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Originally Posted by Jalil:

General election looms

as APNU decides to support

AFC's no-confidence motion...

Parliament Building where the opposition's no-confidence motion will be debated and more than likely passed.

Parliament Building where the opposition's no-confidence motion will be debated and more than likely passed.

Guyanese could return to the polls later this year in an early general election after Tuesday's decision by the opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to support the Alliance For Change’s (AFC) no-confidence motion against the Donald Ramotar administration.

The Constitution states that on the House's approval of a no-confidence motion, the President and Cabinet have to resign and make way for general and regional elections within three months.

“The position of the Shadow Cabinet is to give support to the AFCâ€Ķwe have resolved to support it and we have to discuss it further with our own partners who have not yet been informed of our decision,” Opposition Leader, David Granger told Demerara Waves Online News shortly after wrapping up a Shadow Cabinet meeting.
The AFC has already formally informed President Donald Ramotar that it would be going ahead with the no-confidence motion because of the alleged unauthorized spending of billions of dollars from the Consolidated Fund on projects and programmes that have been already disapproved by the opposition-controlled House during consideration of the 2014 estimates of expenditures. Pending in the House is the approval of a Statement of Excesses for GUY$4.5 billion dollars that have been already spent so far.
Now that Granger's parliamentary coalition has agreed to support the motion, which was submitted by the AFC on August 1, he said the next step would be internal consultations among APNU’s partners and another round of talks with the AFC to fine-tune the text of the motion. “We will have to work out with the AFC the full text. What we have is enough but we need to maybe flesh it out a little bit more but the whole idea is that in principle we have agreed to support the AFC," he said.
With the 65-seat House expected to go into recess later this month, Granger expects parliamentarians to debate and approve the motion around October when sittings resume.  With the APNU deciding to add its 26 seats to the AFC’s seven, the motion is expected to be approved and so leave the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) out in the cold with its 32 seats.
President Ramotar has repeatedly said that he is not afraid of going to back to the polls earlier than the constitutional deadline of 2016 to seek a fresh mandate from the electorate.  Passage of the no-confidence motion would trigger the resignation of the President and his Cabinet and a return to the polls.
The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has already begun preparing a Voters List which would be valid until October 31, 2014. The PPPC and government have questioned the motive behind the electoral management body preparing the voters roll in the absence of an announcement by the President.
The Opposition Leader dismissed suggestions that APNU had attached conditions such as a pre-electoral alliance before deciding to lend its support to the motion.
Granger said APNU did not believe that an AFC complaint to the police against Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh for his alleged breach of the law and constitution in relation to using money from the Consolidated Fund in the way that he has done. 
House Speaker, Raphael Trotman has already ruled that Singh should be sent to the Privileges Committee, a move that has seen government contemplating taking his decision to court because the issue is a legal and constitutional one rather than procedural.
Government has insisted that its spending of money and seeking the House’s approval for a Statement of Excess was not unprecedented and was in keeping with the Guyana Constitution and the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.

Rev, Yuji, Kwame

& all Dem Pubic Louse....

Now...."Got De Itch"

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You fellas think Joey Jagan is going to come out and campaign for the PPP in the next election?

Not likely, HM_M.

Read what Joey wrote here:

August 11, 2012 | By Kaieteur News | Filed Under Letters 
Dear Mr. Editor,
In reference to the letter by Rose et al. in KN a few days ago, there are some who might say that “Joey” just recently supported the PPP in the last elections and now, only eight months later, he now criticizes this Ramotar government; there are others who might say that “Joey” didn’t get position or money and that is why he is critical. I want the public to understand that when I campaigned with the PPP in 2011, I made it crystal clear that I was offering the PPP “critical support”, an invention of my father when he was in opposition to the PNC rule. I was denied  membership in the PPP and told that I was in the Civic component, which I found out quickly, was a farce because PM Sam Hinds never carried out the mandate given by President Cheddi. But Mr. Ramotar promised that after the elections he would convene and strengthen the Civic- to this day he has never even tried to accomplish this, even after I wrote him on many occasions – not even an acknowledgement of my letters which covered many pertinent topics, such as corruption, the art of compromise and accommodation with the opposition, etc. I am willing to release all my correspondence with Ramotar to the general public at anytime.
I have never, at any time, asked the PPP for position, power or monetary largesse – I operate at a different level than those who run the PPP today and my father always told me to look at the other side of the coin when one is making decisions in life and that is why I do not regret supporting the PPP – because there’s no Civic after Hinds’ betrayal of my father’s wishes – as I saw firsthand how they operate from the ground up and how they think. I met good people in the PPP who still long for my father’s presence but they have to pick his cudgel up and change the outlook of this great party that Jagan built and Jagdeo pulled down, with the assistance of the Robert Persauds.
Mr. Editor, the campaign which was headed by Robert Persaud was a disaster with his concentration on “hip-gyration politics”, wastage of money, having Jagdeo act like a toothless pitbull, talking “stupidness” most of the time and Ramotar’s failures to keep the grass roots organization intact while doing nothing much to solve local concerns nationwide – and then Persaud is rewarded with a Ministry he can never run, especially when one looks at his dismal record at Agriculture. This man is so full of ambition to be President of Guyana when he is way out of his abilities especially in the new ministry Ramotar (Jagdeo) specially created for him – no wonder the miners have called for his removal. I can assure everyone that the day the PPP endorses Robert Persaud for the presidential spot is the day Guyana is finished as a nation.

But what bothers me about the PPP is the absence of Jagan’s fire in the belly to speak up; like the Ramkarran situation where no one from the PPP voices an opinion of support for the idea that Ramkarran, since he departed the PPP, should be made Prime Minister and given, besides Hinds’ overall responsibilities in Government, direct responsibility to head and organize a strong Civic component to satisfy the express wishes of Jagan. So, Editor, I apologize to Rose et al. for my positions in the past, but with no regrets because I follow the political principles of Mahatma Gandhi and I quote his words:
“I would like to say to the diligent reader of my writings and political positions and to others who are interested in them that I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent in my search after truth. I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things. Old as I am in age, I have no feeling that I have ceased to grow inwardly or that growth will stop at the dissolution of the flesh. What I am concerned with is my readiness to obey the call of truth, my God, from moment to moment, and therefore, when anybody finds any inconsistency between any two writings or political position of mine, if he still has faith in my sanity, he would do well to choose the latter of the two on the same subject.”
Mr. Editor, the goodness, humility and progressive nature of President Cheddi’s PPP is no longer with us as these factors are now supplanted by the current leaders with â€onto thyself”, “an eye for an eye” and “winner take all”, a policy dictated by former President Jagdeo and followed by Mr. Ramotar.
I have told Mr. Ramotar repeatedly that he’d have to practice the political art of compromise and reason with the opposition but my words fell on deaf ears and that is why Mr. Ramotar should heed the words of the Mahatma: â€Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. We shut the doors of reason when we refuse to listen to our opponents or, having listened, make fun of them. If intolerance becomes a habit, we run the risk of missing the truth. Whilst with the limits that nature has put upon our understanding, we must act fearlessly according to the light vouchsafed to us, we must always keep an open mind and be ever ready to find that what we believed to be truth was, after all, untruth. This openness of mind strengthens the truth in us and removes the cross from it if there is any.” Regardless of the character assassination of President Cheddi by the Freddie Kissoons of Guyana, Jagan still remains the Matahma of Guyana and just as the Congress Party which Gandhi built fell apart by corruption, nepotism and greed, the same will happen to the PPP as it sheds the great principles which Jagan operated under for all of his political career.
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)


Stabroek News, October 7, 2013


Dear Editor,


I was in the audience (as a scribe reporting for community publications) last Friday evening at the Queens public meeting where President Donald Ramotar updated the diaspora on the state of affairs in their homeland and fielded questions.Donald was booed a couple times (for remarks contrasting crime and sanitation with other countries and on corruption) and praised several times. What struck my attention was not what the President said but what he did not do or say. He failed to acknowledge and recognize the significant contributions of some towering New York-based personalities who helped to put the PPP into office and who played a critical role in the restoration of democracy in Guyana. He should have used his trip and or the speech to bring healing to and unite the disparate factions of the PPP’s support group, Association of Concerned Guyanese.

At the Ramotar public engagement, I saw former loyalists of the Association of Concerned Guyanese, support group of the PPP in America, who had a public fall-out with Mr Ramotar and who were very critical of him prior to the November 2011 elections. I know these individuals very well since 1977 having joined them (though I am not an ACG member) in protests, rallies, picketing exercises, etc, against the 24 year old PNC dictatorship. They were a small group but very dedicated to the cause and effective at organizing public actions and several of them attended numerous protest events and rallies organized by myself, Dr Baytoram Ramharack and Vassan Ramracha – all pioneers and founding fathers of the New York Guyanese revolutionary movement that helped to usher in democracy in the homeland. The PPP and Guyanese owe the ACG early activists (such as Arjune Karshan, Chuck Mohan, Mel Carpen, Joe Kanhai, Flatty Singh, Danny Singh, John Drepaul, ‘V’, etc), and later ones like Joe Kanhai, Abudul Hafeez, Chris Sarabit and his brother Michael, Samad Ally, individuals like Ramharack, Ramracha, Joe Ragnauth (DLM), Mahadeo Persaud, Dr Ravi Dev, Pandit Ramlall, Ramesh Kalicharran, Vishnu Bandhu, others activists of the WPA support group, etc a debt of gratitude for their commitment to the struggle. Political struggle was not easy. Very few people were interested in Guyana and we could not raise a dollar from them. Only a handful of us took up the cudgel — unrelenting in our activism to lobby international organizations and governments for the restoration of democracy in our former homeland. Even a Chinese Jamaican, Richard Chin, who joined us in the struggle, deserves kudos. Many of the activists suffered tremendously because of their commitment to the struggle – families were neglected and broken. Because they were so strongly wedded to the anti-dictatorial movement, some marriages ended in divorce. Some of the activists like Ramharack, Vassan, and myself gave virtually all of our financial resources to the movement; our incomes were used to fund activities and print literature for free public distribution. Virtually no New Yorker, apart from Karshan who served as Ambassador to Suriname for over 10 years, who partook in the revolution was ever recognized, honoured or rewarded for their immense contributions to the struggle. A few opportunists were highly rewarded. The ACG splintered after the restoration of democracy and the departure of Karshan who was the leader of the group for many years.

President Ramotar had a historic and unique opportunity last Friday to make a gesture to those former stalwarts of the struggle of the need for healing and a desire to reconcile factions. The presence of some of these ACG founders and activists, once critics of Mr Ramotar and former President Jagdeo, at the meeting was a clear signal of their desire for reconciliation with the PPP leadership but no one paid heed. President Ramotar should have taken advantage of his presence in NY to unite the various factions and to bring former stalwarts together.

Compromise and reconciliation with critics (overseas and domestic) are critical for the PPP especially if it is to recover lost support. The former PPP activists, turned critics, are not enemies of the party. They ought to be recognized for their hard work to help liberate Guyana from oppressive rule. On the issue of reconciliation, the PPP also needs to reach out to others who left (or were pushed out) for whatever reason. One name that comes to mind (and there are several including Lionel Peters, Sasenarine Singh, etc) is the experienced and highly respected Ralph Ramkarran. The PPP cannot afford to lose one vote and it will be very difficult for the party to win a majority in the next election without Ramkarran (given that Moses Nagamootoo is campaigning against the PPP) high in the line-up. And elections are not far away with Moses threatening a no confidence vote, the PNC saying it is ready for an election, and the PPP saying elections will be held soon. Reconciliation with constructive critics and former stalwarts, overseas activists, etc, is urgently needed by President Ramotar and General Secretary Clement Rohee in order to strengthen the party.

Yours faithfully, Vishnu Bisram

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You fellas think Joey Jagan is going to come out and campaign for the PPP in the next election?

You notice how Naderia turn her back from all the PPP crabs at the memorial.

Ramotar said he was a follower of Cheddi, yet he sit on his ass and let Jagdeo and his gang continue to destroy Guyana, for their own greed.   

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by warrior:

LET THE WAR START THE PPP IS GOING DOWN SOON WE WILL BE SHITING ON the head of cobra,nehru,yugi,rev,conman demass and all the ppp low life dogs

I love elections.  I think I will visit Guyana next Year January.  Who to campaign for?  I think Mark Benschop is meh bwoy.

Mr sing say so on Face book 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by warrior:

LET THE WAR START THE PPP IS GOING DOWN SOON WE WILL BE SHITING ON the head of cobra,nehru,yugi,rev,conman demass and all the ppp low life dogs

I love elections.  I think I will visit Guyana next Year January.  Who to campaign for?  I think Mark Benschop is meh bwoy.

Mr sing say so on Face book 

Great Minds think alike.  That is why I vex Mr. Sing took a political sabbatical, he is a political asset.


But I dare you to post that FB comment from Mr. Sing since I know you lie.  You and your pro-Guyana propaganda movement collapse.  Granja nah want you all anymore.


Time to jump ship and bale to the PPP.


Remember - Beri want FULL-BT.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by warrior:

LET THE WAR START THE PPP IS GOING DOWN SOON WE WILL BE SHITING ON the head of cobra,nehru,yugi,rev,conman demass and all the ppp low life dogs

I love elections.  I think I will visit Guyana next Year January.  Who to campaign for?  I think Mark Benschop is meh bwoy.

Mr sing say so on Face book 

Great Minds think alike.  That is why I vex Mr. Sing took a political sabbatical, he is a political asset.


But I dare you to post that FB comment from Mr. Sing since I know you lie.  You and your pro-Guyana propaganda movement collapse.  Granja nah want you all anymore.


Time to jump ship and bale to the PPP.


Remember - Beri want FULL-BT.



Is what ever happen to Ms JB phantom organisation the PRO-Guyana MOVEMENT?


Minista BERI want FULL- BEETEE, Ms JB you can grasshopper into Fredump House now.


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