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Originally posted by Wally:
Ahmad, Ravi Persaud, Peggy Persaud, Goberdhan, Killkenny etc. Are small fish. When you want to see big fish con men you have to see the likes of Jeffry Picower. That man did not spend one day in jail. He recently died of a heart attack in his Palm Beach mansion pool. His family return 7.5 billion of Madoff robbing money. Before he died Picower had worked out a deal with the prosecutors to return 1 billion US and the US government would forget everything he did. But after he died, his wife decided she and her kids can live on 1 billion so they returned all of the rest of the money.

Now Picower was a big fish that went free.
He is dead. We do not know if he would be free. Maddox aint coming out. Indeed there are many in the top 1 percent who pocketed 3 trillion dollars in this economic crisis but that is because they know how to game the system.
Originally posted by creative:
You Guys are a bunch Kindergarden Kids dwelling on this kind of GAFFT.INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.Let me check on an important Thread.
this is one case where I can say with 99 percent certainty that the dude is going to jail. He will have to plea or have his wife suffer long years behind bars. If he is half a man he would not let his wife go to jail.

His friends already squealed on him. Note when you folks were threatening to sue us on this site a decade ago for saying there was something wrong about ed; we said he will one day go to jail. Well time to pay the piper.

The man knew he was being watched yet he continued according to this incitement to raid the banks with his tried and true schemes. Hell, I said what these schemes were as decade ago because the community was saying what they were.

When one person get gypped, no one knows. When a long string of folks have the same thing happen to them, the story circulates. With all Guyanese being no more distant than 3 degrees of separation, that "understanding" seeps into the social ether and we all soon know where the foul dragons have their dungeons. Well, the dragon slayers have come. Put this in your pipe and smoke it; he is done for. Toasted well and ready for the chains.
He offended all women in Guyana.

He had a relationship with a minor in Guyana. The hotel manager threw him out of his hotel and locked the doors with a padlock.

The then Minister of Tourism "jumped in" and helped to sweep this sexual violation under the rug.

We will not forgive Edul Ahmad and his NYers (including Jack Bharat) and the Tourism Mininster

Originally posted by raymond:
looks like NA CL have it in for Ed...what about jack Bharat?
Originally posted by raymond:
Ed is not a bad fella...why did he have to do things illegally to make money?...he seemed to do very well legally...I think...

greed and hubris thinking he was untouchable. you're right, it's puzzling to me too how someone with so many profitable, legitimate businesses would risk everything to make a few more bucks. stupid.

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