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Nov 28 is Guyana's Election Day

Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Sunday, 09 October 2011

President Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday named November 28,2011 as Guyana's election day.
The full text of the proclamation reads:

"President Bharrat Jagdeo has just issued a proclamation declaring Monday, November 28th 2011 as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana."

This means that Nomination Day will be 32 days before E-Day.

The Guyanese leader is expected to orally announce the election day at a Peoples Progressive Party Civic campaign rally in Kitty, Greater Georgetown.

The majority of those gathered have been 'bussed' and trucked in from Linden, West Coast and West Banki Demerara and the East Coast Demerara.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good question for GR, TK, Jaga and Yuhself.
Originally posted by Tola:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Daren David:
Nov 28 is Guyana's Election Day

The majority of those gathered have been 'bussed' and trucked in from Linden, West Coast and West Banki Demerara and the East Coast Demerara.[QUOTE}

A lil chicken fry rice and raise to satisfy the soul.

Originally posted by Nehru:
Good question for GR, TK, Jaga and Yuhself.
Originally posted by Tola:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Daren David:
Nov 28 is Guyana's Election Day

The majority of those gathered have been 'bussed' and trucked in from Linden, West Coast and West Banki Demerara and the East Coast Demerara.[QUOTE}

A lil chicken fry rice and raise to satisfy the soul.

Originally posted by Daren David:
Now that the date for the elections is announced, the parties have about two weeks to finalize their lists of candidates. will there be any non-resident Guyanese on any of these lists?

A non-issue really. Any party should seek to name to its list those who fit the profile of the party's plans and objectives. If this encompasses overseas based Guyanese, then so be it. In fact, after being elected any party can also recruit overseas based Guyanese for cabinet positions. Dr. Jagan did this with Asgar Alli, and I know he got the overseas based Dr. Martin Boodhoo to head the Pivitisation Unit with help from The Adam Smith Institute from London. So let's not make a fuss about overseas based Guyanese contributing to our country's development.
If that is what your Pea brain allow you to think.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Good question for GR, TK, Jaga and Yuhself.
Originally posted by Tola:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Daren David:
Nov 28 is Guyana's Election Day

The majority of those gathered have been 'bussed' and trucked in from Linden, West Coast and West Banki Demerara and the East Coast Demerara.[QUOTE}

A lil chicken fry rice and raise to satisfy the soul.

Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by Daren David:
Now that the date for the elections is announced, the parties have about two weeks to finalize their lists of candidates. will there be any non-resident Guyanese on any of these lists?

A non-issue really. Any party should seek to name to its list those who fit the profile of the party's plans and objectives. If this encompasses overseas based Guyanese, then so be it. In fact, after being elected any party can also recruit overseas based Guyanese for cabinet positions. Dr. Jagan did this with Asgar Alli, and I know he got the overseas based Dr. Martin Boodhoo to head the Pivitisation Unit with help from The Adam Smith Institute from London. So let's not make a fuss about overseas based Guyanese contributing to our country's development.

Dr. Jagan also recruited Sash Sawh, whom I believe was a Canadian citizen.
Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by Daren David:
Now that the date for the elections is announced, the parties have about two weeks to finalize their lists of candidates. will there be any non-resident Guyanese on any of these lists?

A non-issue really. Any party should seek to name to its list those who fit the profile of the party's plans and objectives. If this encompasses overseas based Guyanese, then so be it. In fact, after being elected any party can also recruit overseas based Guyanese for cabinet positions. Dr. Jagan did this with Asgar Alli, and I know he got the overseas based Dr. Martin Boodhoo to head the Pivitisation Unit with help from The Adam Smith Institute from London. So let's not make a fuss about overseas based Guyanese contributing to our country's development.

I like Ramjattan's plan to bring back many Guyanese professionals to participate in the rebuilding of Guyana it is a very very smart way to infuse top talent into a country that has seen profound brain drain over the years.

I mean some of they we dont want back, Nehru and Ramacant can stay out there and come back on vacation all they want but u know.....
Originally posted by Alexander:
How will Ramjattan bring back Guyanese and what will he do to keep them? You like his plan. What is his plan. Give us details.

Ramjattan is opening up the civil service to teachers who want to come back and give service in Guyana, education officials and all professionals who have something to contribute back to Guyana. They have a ton of different mechanisms they are looking at to get these folks working for them but I think the opportunity is really for them to try and recreate state planning and then go from there.

There is very poor thought put into many of these projects. Of course engineering and construction is a huge area where there are serious deficiencies in GY.

Technology is another area so one way they are looking to reopen this is to remove the barrier to entry into Guyana by allowing folks to register and open a business within 72 hours which includes getting back data from GRA and go invest. Today that takes about 8 mths.

The opening up of the telecom sector and ending the monopoly will also create a lot of skilled jobs which would attract NRG's into GY.

Opening up the media and broadcast arena will also create a lot more jobs there also i think their plan showed net new 1500 jobs there.

In the transportation and marine sector there are huge opportunities for the private sector to get involved and run ferry services that are safer, bigger, faster and better.

Reducing the cost of fuel and subsidizing fuel cost at CBJ is important to attracting new carriers which again would create new jobs and grow the economy through more travelers through GY.

Reducing Corporate taxes thereby allowing companies to be able to afford to hire external folks back into GY.

The biggest issue here though is tackling security simultaneously with these plans and launching their quality of life campaign to improve Georgetown and Guyana overall. This is going to have a huge impact on attracting folks to have vacation homes etc. back in GY.
President announces ... Poll date November 28

Written by Johann Earle
Monday, 10 October 2011 02:52
Source - Guyana Chronicle

PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo has issued a proclamation declaring November 28, 2011, as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana. It was Tuesday last week that the President received the Official List of Electors from Chairman of the Guyana.

Elections Commission (GECOM) Dr. Steve Surujbally, paving the way for the announcement of national elections.After he had received the document, President Bharrat Jagdeo, at a press conference on Tuesday, said he would have announced the date within one week.

“Earlier today, I issued a proclamation naming November 28 as Elections Day,” the President said, speaking at the PPP/C grand rally at Kitty last evening. “And what this means is that on [November 29], when the votes are counted, the PPP/C will be returned to office and Donald Ramotar will be our new President,” he said.

“It also means that you have to step up the pace. It means the date is defined. The endpoint is set. So it means that we now have to start the sprint. And the PPP has good sprinters. It has good long-distance runners too,” he said.

President Jagdeo addresses the Kitty rally last evening.

The President said that he will “bruk the back” of the Opposition with progress and love and development. “It is only with a strong focus on the future that this country will change,” he said.

The GECOM Chairman, in an invited comment to the Government Information Agency (GINA), had said the Commission is very much ready.

“We are inexorably on the path to elections, the president now has the Official List of Electors (OLE), the final voters list, in his possession, he will now call a date. We will have something called Nomination Day, in which the parties that are prepared to contest for high office will, according to whatever day the President sets, register to vie for elections,” Dr. Surujbally said.

With the date for elections settled, the Tenth Parliament looks to be on course for convening by January 28, 2012, in accordance with the Constitution.

Last Updated ( Monday, 10 October 2011 02:59 )
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by redux:
What's this "proclamation" shyte?

Is Guyana a kingdom, . . . are we living in the Middle Ages??

These people are so infantile and mediocre, I am embarrassed . . .

redux, as a rule, the government proclaims.
The opposition declaims.

With all due respect, Bookman . . . What the Hell are you talking about?

In Western Democracies, proclamations are used for CEREMONIAL events such as holidays, awards, etc., and (archaic) treaties and singular events having the force of law such as the Emancipation Proclamation (USA 1863).

More to the point, in the modern British tradition (to which we are heirs), the Head of State (or titular sovereign) ceremonially dissolves parliament by PROCLAMATION as a prelude to the ANNOUNCEMENT of an election date by the incumbent head of Government - see Gordon Brown (UK 2010) and Patrick Manning (T&T 2010).

Worthy of note: This 'ROYAL' buffoonery starring 'Dr' Jagdeo as 'ole time' sovereign is a fairly recent concoction by his Excellency's boot licking minions – compare (a) and (b) below:
Georgetown, GINA, July 21, 2006
Head of State, President Bharrat Jagdeo today announced the date for Guyana’s General and Regional Elections as August 28, 2006 during an address to the Nation.
The President made this disclosure following a presentation of a letter to him at the Office of the President by Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Dr. Steve Surujbally who indicated that the Commission is ready to conduct the elections as mandated by the Constitution . . .

Georgetown, GINA, October 9, 2011
Proclamation by President Bharrat Jagdeo
President Bharrat Jagdeo has just issued a proclamation declaring Monday, November 28th 2011 as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Proclamation by President Bharrat Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo has just issued a proclamation declaring Monday, November 28th 2011 as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

October 9th, 2011
Source - GINA
did he have heralds trumpeting this royal utterance? How about official scribes properly illuminating the proclamation so the serfs of the kingdom know it is a proper decree?
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by redux:
What's this "proclamation" shyte?

Is Guyana a kingdom, . . . are we living in the Middle Ages??

These people are so infantile and mediocre, I am embarrassed . . .

redux, as a rule, the government proclaims.
The opposition declaims.

With all due respect, Bookman . . . What the Hell are you talking about?

In Western Democracies, proclamations are used for CEREMONIAL events such as holidays, awards, etc., and (archaic) treaties and singular events having the force of law such as the Emancipation Proclamation (USA 1863).

More to the point, in the modern British tradition (to which we are heirs), the Head of State (or titular sovereign) ceremonially dissolves parliament by PROCLAMATION as a prelude to the ANNOUNCEMENT of an election date by the incumbent head of Government - see Gordon Brown (UK 2010) and Patrick Manning (T&T 2010).

Worthy of note: This 'ROYAL' buffoonery starring 'Dr' Jagdeo as 'ole time' sovereign is a fairly recent concoction by his Excellency's boot licking minions – compare (a) and (b) below:
Georgetown, GINA, July 21, 2006
Head of State, President Bharrat Jagdeo today announced the date for Guyana’s General and Regional Elections as August 28, 2006 during an address to the Nation.
The President made this disclosure following a presentation of a letter to him at the Office of the President by Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Dr. Steve Surujbally who indicated that the Commission is ready to conduct the elections as mandated by the Constitution . . .

Georgetown, GINA, October 9, 2011
Proclamation by President Bharrat Jagdeo
President Bharrat Jagdeo has just issued a proclamation declaring Monday, November 28th 2011 as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana.


Redux, President Jagdeo's proclamation was issued in keeping with a constitutional requirement.
The Constitution of Guyana was agreed to by all parliamentary parties following widespread consultation with citizens, political parties and other organizations.
Unlike the USA, general elections dates in Guyana are not fixed by law.
The selection of the date is the prerogative of the President, according to the Constitution of Guyana. This President just happens to be Mr Jagdeo.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Redux, President Jagdeo's proclamation was issued in keeping with a constitutional requirement.
The Constitution of Guyana was agreed to by all parliamentary parties following widespread consultation with citizens, political parties and other organizations.
Unlike the USA, general elections dates in Guyana are not fixed by law.
The selection of the date is the prerogative of the President, according to the Constitution of Guyana. This President just happens to be Mr Jagdeo.

Bookman, this is a glorified non sequitur; tell me something I don't know.

I suggest you re-read my post . . .
Uncle book this is a dark day for the PPP when we have to rely on the house of israel to get us votes in Guyana, these are the people who slaughtered indians, who used to take away indian lands and indian houses at the butt of a gun and now Dunald us hugging these people up?

Berbice is NOT voting PPP, We are going with Khemraj and the AFC.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Has the PPP publish its manifesto as yet? I suspect that those comrades who traditionally prepared the manifesto have been sidelined by the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique....namely Navin,Ralph,Moses, etc....

Not important at the moment, they will make it up as they go along and change it accordingly.
Just like dem waiting to announce the PM candidate.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Has the PPP publish its manifesto as yet? I suspect that those comrades who traditionally prepared the manifesto have been sidelined by the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique....namely Navin,Ralph,Moses, etc....

Not important at the moment, they will make it up as they go along and change it accordingly.
Just like dem waiting to announce the PM candidate.
they waiting on my reply on th PM job but i have to learn to be a yes man and to steal
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Proclamation by President Bharrat Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo has just issued a proclamation declaring Monday, November 28th 2011 as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

October 9th, 2011
Source - GINA

did he have heralds trumpeting this royal utterance?

How about official scribes properly illuminating the proclamation so the serfs of the kingdom know it is a proper decree?

Your choice to be the official scribe and announcer for the proclamation. Big Grin
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Proclamation by President Bharrat Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo has just issued a proclamation declaring Monday, November 28th 2011 as the date for the holding of General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

October 9th, 2011
Source - GINA

did he have heralds trumpeting this royal utterance?

How about official scribes properly illuminating the proclamation so the serfs of the kingdom know it is a proper decree?

Your choice to be the official scribe and announcer for the proclamation. Big Grin
I leave that for parrots like you.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Your choice to be the official scribe and announcer for the proclamation. Big Grin

I leave that for parrots like you.

Admirable parroting to yourself in your sleep. Smile
Do you have a 2 year old that you copy for his profundity or are you just plain senile? My guess is the latter.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Admirable parroting to yourself in your sleep. Smile

Do you have a 2 year old that you copy for his profundity or are you just plain senile?

My guess is the latter.

Quessing about yourself in your sleep is quite amusing. lol

Uncle DG..naa worry wid dis bumm D2...the 28 Ovember gat hee and he mattie KFC ka ka holes running crazy...ah hear he making nuff nize in the ole home and dem give him a warning....the writing is on the wall come the 29 we will swear in the Big Bad Donald and Rumjattan,Tratman,drunkee TK and the rest of asses willjoin there friends in th epolitical trash bin....Roopnarine and Clive meking spsce fu dem...Kwayana protesting dat the place too small fu all ah dem fit in... cheers cheers
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Admirable parroting to yourself in your sleep. Smile

Do you have a 2 year old that you copy for his profundity or are you just plain senile?

My guess is the latter.

Guessing about yourself in your sleep is quite amusing. lol
dont doubt you find the absurd amusing. Alas you do not have the reasoning power to see through your own nonsensical utterances.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Admirable parroting to yourself in your sleep. Smile

Do you have a 2 year old that you copy for his profundity or are you just plain senile?

My guess is the latter.

Quessing about yourself in your sleep is quite amusing. lol

Uncle DG..naa worry wid dis bumm D2...the 28 Ovember gat hee and he mattie KFC ka ka holes running crazy...ah hear he making nuff nize in the ole home and dem give him a warning....the writing is on the wall come the 29 we will swear in the Big Bad Donald and Rumjattan,Tratman,drunkee TK and the rest of asses willjoin there friends in th epolitical trash bin....Roopnarine and Clive meking spsce fu dem...Kwayana protesting dat the place too small fu all ah dem fit in... cheers cheers
Olf folks home? I think you are speaking to that senile oaf. I rode 63 miles yesterday with climbs of 4000 feet and today I did 24 single tracking in WVA. I doubt you can walk 2 miles on your lazy legs.

No doubt you will swear the Donald in if he wins; you apparently like the company of crooks. Alas, he wont be given the option to leech off the state as jagdeo has.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guessing about yourself in your sleep is quite amusing. lol

dont doubt you find the absurd amusing.

Alas you do not have the reasoning power to see through your own nonsensical utterances.

Lots of nightmares in your sleep? Big Grin
I sleep quite nicely. I wonder what goes through the mind of the man who claims he is "amused" by the "guessing" of someone who is asleep. I do not think I have ever heard a more stupid utterances stated with a straight face.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Lots of nightmares in your sleep? Big Grin

I sleep quite nicely. I wonder what goes through the mind of the man who claims he is "amused" by the "guessing" of someone who is asleep.

I do not think I have ever heard a more stupid utterances stated with a straight face.

Do not beat yourself endlessly. Big Grin
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Lots of nightmares in your sleep? Big Grin

I sleep quite nicely. I wonder what goes through the mind of the man who claims he is "amused" by the "guessing" of someone who is asleep.

I do not think I have ever heard a more stupid utterances stated with a straight face.

Do not beat yourself endlessly. Big Grin
Are you guessing what I am doing in my sleep or simply practicing the fine are of soothsaying?

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