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Jun 06, 2017 Source

The newly appointed Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Education, Vibert Welch, sees nothing wrong with expending some $540,470 of taxpayers’ dollars to construct a guard hut at his Bent Street,

$540,700 was spent to construct this guard hut at the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education’s residence at Bent Street, Georgetown.

Georgetown, residence.

Several eyebrows were raised over the size of the structure, and the amount of money that was spent to carry out the project.
The structure is approximately five feet in width, five feet in length and about eight feet high. And judging from it appearance, the structure had recently been painted with the electrical components already in place.
The contract was awarded to Linden Ogle, who was listed among the contractors that submitted proposals for the construction of the hut.
Concerns were even raised over the selection process since it is alleged that it was the same contractor that was hired to construct a previous hut for the PS during his tenure at the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs.
According to documents seen by Kaieteur News, the expenditure was listed under line item 6242 as “Maintenance of buildings” when in fact, the money was used to construct a new structure.
A Ministry official has labelled this as a ‘misappropriation of fund’.
Welch was appointed the PS at the Ministry of Education during the reshuffle of Permanent Secretaries by Government earlier this year.
A photograph of the hut was sent to another contractor and an estimate was done which revealed that the structure should have cost the Ministry approximately $90,000 to build.
The contractor intimated to this publication that he could have constructed six huts with the awarded sum.

PS response
Welch via telephone yesterday, told Kaieteur News that the hut needed to be constructed because persons were frequently going into his yard at nights apparently to steal his belongings.

The payment voucher states that the money was paid under ‘Maintenance of buildings’ when it was a brand new hut that was constructed.

“Guys were coming into my yard frequently, going up the stairs and hitting on my door and window – my next door neighbour can attest to that. I thought it prudent to have a guard hut built,” he lamented.
Welch said that he had no part to play in the construction of the hut. He said that all protocols were followed, including the three-quote system.
“The contractor submitted his proposal and the superintendent wrote the Deputy Permanent Secretary (DPS) and the Chief Works Officer do their thing. I really had nothing to do with it. All I was interested in was getting the guard hut done.”
Welch was reminded that his blessings were given on various stages of the project since his signature of approval was affixed to most of the documents seen by this publication including, the disbursement of funds.
He was asked to provide a rationale for signing off on a project which sole purpose is to benefit him.
He replied, “I’m the head of the Budget agency and once they (technical officers) would have been certified and everything, I have to approve so that monies to be spent on any other things be it a guard hut, be it a school, be it repairs to any other building. The Senior Superintendent has three quotations and based on what they presented to me for (my) signature, I signed.”
The PS distanced himself from the pricing phase of the project saying, “Nah I don’t fix price. I ain’t engineer. I don’t have that technical skill.”
Asked if he thought that there was value for money, Welch said, “Is greenheart they use. But I don’t know about prices and materials. The senior works officer; he will know about that. I really don’t get involved in them kinds of things. I’m just the Head of Budget and the finance people they will deal with that with engineers and the works people.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"A Ministry official has labelled this as a ‘misappropriation of fund’.
Welch was appointed the PS at the Ministry of Education during the reshuffle of Permanent Secretaries by Government earlier this year.
A photograph of the hut was sent to another contractor and an estimate was done which revealed that the structure should have cost the Ministry approximately $90,000 to build.
The contractor intimated to this publication that he could have constructed six huts with the awarded sum."


This Welch fella is answerable to "misappropriation of fund" haul him in for questioning.


Somebody does need to answer. If it was a government owned building then it would have been acceptable but the owner needs to bear the costs for a private residence. There could be one caveat though. If at the end of his tenure he pays the cost or the structure is relocated.

Django posted:

"A Ministry official has labelled this as a ‘misappropriation of fund’.
Welch was appointed the PS at the Ministry of Education during the reshuffle of Permanent Secretaries by Government earlier this year.
A photograph of the hut was sent to another contractor and an estimate was done which revealed that the structure should have cost the Ministry approximately $90,000 to build.
The contractor intimated to this publication that he could have constructed six huts with the awarded sum."


This Welch fella is answerable to "misappropriation of fund" haul him in for questioning.

Fire his ass and bring him before the courts.


It must be bullet proof, for the  police officer guarding he house, to sleep at night. While  bandits come and thief he gun.

Hello this is 911.....oops sorry you got de wrong numba to report a crime in progress.

kp posted:

You want Change, change you get. The PNC is thieving Big Change right in your face.  Welch is in charge of budget agency, he has to sign off on the documents.

US$2700.00 is small change in comparison to the tiefin that was going on during PPP days.

Mars posted:
kp posted:

You want Change, change you get. The PNC is thieving Big Change right in your face.  Welch is in charge of budget agency, he has to sign off on the documents.

US$2700.00 is small change in comparison to the tiefin that was going on during PPP days.

Is this how you rationalize selling your soul to corruption?

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:

You want Change, change you get. The PNC is thieving Big Change right in your face.  Welch is in charge of budget agency, he has to sign off on the documents.

US$2700.00 is small change in comparison to the tiefin that was going on during PPP days.

Is this how you rationalize selling your soul to corruption?

I'm totally against anyone pilfering from the Guyana treasury to the detriment of citizens living there. You can see my earlier comment on this thread. But for you Porters to pretend that US$2700.00 is "Big Change" when you condoned massive corruption during the PPP days, is simply laughable. 

Mars posted:

I'm totally against anyone pilfering from the Guyana treasury to the detriment of citizens living there. You can see my earlier comment on this thread. But for you Porters to pretend that US$2700.00 is "Big Change" when you condoned massive corruption during the PPP days, is simply laughable. 

Closing one eye to the small infractions leads to acceptance of the big hauls when it comes. 

As for your rants about PPP corruption, DG has a thread to track this, so far the results are billions spent on fattening friends and family at Saru and zero PPP jailed for corruption. Keep on braying. 


$540,700 for a guard hut in a public servant's yard at the State's expense is appalling. I won't be surprised to hear that the PS is holder of a firearm licence too. In due course, he will have to appear before the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee where our 'paragon of honesty' Irfaan Ali will kick his backside.

Gilbakka posted:

$540,700 for a guard hut in a public servant's yard at the State's expense is appalling. I won't be surprised to hear that the PS is holder of a firearm licence too. In due course, he will have to appear before the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee where our 'paragon of honesty' Irfaan Ali will kick his backside.


Classic !!!!!

Mars posted:
kp posted:

You want Change, change you get. The PNC is thieving Big Change right in your face.  Welch is in charge of budget agency, he has to sign off on the documents.

US$2700.00 is small change in comparison to the tiefin that was going on during PPP days.

It was not only  the thieving in Berbice, but  it was also screwing their own people with selling government fertilizers, oil and lubricants.

The government should investigate Mutt and Jeff and put their  asses in Jail. The farmers are so pissed, that they will come by the dozens to give evidence.


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