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@Former Member 

Sovereignty of a country resides with a people not the government that is hired to represent them. What granger has done is trampling on the sovereign rights of the individual that he can unilaterally appoint himself their king. The international community is not there for him. It is there for the people. What he does to a people matters in the world and here in the west where we are part of t he western democratic tradition.


 Hear nuh!  Dah lady Melaniam trump the wife of Dah dumbass who spends time seated at the desk of USA's president, got pictures of her and another chick, doing stuff. She showed some patax and hugging up another woman, now she got first lady title. What a crazyass world we live in.

Moral of dat story.

Women, Hear Ye, Hear Ye, if you would like a chance at the presidency, u must remember to show some patax.

Last edited by cain

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