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Elderly Essequibo couple burnt to death after bandits set fire to their home

According to the reports of neighbors, bandits reportedly invaded the home of the Essequibo rice farmers around midnight on Sunday.

An elderly couple perished in a deadly blaze last night after bandits set fire to their Good Hope home on the East Bank of Essequibo.

According to the reports of neighbors, bandits reportedly invaded the home of the Essequibo rice farmers around midnight on Sunday.

The dead couple has been identified only as Jamila and Munair.

They reportedly locked themselves in a room to escape the terror of the bandits.

Residents said they were awaken by the sound of gunshots. It is believed that the men set fire to the home before making their escape. Persons tried to assist the couple who had been trapped in the tightly grilled room and screamed for help.

Their efforts were futile as the fire quickly consumed the partly wooden home. The community has been thrown in a state of shock over the attack and killing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger didn't raise enough money from extorting the private sector, so his criminals are busy killing the pensioners for the little money they have. More criminals will be released next month by Granger. All Granger supporters are in agreement to release criminals to terrorize the Indians. Some of them singing praises of death to Indians.

Chameli posted:
Vish M posted:

This is a High Alert on crime in Guyana.

I was told that this couple were very helpful to all in their community.


i can attest to that... i have known them from my childhood...i know Aunty Jameela's family all my life, i taght one of the younger kids...Nazrah....

they lived in NY but wanted to stay at 'home'

Sorry for your loss,it's sad.

Mr.T posted:

It's going to take a generation before the mess that the PPP created has been eradicated. The PP let illegal guns flourish with the drugs trade. Now drug fuelled bandits are in constant need of money to fuel their next required fix. The government might have to consider bringing back the death sentence.

Under the PPP , Surinamese became rich running guns to Guyana.

Mr.T posted:

It's going to take a generation before the mess that the PPP created has been eradicated. The PP let illegal guns flourish with the drugs trade. Now drug fuelled bandits are in constant need of money to fuel their next required fix. The government might have to consider bringing back the death sentence.

What does the PPP have to do with this?  Why are you politicizing the deaths of two good people? This is a tragedy.  Let us show some respect to the deceased and their families - please!

Bibi Haniffa
Cobra posted:

Granger didn't raise enough money from extorting the private sector, so his criminals are busy killing the pensioners for the little money they have. More criminals will be released next month by Granger. All Granger supporters are in agreement to release criminals to terrorize the Indians. Some of them singing praises of death to Indians.

Oi Bibi why you stayed quiet here?

Chameli posted:
Vish M posted:

This is a High Alert on crime in Guyana.

I was told that this couple were very helpful to all in their community.


i can attest to that... i have known them from my childhood...i know Aunty Jameela's family all my life, i taght one of the younger kids...Nazrah....

they lived in NY but wanted to stay at 'home'

A very small world indeed. I know Nazrah very well. She is married to my friend from back home. They have two kids and one got married last year. Nazrah lives in Florida with her family.

Chief posted:

Ina ilahi we inna elahee rajeeoun.

I would like to ring your frigging neck for supporting a man that releasing criminals on a daily basis. I know the elderly couple are Muslims, but they are also human being under the mercy of Granger. If you support Granger, you also support the criminals that killing out the elders for prostitution money.

Chameli posted:


Ksaz, i believe that Nazra is gone to GY to join her older siblings who went there this morning from NY.  Please give her my deepest and most sincere heartfelt sympathies...words cannot say how i feel for them.  Yes indeed, it is a small world.  I know all of Aunty Jamila's siblings and some other relatives...her brother, Karim was the best friend of my mamoo and so i referred to him as mamoo Karim.  Nazrah's kid got married?  i thought she is under 50 unless i am mistaken.

Cham, Nazrah and her husband are indeed in Guyana. I just communicated with her daughter on Facebook. As the article in Bibi's thread stated, Nazrah got married in 1984. Her daughter was born in the 80's and got married last year. She must be close to 30 now. Nazrah must be around 50. I also know uncle Karim if it is the same uncle Karim I knew from NY. I only know these people because of Nazrah's marriage to my friend.

Chameli posted:
yuji22 posted:


We must express our rage.

These racist and reckless AFC/PNC crabdwags have one motto: Indo lives do not matter. When Ewing was murdered, he was made a national hero by the AFC/PNC. They made sure that it was political.

Indo lives matter to us.


i hear what you said but PLEASE don't be like the folks in TO who are protesting that BLM...

everywhere in this world, every human life matters

y'all on here go on about suicide in GY but no one talks about how many native indians in CANADA is involved in suicide annually...i just saw a report that in a community of 30 thousand there is over one thousand suicide attempts annually.....

a life is a life

no colour

before my parents came to GY the kick down the door bandits fired 357 bullets at my family....thankfully my brother shot n killed one of the five

sadly, as i type here at this moment i recall that  the same bandits were in the home of a relative of the late aunty Jamila prior to the attack on my family seems like they are back in full force

Yes, the PNC Burhnam days have returned.

I remember how my mother used to set aside Jewellery and US dollars and told us that if our doors were kicked down to hand it over to the Kick Down the Door Bandits.

I vividly remember my heart pounding as I heard Indos screamed in my village as their doors were kicked down by Afro Bandits who acted as if they had a god given right to loot, rob and murder Indos.

Those days have returned under Papa DAG.

Ramjattan is like useless piece of garbage. He is just a PNC stooge. Impotent to help Indos.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ksaz, Cham - you are privileged to know such an honorable lady.  I don't know her but her story has inspired me.  I hope she is memorialized in a way that her story lives on to inspire other women in Guyana.  These are two good people.  May Allah keep them both in the palm of his hands.

She was indeed a very strong woman. I don't think I have ever seen her daughter, Nazrah without a smile.

Chameli posted:


before my parents came to GY the kick down the door bandits fired 357 bullets at my family....thankfully my brother shot n killed one of the five

sadly, as i type here at this moment i recall that  the same bandits were in the home of a relative of the late aunty Jamila prior to the attack on my family seems like they are back in full force

I was thinking the same thing earlier. As strong as aunty Jamila is, residents heard her screaming for help. It must be a very horrible experience to come to the realization that your end is near and the horrific circumstances of hw it will end.

Chami, that is the reason I stood by your side so vociferously not so long ago when you recounted your horror. That was your right.

Chameli posted:

Ksaz, right b4 i made my first post today i has spoken to my mom and heard this sad news...then i called my childhood friend Alimoon and her husband, whom i respectfully call Buddy Ahmad, cried as he relayed how Aunty Jamila called his son and told him to get the car and tractor out from the garage... the iron grills prevented villagers from getting to them and the fire was quick due to the amount of gasoline that was poured

Also Ksaz, the folks who said that i must not bring up what happened in the late 80s-early 90s can eat their words mom still has 'metal object' lodged close to her brain which is a constant reminder of the bullets which were aimed at her...thankfully she feigned her death and held her breath as the guy chked to see if she was breathing....i get so upset when i think of that day (and i was not even there)

And your mom is a winner because she is still here. Some people just talk for the sake of talking. They don't even stop to consider the circumstances under which others exist. Uncle Akbar's niece was hacked to death in from of her sister and mother. That sister and especially that mother are still affected by that incident even though it was over 30 years ago.


Rice farming couple burnt to death in home

April 19, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

-cops probe possible murder
Police were up to last night questioning several people in connection with the death of an elderly rice farming couple, who were burned alive in a fire that may have been deliberately set by intruders in their Good Hope, East Bank

Dead: Mohamed Munir and his wife Bibi Jamila Munir

Dead: Mohamed Munir and his wife Bibi Jamila Munir

Berbice home.
The charred remains of Mohamed Munir, 75, and his wife Bibi Jamila Munir, 69, were retrieved from the debris of the two-storey property after the fire was finally extinguished.
Reports indicate that the victims were trapped in their heavily-grilled home. The blaze reportedly started in the upper flat Eyewitnesses said that the entire flat was engulfed with minutes.
Residents, and a passing family who were among the first on the scene, could only stand by helplessly, listening to the elderly couple’s screams, which eventually ceased as they were overcome by the flames.
While some residents said that they had heard gunshots, post mortem performed on the victims showed that they had died from severe burns.
Investigators from the Force’s Major Crimes Unit, along with ranks from the Leonora Police Station have taken statements from a close family friend who alleged that the wife, Bibi Munir, had telephoned him on Sunday night to say that bandits were in the house.
Neighbours also claimed to have heard the elderly couple’s frantic screams of “Bandits”, before the property was engulfed in flames.
At least one resident also said that she saw two people on the verandah, even as the couple shouted to neighbours for assistance.
Shamiza Khosial told Kaieteur News that she was up at around 23.00 hrs, when her son told her that there were people fighting at the Munir’s residence.

The house where the couple lived.

The house where the couple lived.

On peeping outside, Mrs. Khosial said that she saw two people on the couple’s verandah. She also heard the Munirs screaming for help.
“The place was dark and I see two persons on the verandah and then I started to hear they (the couple) shouting that bandits were in the house,” Khosial said.
The woman said that she also heard Mrs. Munir apparently calling their family friend, businessman, Shiraz Ali, to tell him that bandits were on the property.
Khosial said that shortly after, she saw “a ball of fire” in the living room area and within minutes the entire property was engulfed in flames. The woman said that the victims were trapped in their bedroom, since the window, like other areas in the house, had grill-work.
“If that grill on the room window had come out then they could have been saved. They couldn’t have exited the building any other way because for them to get out of the room, they would have had to go into the hall, but the hall was on fire.”
Shiraz Ali said that Bibi Jamila Munir had contacted him by phone to say that bandits were in the house, while pleading with him to help.
Ali said he arrived in about seven minutes, but by then the entire property was in flames. There was nothing he could have done but to stand on the road and look at the blaze as it destroyed the house with the elderly couple trapped inside.
Among those first on the scene was a family that was heading to Parika, East Bank Essequibo by bus on Sunday night. One family member recalled that they were passing Good Hope when they saw flamed emanating from the upper flat of a house.
“We started blowing the (vehicle’s) horn, but nobody looked out. We start shouting ‘fire, fire,’ and knocked on the gate, and finally, the next door neighbor looked out and two other people came to us.”
He also recalled that the Munir’s front gate was not bolted, and two young men climbed over the gate.
Seeing that the flames were spreading to the neighbour’s house, the man and others helped the family to remove their valuables from the property.
“I asked them if anyone was at home in the other (Munir’s) house. “
Another young man from the family said that he entered the  Munir’s yard and it was then that he heard someone screaming in the top flat.
Kaieteur News was told that Mr. Munir, who was in his bedroom, flung some keys through the bedroom window and told them to drive one of the tractors out of the yard.
After a neighbor had removed the tractor, Mr. Munir began shouting for the neighbours to use a second tractor to pull down the grill from the bedroom window.
The young man said that he suggested that they hitch a length of chain to the tractor and to the grill, but by then the flames had begun to engulf the entire upper flat and the heat was immense.
“Then he (Mr. Munir) say that his wife not breathing anymore, and after awhile he (too) stopped talking.”
The family members recalled seeing a resident in the area with a shotgun, but said that they saw no one else on the property. They said that they only later heard residents saying that bandits had invaded the victims’ house.
Up to yesterday, some of those who had tried to rescue the couple remained tramautised. “I keep hearing the guy hollering,” one woman who was with the group said.
One of the couple’s next door neighbours said that a little before 23:00 hrs Sunday night, her husband got up to use the washroom and heard noises over at the Munir’s residence.
“From the talking, we started hearing like bottles fallingâ€Ķbut then we get a call that bandits were over in the house,” the woman said.
Shortly after, she noticed “a bright light” at her bedroom window. This was followed by a loud explosion.
“When we realize it was a fire, I tell my husband to get our passport and some documents. While we hurrying to come out the house, we heard gunshots but we don’t know if it was the bandits firing or neighbours trying to scare the bandits away,” the woman said.
She also heard an explosion, and within minutes, the two-storey property was engulfed.
And a male relative of the couple recalled receiving a call from someone who said that the Munir’s house was on fire and that bandits were inside.
The man said that he immediately rushed to the scene but there was nothing he would have done to help.
“How this house is situate, it has three rooms and all the rooms are connected by an inside door. The middle room has a trap door which leads straight to the downstairs. Their bodies were found in the back room, so this means that they couldn’t get to the middle room,” the man said.
He suggested that the bandits had already gained access to the middle room, and this prevented the victims from reaching the trap door.
Some of the couple’s children arrived from overseas yesterday


As taxpayers, where were the Police and fire trucks. Because of lack of security and protection by the state , people have to fortified their property and become their own prisoners . Many years ago, there was a similar situation in Georgetown, where a money trader locked himself so tight that bandits were not able to break the steel door so they set the place on fire, he died. This new government talked of change, but it's change for the WORST.

ba$eman posted:

Guyana is too easy on criminals.  They need to bring swift and decisive justice after a fair trial.  No one should be under any illusion, one caught, tried and found guilty by a jury of your peers, it's execution within 48 hours.

Are you kidding me Granger said Guyana is too tough on Criminals and WILL release another 200 come Independence!!!!!


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