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Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai on Friday last handed over four pick-up trucks and nine All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) to Region Nine communities during a toshaos conference.

GINA said that Parabara, Achiwib, Potarinau and Rukumutu are the recipients of the pick-ups. Villages which received the ATVs are, Karaudaranau, Sawariwau, Baitoon, Kattur, Shiriri, Quiko, Meriwau, Quarrie and Apoteri, GINA said.

The nine ATVs which were handed over to villages of Region Nine during the Regional Toshaos’ Conference [GINA photo)

The nine ATVs which were handed over to villages of Region Nine during the Regional Toshaos’ Conference

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

You are a morally bankrupt simpleton. You are here daily speaking with some fervor as to the need for indians to preserve their hegemony least they are run over by the black" PNC yet like th e classic bigot you assume Native people are not up to snuff to percieve that bribes as these work against their interest.


The PPP tried this the last time and failed. They are trying to game the system by increasing the transfers in region 8 since there is where they lost the seat.


The AFC and the PNC needs statisticians who can quickly match the available lists to locations and spot the anomalies quickly. In region 8 and nine the PPP only need to increase their transfers by a few hundred votes to rig the process. Buying votes with ATV will not do it. I would worry if I see an increase of transfers in region 8 exceeding 300,

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't think the bribery worked as intended last time. I also think the AFC did a very good job educating the Toashoa's to tek the money but vote against the PPP in 2011.


The PPP better hope that strategy is not more aggressive in the next elections. They will surely be up shit creek with no paddles.

How convenient it is to hold APNU/AFC to a higher standard. All politicians do have a vested interest in their strongholds to make sure their needs are met, and that include Granger and Ramjattan. Granger cause a riot in Linden for the same reason, and Ramjattan was fueling the fire at Agricola. So much for APNU & AFC redemption.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't think the bribery worked as intended last time. I also think the AFC did a very good job educating the Toashoa's to tek the money but vote against the PPP in 2011.


The PPP better hope that strategy is not more aggressive in the next elections. They will surely be up shit creek with no paddles.

How convenient it is to hold APNU/AFC to a higher standard. All politicians do have a vested interest in their strongholds to make sure their needs are met, and that include Granger and Ramjattan. Granger cause a riot in Linden for the same reason, and Ramjattan was fueling the fire at Agricola. So much for APNU & AFC redemption.

The PPP is acting in desperation. They think that they can bribe their way back into power. The only way they can win is by buying votes which is another form of rigging. The Toshaos are not fools.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't think the bribery worked as intended last time. I also think the AFC did a very good job educating the Toashoa's to tek the money but vote against the PPP in 2011.


The PPP better hope that strategy is not more aggressive in the next elections. They will surely be up shit creek with no paddles.

You should have worked on "educating" the young Afros so they don't return to their rickety "home".  But they give you a good education in "tribalism".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

Pity that the PPP uses taxpayers' money for their own gain.

So, giving the Buck people assistance is "for their own gain"?  No, it's their job.  Black people getting nuff handout fro the GoG banna.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

Pity that the PPP uses taxpayers' money for their own gain.

So, giving the Buck people assistance is "for their own gain"?  No, it's their job.  Black people getting nuff handout fro the GoG banna.

yo baseman, ease up with that b work.  i have amerinidian in me.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

Pity that the PPP uses taxpayers' money for their own gain.

So, giving the Buck people assistance is "for their own gain"?  No, it's their job.  Black people getting nuff handout fro the GoG banna.

yo baseman, ease up with that b work.  i have amerinidian in me.


I am totally against anyone using the N, B and C words. Those words should be banned from this and all forums.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

Pity that the PPP uses taxpayers' money for their own gain.

So, giving the Buck people assistance is "for their own gain"?  No, it's their job.  Black people getting nuff handout fro the GoG banna.

yo baseman, ease up with that b work.  i have amerinidian in me.


I am totally against anyone using the N, B and C words. Those words should be banned from this and all forums.

what about the k word?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

Pity that the PPP uses taxpayers' money for their own gain.

So, giving the Buck people assistance is "for their own gain"?  No, it's their job.  Black people getting nuff handout fro the GoG banna.

yo baseman, ease up with that b work.  i have amerinidian in me.

Really, I didn't know you had an Amerindian husband!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah is getting nervous that APNU/AFC don't have the same leverage to bribe them Bucks people. 

Pity that the PPP uses taxpayers' money for their own gain.

So, giving the Buck people assistance is "for their own gain"?  No, it's their job.  Black people getting nuff handout fro the GoG banna.

yo baseman, ease up with that b work.  i have amerinidian in me.

Really, I didn't know you had an Amerindian husband!



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