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I went to Masjid Al Abidin for Eid and to my surprise the announced that Ed Ahmad is in charge of redoing the roof of the Masjid and anyone who wants to donate for the project should see Ed.


Ed ahd disappeared from the Masjid for a while he suddenly shows up and is handed a project that involves thousands of dollars. 


How did the Executives of the Masjid approve such. Will he issue receipt for money donated, has the executive of the Masjid approved him to sign receipts.


The members of the Masjid should fire the executive board and the trustees for allowing an indited Felon to be incharge of such a project.


I also heard he wants to be in charge of rebuilding the masjid.


Is Ed hoping the the Judge will go easy on him when he produces papers showing the he is involved in community projects.


How can someone indited for fraud be trusted with other people's money. 

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Financial P<var id="yiv1464023807yui-ie-cursor"></var>arasites
Nearly 100 Guyanese busted in the biggest credit card scam in the US (2 articles) smh

DEBIT TO SOCIETY: A few of the hundred-plus alleged scammers involved in a massive fake-credit-card ring are led into Queens court.
Ellis Kaplan
Amar Singh was sentenced today after pleading guilty for his role in one of the largest ID theft and credit card scams in US history.

A cast of unsavory characters from Queens was busted for allegedly manufacturing thousands of bogus credit cards and using them on massive shopping sprees and luxury vacations.
The two-year investigation ended this week, as authorities smashed several fraud rings and arrested 110 people (most of them Guyanese) around the borough, according to court records and sources.
“They went everywhere — Apple stores, Macy’s, Nordstrom’s, anywhere you can possible imagine,” said a law-enforcement source.
One of the rings was led by (Guyanese) Amar Singh, who was described in court papers as “overseeing the entire operation” — including an army of shoppers and fences to convert high-end goods to cash.
Singh allegedly received blank credit cards and account numbers from his contacts and had a whole crew of henchmen to help cash in with the phony plastic.
To complete the ruse, the crew allegedly forged identity cards.
Sources said that Singh employed his girlfriend, Neaj Punjani Singh, 21, as his top lieutenant — and that she would receive the high-ticket items purchased with the fake cards and funnel the cash through her personal bank account.
“They all go shopping: You go here, you go there, you buy this, you buy that,” the source said.
Both Singhs were held on $1 million bail.
The Queens District Attorney’s Office and the NYPD declined comment, citing a press conference planned for after the arrest.
Investigators had been watching the various rings for two years, according to sources.
One defendant, Carlos Plaza , 26, was using forged cards to jet down to Miami and Puerto Rico on a private jet, the sources said.
“They were partying. This was bought on stolen credit cards,” a source said.
Plaza is charged with enterprise corruption, identity theft and grand larceny.
He allegedly manufactured credit cards in his Richmond Hill home and was held on US$250,000 bail.
Investigators, who used extensive wiretaps, also came across other crimes during the probe, sources said.
Angel Quinones, a security guard with military experience, was charged with grand larceny for allegedly stealing more than $850,000 worth of computer equipment from a Citigroup location. He was held on $100,000 bail.
The parade of arrests had local bail bondsmen working overtime.
“This is a once-a-year kind of bust. These are the biggest enterprise-corruption cases we’ve seen,” said Jason Fordin, vice president of Empire Bail Bonds, noting that the only roundups of this size had involved gambling.
The credit-card fraud defendants represent “the diversity of Queens ,” he said.
NYPD officers bring into court last Thursday alleged members of an elaborate identity theft scheme. More than 100 men and women were charged. Photo by Ellis Kaplan
Qns. D.A. Announces The Largest ID Theft Ring Bust In U.S. History
In what was described as the largest identity theft takedownin U.S. history, 111 individuals comprising five organized ID theft rings were charged last Friday, Oct. 7 with crimes costing people and businesses over $13 million in losses over a 16- month period, Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown and Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly announced.
Eighty-six of the defendants are in custody, while 25 are presently being sought by authorities.
In addition, nearly two dozen of the men charged in the ID theft ring have also been charged with participating in burglaries and robberies throughout Queens, including a bank robbery in Forest Hills, the theft of over $95,000 worth of cargo from Kennedy Airport , and the theft of about $850,000 worth of computer equipment in Long Island City .

I have to agree with Pointblank on this issue to have the executives of Al Abidin fired for having Ed Ahmad in charge of rebuilding the Masjd. It seems like hard working people donation is not enough and the executives is hoping to cash in on Ed's charity. Ed would not get a free pass from the law by helping the Masjid, instead they will see that the Masjid executives is dealing with a known crook. Masjid Al Abidin will get a bad rap for this in the end. Hajji Zakir was a good community leader until money full his eye. What happen to his good name?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I heard Ed is building a massive ultra modern village in Guyana.  I don't know if it is true.

That was in the plan and I see a sketch of the design. Is looks beautiful and it could have been a great attraction for the country only if the funding were legitimate. Ed did some great things but I am angry with what he did to the poor, hard working people that saved up for rainy days to have a shelter over their head and have there houses foreclosed on them. I don't mind if you want to scam the filthy rich, but leave the poor people alone. 
This Al Abidin issues that raised Ed's name again will give people memory of a scam artist that should never happen. The masjid will be seen in bad light by associated with Ed Ahmad and his money he stole from the poor.

Originally Posted by TI:

PB going to Masjid to pray or talk name?


The Masjid board has the right to give a contract to whoever it wants to, especially if the cost is cheaper. 

Why should Pointblank hush you? It seems that you agree for the Masjid to receive dirty money as donation. May be some of the victims are members of the Mosque and you may not even know it. If Ed had sweat for his fortune, he wouldn't have giving it away. He earned his wealth my defrauding poor people, and by doing so he's giving it away to charity to make a good name for himself. Again, where is Hajji Zakir and his good name? Everyone of the executives at the Al Abidin are crooks. I think Chief goes there as well and that should give you an idea of what I am saying. And, you TI, you want tell people to shut up?

Originally Posted by TI:

What Masjid credibility has to do with getting a cheap contractor? When Ed Ahmad was contributing thousands of dollars to Abidin, nobody was complaining.

See TI, this is what you get when you hang with dem PPP people dem, you does lose yur senses and tiefin doesn't even fiz pon you, it does jes come natural.


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