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$540,700 guard hut at the Permanent Secretary's residence at Bent Street, Georgetown (Kaieteur News Photo)


June 10,2017

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has assured that disciplinary actions will be taken against Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Education; Vibert Welch after an investigation is completed.

Welch became a common topic for conversation over the past week, after it was revealed that he signed off $540, 470 to construct one security hut at his Bent Street, Georgetown residence. The article which was published in a local daily stated that the structure which is approximately five feet in width, five feet in length and eight feet high, was approved by the technical officers and given the green light by the PS.

The sum used for the structure has raised eyebrows after it was pointed out by other contractors that it can be used to build six such facilities.

Speaking to media operatives on Friday (June 09, 2017), Minister of State, Joseph Harmon said “all employees of the State, they are required to act in accordance with the law. And anybody, once they step outside of that, they are exposing themselves to be sanctioned…Once a proper investigation is done, due process is followed, then any person within the State sector that acts outside of the law will be subject to some form of discipline,” in response to questions on the matter.

It was noted that such an action goes against the Government’s recent talk of undertaking “cost-cutting” measures.

Welch was moved to the Education Ministry during a reshuffle earlier this year.

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