his hole.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Region 6 constituents would never again be fooled by Moses and his cabal, even his key political organizers throw in their towel.

when the people of berbice passing pradoville what you think they seeing nobody dont have to tell them nothing they seeing for themself

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Region 6 constituents would never again be fooled by Moses and his cabal, even his key political organizers throw in their towel.

The PPP will lose more votes. The People of in the cowdam are, Fyrish, Guava Bush etc do not want to see the PPP. You folks have not even met your obligation to rebuild access roads etc but they know Pradoville II took over 200 million G of the state's assets to make those corruptocrats in the PPP get to flush after they take a dump. Fyrish and Guavabush is already above 20 thousand disgusted people. Orealla is also not voting PPP The people know the PPP implanted the local governing body by straight up crookedness. Then there is Whim, Brighton, Bushlot all of whom does not give a damn about you. I need not say you cannot count on New Amsterdam, all the up to Mara. You folks think that you can fool all of the people all of the time. They know you are crooks.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
The PPP will lose more votes.

All political parties will loose and gain votes during the process.


However, the PPP/C will gain more than 52% of the votes at election time.

Originally Posted by cain:

Oi DG, is who you know that has one a dem ballot boxes all loaded up with fictious an dead people names?

Doan be shy now, spill the beans.

Hi there Cain; counting of the votes well be monitored by the representatives for each political party.


In the event of any snap elections, the joint opposition would fade into the political wilderness, that's the main reason why the joint opposition hadn't pass a vote of no confidence....they are scared to the gut of losing their one seat "majority". the PPP/C has fully recovered from incumbency fatigue


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