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Ontario election still looms despite talks between Premier Kathleen Wynne and rivals

A spring election is still a threat despite Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s brief meetings with opposition leaders Tim Hudak and Andrea Horwath.



The threat of a spring election in Ontario remains despite Premier Kathleen Wynne’s brief meetings with Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath.


Wynne huddled in her office with Horwath for about 20 minutes on Thursday morning, just as she had done a day earlier with Hudak.


The NDP leader, who, unlike her PC counterpart, has demonstrated a willingness to deal with the minority Liberals to stave off a $92-million election, said the talks were inconclusive.


“I left the meeting with the understanding that the premier is very clear on the issues that we’ve raised,” said Horwath, referring to her call for a 15-per-cent cut in auto insurance rates, reduced wait times for home care, and action on youth unemployment.


“Lip service is one thing, but results are something else altogether. The proof will be in the pudding when we see the budget and that’s what we’re looking forward to seeing,” she said.


“These proposals are not unachievable, they’re not difficult. We want to see an auto insurance system in this province where people can actually afford the rates. We want to see young people getting work … we want to see a home care system where people actually get the home care they need when they need it.”


Hudak, for his part, said it had been a “cordial relaxed meeting” with Wynne on Wednesday, but he came away unimpressed with her apparent lack of action on reducing government spending and job growth.


“It’s clear that her plan is to move in the direction that the NDP wants in this province and entrench the McGuinty agenda,” he said, referring to the Wynne’s predecessor, Dalton McGuinty, who stepped down last month after more than nine years in office.


The PC leader said his discussion with Wynne focused largely on the economic future of Ontario.


“I made it clear that we need to not just slow the growth of spending but actually reduce government spending,” he said as he unveiled his party’s agricultural policy.


Hudak warned that a Liberal-NDP tag team is not going to “solve our issues with unemployment or our big debt,” saying such an approach would be “regrettable because I think it is going to dig us into a deeper hole with more spending and probably higher taxes to pay for it and fewer jobs.”


He said the only way to move the province forward is to “change the team that leads this province” after an election.


Wynne, who posed for media cameras with French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on Thursday afternoon at her office, was not available for comment.

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