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Former Member
Friday, 22 February 2013 20:52

CHAIRMAN of the Roraima Airways Group of Companies, Captain Gerry Gouveia, has said that all is not lost with the ‘news’ of Delta Airlines pulling out of Guyana. In an exclusive interview with this publication, Captain Gouveia confirmed that there is currently a “massive effort” underway in order to have the airline remain operational in Guyana; but he did not divulge details.

In lamenting the news of the pullout, Gouveia said, “It is very frightening…it is disappointing.”

“All is not lost with Delta,” Gouveia said, as he pointed to “a huge effort to convince Delta to stay”.

He posited that Delta Airlines is a globally reliable brand, and the news does provide a challenge for the country, but he told this publication that the news is even more shocking, “because the (passenger) load factors were very high.”

Roraima Airways has been formally working along with Delta Airlines in Guyana; and according to Captain Gouveia, only three weeks ago; the company was involved in intense training locally. “Even the trainers were surprised,” Gouveia said. “Delta has provided “an efficient, punctual, beautiful service in Guyana.”

He suggested that the Guyana Government should embark on a “massive offensive to encourage airlines to come…but we have to target credible airlines with capacity.”

Giving his take on the exit of airlines recently, Captain Gouveia said that while there were some short-term benefits with the cheaper fares, the “predatory pricing” by particularly Redjet was unsustainable, and did in fact hurt the airline industry generally. “When we allow airlines like that to come in the industry, even though the short-term benefits are cheaper fares, what in fact happened was a damaging effect to the stability of the industry”, he said.

Turning his attention to complaints made in some quarters regarding subsidised fuel provided to Caribbean Airlines by the Trinidad and Tobago Government, Captain Gouveia said that “all should be happy.”
He suggested that had it not been for the subsidized fuel provided by the Trinidadian Government, “we would have been paying higher prices.”
According to Gouveia, the Caribbean should in fact be grateful to the Trinidadian Government and push for the airline to be the regional carrier.

Gouveia implored that Caribbean Airlines should be positioned to be the regional carrier, taking on the long hauls to destinations such as North America; while LIAT should be responsible for inter-regional travel.

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