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Egyptian blogger Aliaa Elmahdy: Why I posed naked

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Egyptian blogger Aliaa Magda Elmahdy has become a household name in the Middle East and sparked a global uproar after a friend posted a photo of her naked on Twitter.

The photo, which the 20-year-old former student first posted on her blog, shows her naked apart from a pair of thigh-high stockings and some red patent leather shoes.

It was later posted on Twitter with the hash tag #nudephotorevolutionary. The tweet was viewed over a million times, while Elmahdy's followers jumped from a few hundred to more than 14,000.

Her actions have received global media coverage and provoked outrage in Egypt, a conservative Muslim country where most women wear the veil. Many liberals fear that Elmahdy's actions will hurt their prospects in the parliamentary election next week.

I took the photo myself using a timer on my personal camera

Elmahdy describes herself as an atheist. She has been living for the past five months with her boyfriend, blogger Kareem Amer, who, in 2006 was sentenced to four years in a maximum security prison for criticizing Islam and defaming former president Hosni Mubarak.

Here she talks exclusively to CNN in Cairo about why she posed nude.

CNN: Why did you post a photo of yourself nude photo on Twitter, and why the red high heels and black stockings?

Elmahdy: After my photo was removed from Facebook, a male friend of mine asked me if he may post it on Twitter. I accepted because I am not shy of being a woman in a society where women are nothing but sex objects harassed on a daily basis by men who know nothing about sex or the importance of a woman.

The photo is an expression of my being and I see the human body as the best artistic representation of that. I took the photo myself using a timer on my personal camera. The powerful colors black and red inspire me.

CNN: Who is Aliaa Elmahdy inside the body portrayed in the nude photo?

Elmahdy: I like being different. I love life, art, photography and expressing my thoughts through writing more than anything. That is why I studied media and hope to take it further to the TV world too so I can expose the truth behind the lies we endure everyday in this world. I don't believe that we must have children only through marriage. It's all about love.

CNN: How have your Egyptian Muslim parents reacted? How do they feel about you living with your boyfriend unmarried?

Elmahdy: I last spoke to them 24 days back. They want to support me and get closer, especially after the photo was released, but they accuse Kareem of manipulating me. He has been my support system and has passed along their text messages to me. I dropped out of AUC (The American University in Cairo where she was a media student) months back after (my parents) attempted to control my life by threatening not to pay the fees.

CNN: The press has labeled you a revolutionary but you were not in Tahrir Square during the 18 days of the revolution in February this year. Is there a political element to you posing nude?
Most Egyptians are secretive about sex because they are brought up thinking sex is something bad and dirty

Elmahdy: I was never into politics. I first joined the protests on May 27th because I felt the need to participate and decided I might be able to change the future of Egypt and refused to remain silent. I made it clear that I was not part of April 6th Movement (an Egyptian political group that came to prominence during the revolution) after the rumors were spread by remnants of Mubarak's National Democratic Party who wanted to capitalize on the reaction to the photo.

What shocked me is April 6th's statement clarifying that Aliaa Magda Elmahdy is not part of their organization and how they don't accept "atheism." Where is the democracy and liberalism they preach to the world? They only feed what the public wants to hear for their political ambitions.

CNN: What do you think about the forced virginity tests performed by the Egyptian military on more than a dozen girls arrested in Tahrir Square?

Elmahdy: I consider this rape. Those men in the military who conducted these tests should be punished for allowing this to happen without the consent of the girls in the first place. Instead, the girls walk around feeling the shame and most of them are forced to remain silent.

CNN: Do you practice safe sex in your sexual revolution?

Elmahdy: Most Egyptians are secretive about sex because they are brought up thinking sex is something bad and dirty and there is no mention of it in schools. Sex to the majority is simply a man using a woman with no communication between them and children are just part of an equation. To me, sex is an expression of respect, a passion for love that culminates into sex to please both sides.

I do practice safe sex but I don't take pills because I am against abortion. I enjoyed losing my virginity at the age of 18 with a man I loved who was 40 years older than me. Kareem Amer is the second man and the love of my life. The saying suits us: "Birds of the same feather flock together"

Many women wear the veil just to escape the harassment and be able to walk the streets

CNN: How do you see women in the "New Egypt" and will you leave the country if the ongoing revolution fails?

Elmahdy: I am not positive at all unless a social revolution erupts. Women under Islam will always be objects to use at home. The (sexism) against women in Egypt is unreal, but I am not going anywhere and will battle it 'til the end. Many women wear the veil just to escape the harassment and be able to walk the streets. I hate how society labels gays and lesbians as abnormal people. Different is not abnormal!

CNN: What are your future plans with Kareem and will you find it hard to deal with your new notoriety?

I have discovered who my real friends are, and I have Kareem who loves me passionately. He works as a media monitor and I am currently looking for a job. I embrace the simple things in life and I am a vegetarian ... I am a believer of every word I say and I am willing to live in danger under the many threats I receive in order to obtain the real freedom all Egyptian are fighting and dying for daily

The Blog that caused this story about this young lady.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by TI:
Forget the long explanation. Any woman who expose the patax in public is an exhibitionist looking for voyeuristic admirers. She doesn't have that great body.

She was 18 and getting laid by a 58 yr old grandaddy. Big Grin

Your opinion and not an informed one with respect that she is an exhibitionist because she sees her body as a part of the natural world.

Why is she the worse for a practice well established in that part of the world; being 18 and having an older mate?
Originally posted by TI:
Forget the long explanation. Any woman who expose the patax in public is an exhibitionist looking for voyeuristic admirers. She doesn't have that great body.

She was 18 and getting laid by a 58 yr old grandaddy. Big Grin

TI, she is 18 years old biologicallly but she was probably born with a 70-year-old soul.
Likewise, her lover is 58 but he was probably born with a 2-year-old soul.
In my faith the soul I have was inherited from previous incarnations; it is not brand new.
That Egyptian girl's inner voice probably guided her to her soulmate. And she probably has more inherited wisdom and experience than he.
All is not what it seems.
If I were advising her, I would have sdvised her to call Playboy. Given the attention that part of the world get for their cultural/religious beliefs/practices, (the west salivate in ME scandals) she would have made a ton of money, much more than she would have needed to gain that media degree. Unfortunately she took the wrong advise from her boyfriend and put it out there for free. Not the best use of her body.
Originally posted by ksazma:
If I were advising her, I would have sdvised her to call Playboy. Given the attention that part of the world get for their cultural/religious beliefs/practices, (the west salivate in ME scandals) she would have made a ton of money, much more than she would have needed to gain that media degree. Unfortunately she took the wrong advise from her boyfriend and put it out there for free. Not the best use of her body.
There are a thousand groups who will pay her to speak and more who will use her for their benefit when she speaks. But she does indeed speak to a hypocrisy. The society feels a sense of shame because of what she did but no one is upset at the habitual "vagina probing with fingers by police to test the "morality" of young women.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by ksazma:
If I were advising her, I would have sdvised her to call Playboy. Given the attention that part of the world get for their cultural/religious beliefs/practices, (the west salivate in ME scandals) she would have made a ton of money, much more than she would have needed to gain that media degree. Unfortunately she took the wrong advise from her boyfriend and put it out there for free. Not the best use of her body.
There are a thousand groups who will pay her to speak and more who will use her for their benefit when she speaks. But she does indeed speak to a hypocrisy. The society feels a sense of shame because she did it and no one is upset at the habitual vagina sticking of fingers by police to test the "morality" of young women.

Not contesting the hypocricy in any way but Lindsey Lohan just got $1M from Playboy and her coverage can not be anywhere near the sensational level of this one. Why labor over a thousand speaking appearances when she can make one photo shoot and go on to enjoy her dough. The economics is mishandled. Her displayed fish comes with her perceived unvailing of a sensational story but now she has to start back from snatch, I mean scratch.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by ksazma:
If I were advising her, I would have sdvised her to call Playboy. Given the attention that part of the world get for their cultural/religious beliefs/practices, (the west salivate in ME scandals) she would have made a ton of money, much more than she would have needed to gain that media degree. Unfortunately she took the wrong advise from her boyfriend and put it out there for free. Not the best use of her body.
There are a thousand groups who will pay her to speak and more who will use her for their benefit when she speaks. But she does indeed speak to a hypocrisy. The society feels a sense of shame because she did it and no one is upset at the habitual vagina sticking of fingers by police to test the "morality" of young women.

Not contesting the hypocricy in any way but Lindsey Lohan just got $1M from Playboy and her coverage can not be anywhere near the sensational level of this one. Why labor over a thousand speaking appearances when she can make one photo shoot and go on to enjoy her dough. The economics is mishandled. Her displayed fish comes with her perceived unvailing of a sensational story but now she has to start back from snatch, I mean scratch.
Not to be deprecating to this girl; Lindsay has a "watchable" bod. Plus she is not hard on the eyes otherwise.
Originally posted by ksazma:
If I were advising her, I would have sdvised her to call Playboy. Given the attention that part of the world get for their cultural/religious beliefs/practices, (the west salivate in ME scandals) she would have made a ton of money, much more than she would have needed to gain that media degree. Unfortunately she took the wrong advise from her boyfriend and put it out there for free. Not the best use of her body.

nothing peraonal against this chick...but I don't think she is playboy material..if you get my drift..
Originally posted by D2:
Not to be deprecating to this girl; Lindsay has a "watchable" bod. Plus she is not hard on the eyes otherwise.

Ist Playboy we talking about. They have the right cameras, lighting and makeup to offset the physical difference. But the story would do wonders for the publication. Who that read Playboy doesn't want to read about ME men fingering girls?
Israelis strip in support of Egypt blogger

Dozens of women pose for nearly nude group shot in show of solidarity for young activist who posted naked photo in protest of limited freedom of expression in her country

Roi Kais Published: 11.20.11, 08:41 / Israel News

Dozens of Israeli women stripped off their clothes Saturday in a show of solidarity with the 20-year-old Egyptian blogger who caused a stir in the Arab world last week when she posted a naked photo of herself in protest against the limits on free expression in her country.

Touched by the spirited protest measure, some 40 Israelis posed for a nude group shot in support of the Egyptian activist, Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, who received threats and harsh criticism for her actions. Unlike Elmahdy, however, the Israeli women did not fully display their intimate parts for the camera.

Related stories:

Egypt activist posts herself nude, sparks outrage
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The brains behind the operation is Or Tepler, 28, who opened a Facebook event inviting women "to show support in a non-violent and legitimate way for a woman who is just like us – young, ambitious, full of dreams and evidently has a developed sense of humor."

'Love without limits' (Photo: Anat Cohen)

"Girls, let's give the world a good reason to see the unique beauty of Israeli women," Tepler wrote. "Regardless of whether they are Jewish, Arab, straight or Lesbian – because here, as of now, it doesn't matter. (â€Ķ) Let us show the doubters that our international discourse doesn't depend on governments
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Very attractive redux said she has a real woman's body and has a brain. Luv a strong independent thinking woman.

The lady is a wacko. Strong independent women compete with men in the world, not take off their drawsie to get attention. If she had brain, she would have used it, not the pataks. Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Very attractive redux said she has a real woman's body and has a brain. Luv a strong independent thinking woman.

The lady is a wacko. Strong independent women compete with men in the world, not take off their drawsie to get attention. If she had brain, she would have used it, not the pataks. Big Grin

I was under the impression she was using both. Big Grin

Like you frighten women with nice patacks and brains? Wink
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Very attractive redux said she has a real woman's body and has a brain. Luv a strong independent thinking woman.

The lady is a wacko. Strong independent women compete with men in the world, not take off their drawsie to get attention. If she had brain, she would have used it, not the pataks. Big Grin
if the women want to bare it who a my to say no,just please sent me some pictures.i will give her equal rights Smile
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Very attractive redux said she has a real woman's body and has a brain. Luv a strong independent thinking woman.

The lady is a wacko. Strong independent women compete with men in the world, not take off their drawsie to get attention. If she had brain, she would have used it, not the pataks. Big Grin
if the women want to bare it who a my to say no,just please sent me some pictures.i will give her equal rights Smile

I agree. If you got it flaunt it...I don't see anything wrong with that...

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