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Egypt’s main opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei [file photo)


A senior member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has rejected the appointment of prominent opposition figure, Mohamed ElBaradei, as Egypt’s new prime minister.

"We reject this coup and all that results from it, including ElBaradei," an unnamed official in the Freedom and Justice Party, the Muslim Brotherhood's political wing, said on Saturday.

ElBaradei was scheduled to be sworn in as the interim prime minister later on Saturday, three days after the Egyptian army overthrew Mohamed Morsi.

"ElBaradei will take an oath as prime minister in front of President Adly Mansour at 8 p.m. local time (1800 GMT)," al-Dostour Party, which is chaired by the former UN nuclear chief, announced.

Meanwhile, Egyptian Health Ministry has announced that at least three dozen people were killed and hundreds other injured after Morsi’s supporters staged mass rallies against his ouster.

Mohammad Sultan, deputy head of Egypt’s ambulance authority, said in a statement on Saturday that at least 36 people were killed and over 1,100 more wounded in the violence across the North African country on Friday.

The casualties came after skirmishes and violent clashes broke out in the capital city of Cairo, Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast, and the Sinai Peninsula.

On July 3, Egypt's army chief ousted Morsi and suspended the country's constitution.

General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said new parliamentary elections will be held, and declared head of Supreme Constitutional Court Adly Mansour as the caretaker leader.

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