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The reduction in regions 3,4, and 6 does not mean they are all PPP supporters. As a reminder, when the sugar factories closed in region 6, Indians stayed home, the blacks headed to the city to find jobs. So, when we look at the reduction of electors, we must take into consideration the many factors that might have caused the reduction.


Skelly, that’s a valid observation.

This election boils down to voter turnout and it appears that PPP has their base out. To be honest, I don’t know if the same can be said about PNC. 

I heard about very high turnout in South Rundvelt (sp), GT. Is this PPP or PNC stronghold ? DJ can chime in here.

Last edited by Former Member

Campaign is over. Let’s be respectful to all parties and supporters. The same strong feelings of support everyone has for who they chose to support.

Regardless who wins, let’s hope for peace and prosperity for all.  Both Blacks and Indians share some common history and experience and we play cricket together.

And let’s pray for the safety of all, including Bibi who was brave to enter the lion’s den!

Last edited by Former Member

This is what transpired from 3 am - APNU supporters drove around with a siren / horn into PPP supporters village- the sound was a form of terrorization... some supporters arm them themselves and stone the bastards out. 

At two polling stations in Enmore, a total of only 44 votes was cast in. 2 1/2 hour period. 
Gecom officials were sending  away voters to other site because their name did not appear on the list. These very polling station, these voters voted in 2015 . 

so far 13 voters who have move from their birth village cannot vote, because their names were removed from the list and places of vote in 2015  and appears in their birth village, some as far as Essequibo. 

These voters saw their names on the list two weeks ago ??? 

now, this is only 13 from two polling station. 


Former Jamaican PM and head of OAS team seems satisfied with the process so far. He visited over 40 polling stations.  He indicated that lines had eased up by noon and given that it was in and around GT indicated that PNC turnout might not have been that strong because in previous years, people had been voting all day long with very long lines. This is just my personal observation and does not reflect the actual process in PNC strongholds.

Last edited by Former Member

Bai Dave, while this is a cause for concern, If the PPP gets the big turnout like it did during campaigning, it wins. Looks like PNC turnout in GT was not as strong as they hoped. Same for New Amsterdam. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. 
I am wearing my red shirt and drinking my decaf from my red cup today. 

Last edited by Former Member

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