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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

ED LOOKING GOOD.  Insha Allah, all will be well.

Ayo watch how dis lowlife kickback soupatunist a bring up Gad's word foh justify de tiefin. Abie cyan depen pun am foh talk shit.

Gal like yuh gat the HOTS fuh me. Come leh we go Sookie, come leh we go.


You might have to get a paper bag to cover her face. Damn, please don't disappoint your bhai. Dis gal hots fu any man who ah walk pan 2 legs.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

ED LOOKING GOOD.  Insha Allah, all will be well.

Ayo watch how dis lowlife kickback soupatunist a bring up Gad's word foh justify de tiefin. Abie cyan depen pun am foh talk shit.

Gal like yuh gat the HOTS fuh me. Come leh we go Sookie, come leh we go.


You might have to get a paper bag to cover her face. Damn, please don't disappoint your bhai. Dis gal hots fu any man who ah walk pan 2 legs.

Meh na need shart nincompoop gurly man like yu and da shit brain Nehru. Me famly goh find me wan good Brahmin man.


House ethics panel finds Queens congressman Meeks â€˜inadvertently’ failed to reveal loan  

Pol accepted $40,000 with no fixed interest rate

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2012, 6:01 PM
 Congressman Gregory Meeks


Congressman Gregory Meeks


The House Ethics Committee gave Queens Rep. Gregory Meeks a pass Thursday on a secret $40,000 “loan” he accepted with no written documentation or fixed interest rate.

The committee found that Meeks’ failure to disclose the loan for two years was “inadvertent,” and it declined to rule on whether the loan was really a gift.

The committee’s investigation was spurred by the Daily News, which first disclosed in 2010 that the Democratic congressman had borrowed $40,000 from a local businessman, Ed Ahmad, in 2007 to fix up his home.

In its report issued Thursday, the committee quoted Steven Kartagener, a lawyer for Ahmad, as saying there was “no fixed interest rate” and no written document of the loan’s terms.

“I am pleased with the Ethics Committee’s decision, and I am glad that this matter is now closed,” Meeks said late Thursday. But sources told The News a federal criminal investigation of the loan continues.

Though Meeks told The News and the committee he had documents spelling out the loan’s terms, he ultimately admitted he’d “misplaced” them.

House rules say a member can take a loan from a friend if it’s on reasonable terms with a written repayment schedule and a reasonable interest rate.

Meeks neglected to mention the $40,000 from Ahmad on financial disclosure forms until 2010.

As The News revealed, the disclosure came only a few weeks after the FBI began questioning Ahmad about what he called a loan. That investigation is ongoing.

Meeks also was supposed to consult the House and provide proof that the loan was on “reasonable terms” before accepting this money. He did not do so.

The committee did note that “the record is less clear” on whether the loan was really an impermissible secret gift to the congressman.

It declined to investigate further because Ahmad couldn’t prove that the undocumented loan wasn’t a loan. Late last year the Justice Department asked the committee to refrain from contacting Ahmad.

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Vish M

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