The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has enough time between now and April 30 when the current voters’ list becomes invalid to hold elections, according to Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo who yesterday warned that once this period passes the government becomes illegitimate.

“The timeline is adequate now to hold elections by that particular time (March 19)…but we believe they still have enough room…but if the government refuses to honour the passage of the no confidence motion and they refuse to define a timeline for elections and the constitutional period expires, the government then becomes unconstitutional, illegal [and] illegitimate. The same consequences that we are fearful of will manifest themselves…,” Jagdeo said.

He was speaking at a press conference, during which he disclosed that following talks with  President David Granger earlier in the day, it was agreed that the two parliamentary Chief Whips, Gail Teixeira and Amna Ally will meet with GECOM to determine their operational readiness to hold elections by the March 19. That meeting could take place as early as today…..