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Latest news indicated that the Region 4 district indicated that the voting has been going on quite comfortably, peaceful, quiet, and everyone expresses the views that the process has been going on fine.

The Voters came out early and that makes a difference as persons spends about five minutes at the polling station to cast their votes, this is resulting in not a massive crowd being at any polling station as the time spend to actually cast the ballot is about five minutes.

Seems GECOM has done a very good job as the Officers within the Polling Booths seems to be on the ball.

No news of any confrontation in any of the Regions so far.

The PPP/C has been getting out their supporters to go out and vote.

More later.

Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The PPP activists are really busy getting their supporters out to vote.
i see you guys try to steal the ballot box,who get kill kwame panman yippie

There has been a report that someone that has been deemed a criminal, and also wanted by the Police tried to take away one of the ballot box, had a confrontation with the Police and was shot.......more news on that incidence later

There were several international observers all over the country, from the many that were interniewed......they were very pleased on how things were going so far.

More later.

Man shot dead after attacking police escorting ballot boxes
November 28, 2011

A man was fatally shot after attacking police ranks
escorting two ballot boxes in the Cuyuni area Sunday afternoon.
Police said in a statement that investigations are being
conducted into the fatal shooting of an unknown man of mixed race, which
occurred at Maripa Dukwari Landing, Cuyuni River. According to the police,
initial information obtained from two police ranks at the scene was that they
were on duty escorting two ballot boxes to Maripa Dukwari and Kurutuku. While
at the Maripa Dukwari Landing, the ranks were attacked by three armed men who
attempted to take the police officers’ firearms, during which one of them was
fatally shot.

The shot man was armed with handguns – 9mms, which have been
recovered, along with one .357 and, 12
rounds of ammunition, by the police, the statement said. The other two men fled
the scene.

According to the police, all the circumstances surrounding
the fatal shooting are not yet very clear, but the initial report suggests that
the man who was fatally shot was wanted for a series of armed robberies in the
interior and may have been about to commit another robbery at the landing when
he confronted the police.

Police from
Eteringbang Police Station and 70kms Buck Hall have left to visit the
scene. The ballot boxes and ballot
materials are all intact. Confirmation as to what exactly took place will be
provided shortly, police said.


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