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Patricia Chase-Green elected Mayor of Georgetown — Sherod Duncan her deputy

By Alva Solomon, April 2, 2016,

MRS PATRICIA Chase-Green was on Friday elected Mayor of Georgetown when the new councillors of the Georgetown Municipality met for the first time following last month’s Local Government Elections (LGE).Sherod Duncan, former University of Guyana Student Society President, was elected Deputy Mayor by the council, whose members were sworn in at City Hall in a packed Council Room.

Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan waves as Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan and other councillors of the Georgetown Municipality look on

Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan waves as Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan and other councillors of the Georgetown Municipality look on

Other council members who were elected to serve on the Georgetown Municipality are Heston Bostwick, Tameshwar Budhoo, Carolyn Caesar, Noelle Chow-Chee, Oscar Clarke, Welton Clarke, Yvonne Ferguson, Malcolm Ferreira, Gregory Fraser, Junior Garrett, Carlyle Goring, Linda Gomes-Haley, Winston Harding, Ivelaw Henry, Lyndon Hilliman, Salima Bacchus-Hinds, Lionel Jaikarran, Bishram Kuppen, Desiree Liverpool, Andrea Marks, Alfred Mentore, Roopnarine Persaud, Akeem Peter, Trichria Richards, James Samuels, Phillip Smith, Monica Thomas and Sophia Whyte.

Mayor Chase-Green told the media following the meeting that being the fourth woman to serve in the post of Mayor, “it is a great feeling,” and expressed appreciation to the Almighty.

Chase-Green said she was very thankful to those who assisted in her campaign, including those persons she had met for the first time while campaigning.
In regard to the smaller parties whose representatives sit on the council, Chase-Green said those persons will have a say. She noted that there are several committees on the council in which they could participate; and according to her, there are legal provisions for other committees to be formed.

“So they will have a say. There will be no one who will be left out of a committee system; everyone will be given an opportunity to serve,” she declared.

Chase-Green said that, as Mayor, she views the council as a team, and her first consultations will be with the entire council of elected members.

“We will sit and we will determine the way forward, because, as it is, every constituency would have promised their people in the communities something,” she promised.

She said the council is designed in such a way that matters highlighted by councillors will be examined within the respective constituencies. “So we have to meet as a council,” Chase-Green noted.

Moreover, she said the council is “way past” negativity, and described the mood on Friday as positive. She said the council wishes to see Georgetown develop, and there are young persons on the council who want the City to progress.

On an immediate matter, she said the council’s Finance Committee has a Chairman, and that committee can meet anytime to determine the way forward as regards several persons who have grievances with payments they claimed are owed to them by the municipality.

The new Mayor said that, as a new council, the body will have to determine its assets and liabilities, among other issues.

Meanwhile, Duncan told reporters that the council is ready to work. He said, “It cannot be business as usual at City Hall”.

He noted that persons voted for a change, and, as Deputy Mayor, he intends to get to work for the citizens of the City. He said it is no longer a campaign, and according to him, the citizens will have to be represented fully by the new council members at City Hall.

“I am looking forward to a better working relationship among the councillors, a different tone at City Hall with the public, with our vendors; and, like everybody else, I am eager to get to work,” Duncan noted.

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, and Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix, were in attendance at the swearing-in ceremony at City Hall. Bulkan pledged the support of Central Government to the council.

Hailing the occasion as historic, Bulkan said the day comes after a hiatus of 21 years, and some 18 years since the last LGE was constitutionally due.

He said the mayorship baton has been passed from one Green to another, referring to former Mayor Hamilton Green, Chase-Green’s predecessor.

“I believe I represent the views of President Granger, who would have said that with reference to the General Elections of 2015, that it represented not a victory but an opportunity,” Minister Bulkan said as he congratulated the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, and elected councillors of the Georgetown Municipality.

The minister noted that their new posts presented an opportunity for them to serve the residents of their respective constituencies as well as the City of Georgetown.

Bulkan said Friday was the beginning of the first stage of repairing and rehabilitating “the damaged system of local administration”, and he described it as the democratic renewal of the life of council members.

He also expressed appreciation to the former Mayor and councillors for the services they provided to the City over the years.

As time ticked towards 13:00hrs on Friday, the gathering in the room anxiously awaited the arrival of Chase-Green, who was tipped for the position following the March 18 polls.

Dressed in the colours of the governing APNU+AFC, Chase-Green, who served as Deputy Mayor during the previous administration of the council, was welcomed by supporters and staff as she entered the City Hall compound.

She entered the Council Room and was greeted with handshakes, and soon after, Town Clerk Royston King administered the afternoon’s business.

Shortly afterwards, the councillors took the oath, and nominations began shortly after King read the legal procedures as regards the election of the Mayor.

After the floor was open for nominations, Oscar Clarke, the PNCR General Secretary, who was re-elected to serve on the Town Council, rose and nominated Chase-Green.

His nomination was seconded by Councillor Alfred Mentore, and shortly after, Councillor Junior Garrett rose and requested that nominations be closed. At that point the councillors were asked if the request should be heeded, and they consented by raising their hands.
When the clock on the wall inside the room struck 13:55 hrs, King announced that Chase-Green was elected Mayor of Georgetown, and the room erupted in loud cheers from visitors and council members.

After assuming her new post and responding to additional handshakes, Mayor Chase-Green assumed her seat at the head of the circular table. She then presided over the meeting in her official capacity, and in emotional tones expressed her appreciation to the council on electing her to the post.

She then announced that nominations were open for the post of Deputy Mayor, and Councillor Trichria Richards rose and nominated Duncan for the post. Her nomination was seconded by Chow-Chee, and nominations were closed soon after by way of vote.

Duncan was then elected to the post of Deputy Mayor amid loud rounds of applause from those gathered in and outside the room.

After the cheers subsided, the councillors then elected a new Chairman of the Council’s Finance Committee, and Oscar Clarke was nominated to the post without opposition.

A voting process then followed for six members to be elected to serve on that committee, and soon after, those persons were elected to serve. They included Councillors Garrett, Mentore, Whyte, Ivelaw Henry and Yvonne Ferguson.

The Town Clerk then announced the next sitting of the Council as being April 11, 2016, and the traditional time of 14:00hrs was agreed to by the new councillors.

The council will meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month, with Tuesdays being delegated for meetings should a holiday fall on the meetings set for Monday.

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Kirt Wynter is Mayor of New Amsterdam — Winifred Haywood is Deputy Mayor

April 2, 2016,

Kirt Wynter Mayor of New Amsterdam

Kirt Wynter Mayor of New Amsterdam

KIRT Wynter was elected Mayor of New Amsterdam, on Friday at the inaugural meeting of the new council, after being nominated by APNU+AFC Councillor William Moore and seconded by Pollyann Shultz.A second nominee, Winifred Haywood, was nominated for the post by another coalition member, Angelique Springer, but the former educator immediately declined the position. Thereafter, Haywood was nominated and seconded by the mayor-elect and by APNU+AFC Councillor Busta Wright for the post of Deputy Mayor, and she accepted.

Wynter, a newspaper agent, is a “fresh face” in regard to local government matters, but would be ably supported by veteran politician Haywood, who served the council previously in various capacities.

Councillor Wright, a mathematician, was selected as Chairman of the Finance Committee; while the Deputy Mayor will function as the Vice-Chairperson. Other members of the Finance Committee are businesswoman Pollyann Shultz, Patricia Lynch, William Moore, Compton Grant and Eusi Smith.

Earlier, 12 APNU+AFC Councillors, along with two People’s Progressive Party councilors, took the Oath of Office before Returning Officer Town Clerk Sharon Alexander, in the presence of Deputy Regional Executive Officer Claude Henry and Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence.

The New Amsterdam Council now consists of Mayor Kirt Wynter, Deputy Mayor Winifred Haywood, fellow APNU+AFC councillors Kirt Fraser, Compton Grant, Sheenta Lambert, Polliann Shultz, Angelique Springer, Busta Wright, George Tucker, Eusi Smith, William Moore and Patricia Lynch; and Sewdat Singh and Elijah Timmers of the PPP.

The first statutory meeting is scheduled for April 25.


Marshall first Mayor of Bartica – female Deputy sees post as personal achievement

By Svetlana Marshall, April 2, 2016,

Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman stands among the first councillors of the Bartica municipality. Region Seven Chairman Gordon Bradford and Frederick Mc Wilfred [Political Division) are also in photo

Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman stands among the first councillors of the Bartica municipality. Region Seven Chairman Gordon Bradford and Frederick Mc Wilfred (Political Division) are also in photo

HISTORY was created on Friday when 35-year-old Gifford Marshall was unanimously elected the first Mayor of Bartica.Marshall and the elected Deputy Mayor, Nageshwari Kamal Persaud, were initially sworn in as councillors of the Bartica Mayor and Town Council along with 16 other councillors representing the APNU+AFC coalition, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and the Bartica Independent Green Alliance (BIGA).

Starting precisely at 14:00hrs, Assistant Town Clerk of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council, Sherry Jerrick, smoothly executed the swearing-in ceremony at the Bartica Community Centre in the presence of Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communities, Emil Mc Garrell; former Region Seven Chairman Gordon Bradford, Frederick Mc Wilfred, and scores of residents who had gathered to witness history in the making.

Kenneth Williams, Carmel Williams, Lennox Lyte-Rankin, Mark Ambrose, Harry Ramjag, Gifford Marshall, Nageshwari Kamal Persaud, June Shurland, Lloyd Garraway, Hazel Allicock, Stanley Dutchin, Orin Griffith, Deborah Browne and Ivor Melville are the 14 APNU+AFC Councillors who took the oath of office on Friday, swearing to faithfully execute the office of councillor without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, and according to the best of their respective judgement and ability.

PPP/C’s George Porter, Sonia Simmons, and Jasmattie Moungla took a similar oath, along with the lone BIGA Councillor, Juretha Fernandes.
Minutes after the councillors were sworn in, APNU+AFC Lyte-Rankin rose to his feet to nominate Marshall for the position of Mayor. Unopposed, the nomination was seconded by Garraway. Deputy Mayor Persaud was also unanimously elected.

When it was announced that Marshall was now officially the first Mayor of Bartica and Persaud the Deputy Mayor, the community centre burst into celebration with their council men and women, Government and regional officials, and even residents, rushing to offer congratulations.

“I want to thank God for this opportunity to be a part of the first council,” Marshall told the Guyana Chronicle shortly after he was elected Mayor. He noted that it was emotional not only for him, but for all the other councillors who had taken pride in Bartica.

He said it important for the Mayor and Town Council to move Bartica forward, given the vision outlined by President David Granger for the municipality to be “Guyana’s first Green Town”. As a result, he said, the council will shift into gear almost immediately, focusing on key projects such as the construction of a municipal airport and a Town Hall, in addition to rectifying the waste management system which is in a state of disrepair.

“The Town Hall is a major project for us, because it will be a model building that will be a true representation of what a model community should have… We will design it to produce zero per cent emissions. As such, we are looking at underground parking,” the Mayor said, noting that the walls of the building will be made out of solar panels.

Other areas of concern, he said, are unemployment among young people and teenage pregnancy. “Too many of our young men are unemployed, too many of our young men are on drugs, and they are just liming on a corner; so that will be an issue for this council. I know the money will come, I know that the council will deliver, but it makes no sense for us to deliver and put infrastructure in place but the human element falls apart. So it is very, very important that we pay attention to our youth,” he said.

Young men and women must be educated and benefit from the system, he also posited.

Persaud said it was a historic day for her as well. “I feel very excited to be the first Deputy Mayor of Bartica. For me, this is a personal accomplishment, and it gives me a great sense of joy to know that I stand as a single mother, as a woman that has faced a lot of adversities in life, to be able to reach this level. It is so surreal for me.”

She said she will be pushing for the town’s landscape to be transformed, particularly in the area of waste disposal and management.

Minister Trotman, in offering his congratulations, said he was pleased to witness local democracy at work.

Not only did he offer his congratulations, but his advice as well, being a former councillor of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council in 1994.

He told the Guyana Chronicle that the Council has been elected at a time when there is a wave of high expectations. “They have to meet the expectation, but of course not go beyond what is possible; and so that expectation has to be managed,” he said.

Minister Trotman added: “They are assuming something that has never existed before, so it is their task to shape it and give it definition and meaning.”

He noted that the council now has an obligation to work out a financial strategy that will enable it to fulfil its mandate. He warned that the task ahead may not be an easy one, but said that with determination it will be accomplished.

“Know that the successful person is the person that, when he stumbles or when she stumbles, picks themselves up. That is not to say that you will never stumble, but you got to know that when you do, you got to look at others and know that all the others that you see before you have stumbled themselves and have found a way to pick themselves up,” he advised.


Holland is Linden’s 10th Mayor — plans to convert township into city

By Vanessa Braithwaite, April 2, 2016,

Carwyn Holland takes the Oath of Office as Mayor of Linden

Carwyn Holland takes the Oath of Office as Mayor of Linden

IN WHAT has been deemed a democratic renewal for the people of Linden after 22 years of waiting, 16 new councillors were sworn to serve the municipality of Linden even as born-and-bred Lindener Carwyn Holland was elected Mayor.His deputy is Waneka Arrinde. They both ran for proportional representation seats under the APNU+AFC coalition. The 14 other councillors unanimously elected the duo for the position of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Holland, reportedly the first mayor to be born in Linden, will serve under the 11th council. The new Mayor expressed gratitude to the APNU+AFC administration for holding Local Government Elections which afforded him the opportunity to serve his town in his new capacity.

“Thank you for returning local democracy and self-determination to the Guyanese people and the people of Linden…this is a liberating day for our people,” he posited.

The town, Holland said, will now be able to plan and pursue its own unique path of development. And Holland has promised to collaborate with strategic stakeholders, including Central Government, the RDC and the business community, to make this a reality.

He pledged to be a servant-leader for all Lindeners, and to retransform Linden into the great town it was before.

“Linden can be great again…our town was renowned for possessing the best of resources, a wealth of assets that drew many to the mining town,” he reminisced. This, he said, was changed after the town was marginalised by the previous administration.

His council will focus on stimulating the economy to create jobs; encouraging, inviting and enticing investors, and strengthening the education and health sectors, among other things.

Holland thanked his predecessors for bringing the council to its current status, and for the progress they have made.

“We will build on the progress you have made, and take the baton and lead this town further up the path of development to new horizons,” he said.

His Lordship Carwyn Holland thanked members of his family; Member of Parliament Jermaine Figueira, who mentored him in politics; Minister Valarie Patterson for her guidance; Regional Chairman Renis Morian and Sandra Adams for leading the campaign with perfection; his colleagues for placing their trust in him; and finally, the people of Linden, for voting solidly for the coalition.

“Linden must be a town in which families can live in peace and prosper as strong families; build strong communities; strong communities build strong townships, strong townships build strong regions, and strong regions build a strong country. Linden must lead other towns, and the people of Linden will be prosperous. Together we will move forward in unity, together we will build Linden from township status to city status. God bless the people of Linden,” he said.

Deputy Mayor Waneka Arrinde, in her address, said she was very humbled to be elected to the position, and understands that the position is one of servanthood.
She promised to work along with the Mayor and fellow councillors to effectively, efficiently and sacrificially do her tasks to make sure no one is left behind.

Minister in the Ministry of Communities, Valarie Patterson, said she was proud and thankful that a woman was given the position of Deputy Mayor. She believes that the councillors are among the best of the Linden crop, and is confident they will serve the people well.

She urged Lindeners to support the councilors, rather than ridicule them. “They will make mistakes along the way, and they will learn from their mistakes; but our responsibility is to give them a hand of support, not to push them down,” she said.

Former IMC Chairman Orin Gordon said he is a happy man to give up his chair, as he was asked to serve in the capacity for one year. That one year extended into 13, and he is now happy to see democratic renewal in Linden and Guyana as a whole.

He advised the councillors to remain strong, as criticism will come, but he said they should not allow criticism to suppress them.

The other 16 councillors are: Leroy James, Lennox Casper, Eleze Hall, Wainwright Betune, Colin Anderson, Keeran Williams, Fern McKoy, Neola Rogers, Devin Sears, Rawl Friday, Nikeza Noel, Derron John, Deryck Collins and Looma Mosely.


Corriverton Mayor has big plans for township

April 2, 2016,

Mayor of Corriverton- Ganesh Gangadin

Mayor of Corriverton- Ganesh Gangadin

GANESH Gangadin has been elected Mayor of the town of Corriverton, while Krishand Jaichand is his deputy.They were sworn in by Town Clerk Narendra Nauth Sukham at the Corriverton Town Hall on Friday.
Thirty-six-year-old Gangadin was nominated and elected unopposed.

Deputy Mayor Krishand Jaichand takes the Oath of Office in the presence of Town Clerk Narendra Nauth Sukham

In an interview with the Guyana Chronicle, he explained that he had always been a community-oriented person, having served on the council for many years.

According to Gangadin, residents of Corriverton will soon benefit from proper drainage networks, a cleaner environment, the development of recreational parks, and there will be a town-wide maintenance and rehabilitation of streets and pathways.

An entrepreneur by profession, and the holder of a certificate in management from the University of the West Indies (UWI), Gangadin outlined some of the long-term goals he wishes to achieve as Mayor. These include: the expansion of the Skeldon Market; development of the seafront in the vicinity of the Number 79 Market; construction of a jetty or mini-wharf to accommodate residents from Orealla and farmers and small-scale loggers from the Upper Corentyne River; the creation of an industrial site which can cater for small and medium manufacturing and agro-processing, which will inevitably create employment and serve as an economic boost, not only for Corriverton.

His plans also include the installation of floodlights at the Line Path and Scotsburg playgrounds, the installation of fire hydrants at strategic areas around the town, and the upgrading of all streets to asphalt surfaces, which can accommodate larger and heavier vehicles.

Meanwhile, 16 councillors were elected and sworn in: 14 from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and two from the New Dawn Development Association Party.

They are Saif Ivan, Sheik Mahmood, Bebi Rambarran, Pradeep Ketwaroo, Dhan Ramdass, Deonarain Singh, Inderjit Arjoon, Premchan Pooran, Winston Roberts, Evertt Hearewood, Shameer Alfred, Sabitree Ally, Latchmee Ramnarine-Edward and Jamna Persaud Ghamandi.

The newly-elected Mayor is confident his team of committed councillors will provide unwavering service to the people of Corriverton.

In 1994, Roy Baijnauth was elected Mayor, and served for 19 years. He was the last Mayor of Corriverton.

The Town of Corriverton is located on the eastern side of the Corentyne River, separating Guyana from Suriname to the east.


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