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So Obama wanted to Keynesian after the Bush $800 bn bailout package was merely to stabilize the banking system. He spent half that on States and $200 bn on home owners (start of the TEA Party). So there was little for investment stimulus. So he asked Congress and they said go eff yourself. So the Federal Reserve had this policy of cheap and easy money - Quantitative Easing. That made the cost of money almost nothing and this offset to a certain point the lack of stimulus spending. So monetarists won out.

Enter Trump. Yuuge tax breaks (not revenue neutral, even if you close all the loop holes). Then even more yuge and big-ly infrastructure spending ( the same one they gave the finger to Obama). So back to Keynesian economics with some Regan-esque tax cuts. Yoiu already are starting to see the move away from Bonds to equities. We are in for a ride baby- to boom soon. The Fed has indicated they will have to raise interest rates - there goes mortgage rates and credit card rates and auto loan rates.

What an irony from small government GOP. Mah man Trump - North-east liberal New Yorker.

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At least he thinks before writing and makes plausible arguments.  You on the other hand just jump around and try to appear as if you know what you writing about. 

Listen banna, thinking and regurgitating a preconceived notion or a prejudicial position are two different things.  Caribj and Kari comes to their conclusion before an issue is even an issue.  I know what I write about though sometimes I throw in controversy to get a response.  I have neither the time nor inclination to sway any minds in GNI.  It's not that important!


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